OWASP Joomla! Vulnerability Scanner (JoomScan) is an open source project, developed with the aim of automating the task of vulnerability detection and reliability assurance in Joomla CMS deployments. Implemented in Perl, this tool enables seamless and effortless scanning of Joomla installations, while leaving a minimal footprint with its lightweight and modular architecture. It not only detects known offensive vulnerabilities, but also is able to detect many misconfigurations and admin-level shortcomings that can be exploited by adversaries to compromise the system. Furthermore, OWASP JoomScan provides a user-friendly interface and compiles the final reports in both text and HTML formats for ease of use and minimization of reporting overheads.
OWASP JoomScan is included in Kali Linux distributions.
Automated ...
*Version enumerator
*Vulnerability enumerator (based on version)
*Components enumerator (1209 most popular by default)
*Components vulnerability enumerator (based on version)(+1030 exploit)
*Firewall detector
*Reporting to Text & HTML output
*Finding common log files
*Finding common backup files
git clone https://github.com/rezasp/joomscan.git
cd joomscan
perl joomscan.pl
For Docker installation and usage
# Build the docker image
docker build -t rezasp/joomscan .
# Run a new docker container with reports directory mounted at the host
docker run -it -v /path/to/reports:/home/joomscan/reports --name joomscan_cli rezasp/joomscan
# For accessing the docker container you can run the following command
docker run -it -v /path/to/reports:/home/joomscan/reports --name joomscan_cli --entrypoint /bin/bash rezasp/joomscan
Usage: joomscan.pl [options]
--url | -u <URL> | The Joomla URL/domain to scan.
--enumerate-components | -ec | Try to enumerate components.
--cookie <String> | Set cookie.
--user-agent | -a <user-agent> | Use the specified User-Agent.
--random-agent | -r | Use a random User-Agent.
--timeout <time-out> | set timeout.
--about | About Author
--update | Update to the latest version.
--help | -h | This help screen.
--version | Output the current version and exit.
Do default checks...
perl joomscan.pl --url www.example.com
perl joomscan.pl -u www.example.com
Enumerate installed components...
perl joomscan.pl --url www.example.com --enumerate-components
perl joomscan.pl -u www.example.com --ec
Set cookie
perl joomscan.pl --url www.example.com --cookie "test=demo;"
Set user-agent
perl joomscan.pl --url www.example.com --user-agent "Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.googlebot.com/bot.html)"
perl joomscan.pl -u www.example.com -a "Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.googlebot.com/bot.html)"
Set random user-agent
perl joomscan.pl -u www.example.com --random-agent
perl joomscan.pl --url www.example.com -r
Set proxy
perl joomscan.pl --url www.example.com --proxy
perl joomscan.pl -u www.example.com --proxy
Update Joomscan...
perl joomscan.pl --update
- Mohammad Reza Espargham [ reza[dot]espargham[at]owasp[dot]org ]
- Ali Razmjoo [ ali[dot]razmjoo[at]owasp[dot]org ]
OWASP JoomScan introduction (Youtube)