Lessons Learned from a Unifying Empirical Study of Parameter-Efficient Fine Tuning (PEFT) in Visual Recognition
Parameter-efficient fine tuning (PEFT) has attracted significant attention lately, due to the increasing size of pre-trained models and the need to fine-tune them for superior downstream performance. This community-wide enthusiasm has sparked a plethora of approaches. We conduct a unifying empirical study of 14 representative PEFT approaches in the context of Vision Transformers (ViT).
We systematically tune their hyper-parameters to fairly compare their accuracy on downstream tasks. Our study not only offers a valuable user guide but also unveils several new insights. More details can be found in our paper.
This code base contains the following features:
- Evaluate a PEFT method on one dataset with selected hyper-parameters
- Run hyper-parameter tuning for PEFT methods
- Evaluate PEFT methods' robustness to domain shift
- Evaluate PEFT methods on Many-shots (full) Datasets
You can extend this code base to include:
source env_setup.sh
You can put all the data in a folder and pass the path to --data_path
We provide two ways to prepare VTAB-1k dataset
- Processed Version
- Download the processed version from here.
- When you pass the data name for
argument, addprocess_vtab
, e.g.process_vtab-cifar
- You can find all the dataset names of the processed version VTAB1-k from
- Following VPT's instruction to download the data through TFDS
- When you pass the data name for
argument, addtfds_vtab
before each VTAB dataset, e.g.tfds_vtab-cifar(num_classes=100)
- You can find all the dataset names of the TFDS version VTAB1-k from
Both ways apply the same transforms to the dataset: Resize, ToTensor and optionally Normalize with mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225].
- Download ImageNet from the official website
- When you pass the data name for
argument, useimagenet-fs
- Download ImageNet-Sketch from https://github.com/HaohanWang/ImageNet-Sketch
- Download ImageNet-A from https://github.com/hendrycks/natural-adv-examples
- Download ImageNet-R from https://github.com/hendrycks/imagenet-r
- Download ImageNetV2 from https://github.com/modestyachts/ImageNetV2.
Download when you run the code
- add a new dataset file in
. - modify build_loader.py to include the new dataset.
Download the pretrained weights from the following links and put them in the pretrained_weights
- ViT-B-Sup-21k rename it as
- ViT-B-CLIP rename it as
- ViT-B-DINOV2 rename it as
- modify
in build_model.py.
This section shows example commands to run 21 PEFT methods and baselines on the DTD dataset in VTAB-1K. More argument options can be found in main.py.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --ssf --data processed_vtab-dtd
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --vpt_mode deep --vpt_num 10 --data processed_vtab-dtd --data_path data_folder/vtab_processed
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --vpt_mode shallow --vpt_num 10 --data processed_vtab-dtd --data_path data_folder/vtab_processed
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --ft_mlp_module adapter --ft_mlp_mode parallel --ft_mlp_ln before --adapter_bottleneck 64 --adapter_init lora_kaiming --adapter_scaler 0.1 --data processed_vtab-dtd
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --ft_attn_module convpass --ft_attn_mode parallel --ft_attn_ln after --ft_mlp_module convpass --ft_mlp_mode parallel --ft_mlp_ln after --convpass_scaler 0.1 --data processed_vtab-dtd --debug --optimizer adamw --data_path data_folder/vtab_processed
Adapter - VPT Version (Zero-init)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --ft_mlp_module adapter --ft_mlp_mode sequential_after --adapter_bottleneck 8 --adapter_init zero --adapter_scaler 1 --data processed_vtab-dtd --debug --data_path data_folder/vtab_processed
Pfeiffer Adapter - LoRA init
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --ft_mlp_module adapter --ft_mlp_mode sequential_after --adapter_bottleneck 8 --adapter_init lora_xavier --adapter_scaler 1 --data processed_vtab-dtd --debug --data_path data_folder/vtab_processed
Pfeiffer Adapter - Random init
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --ft_mlp_module adapter --ft_mlp_mode sequential_after --adapter_bottleneck 8 --adapter_init xavier --adapter_scaler 1 --data processed_vtab-dtd --debug --data_path data_folder/vtab_processed
Houlsby Adapter - Random init
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --ft_attn_module adapter --ft_attn_mode sequential_after --ft_mlp_module adapter --ft_mlp_mode sequential_after --adapter_bottleneck 8 --adapter_init xavier --adapter_scaler 1 --data processed_vtab-dtd --debug --data_path data_folder/vtab_processed
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --lora_bottleneck 8 --data processed_vtab-dtd --debug --data_path data_folder/vtab_processed
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --data processed_vtab-dtd --optimizer adamw --fact_type tk --drop_path_rate 0.1 --debug --fact_dim 32 --fact_scaler 0.1 --data_path data_folder/vtab_processed
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --data processed_vtab-dtd --optimizer adamw --fact_type tt --drop_path_rate 0.1 --data_path data_folder/vtab_processed
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --ft_attn_module repadapter --ft_attn_mode sequential_before --ft_mlp_module repadapter --ft_mlp_mode sequential_before --repadapter_bottleneck 8 --repadapter_scaler 10 --data processed_vtab-smallnorb_azi --optimizer adamw --debug
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --bitfit --data processed_vtab-clevr_count --debug --data_path data_folder/vtab_processed
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --vqt_num 10 --data_path data_folder/vtab_processed --data processed_vtab-dtd
Run LayerNorm Tuning
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --ln --data processed_vtab-dtd --debug --data_path data_folder/vtab_processed
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --difffit --data processed_vtab-dtd --debug --data_path data_folder/vtab_processed
Selective Attention Tuning
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --attention_index 9 10 11 --attention_type qkv --data_path data_folder/vtab_processed --data processed_vtab-dtd
Selective MLP Tuning
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --mlp_index 9 10 11 --mlp_type full --data_path data_folder/vtab_processed --data processed_vtab-dtd
Selective Block Tuning
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --block_index 9 10 11 --data_path data_folder/vtab_processed --data processed_vtab-dtd
Full Tuning
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --full --eval_freq 2 --data_path data_folder/vtab_processed --data processed_vtab-dtd
- add a new module file in
. - add the module accordingly in block.py, mlp.py, patch_embed.py, vision_transformer.py, attention.py.
- add the name of the added module in TUNE_MODULES and modify
accordingly. - add required arguments in
This an example command to run hyper-parameter tuning for Caltech101 in VTAB-1K.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main_tune.py --data processed_vtab-caltech101 --default experiment/config/default_vtab_processed.yml --tune experiment/config/method/lora.yml --lrwd experiment/config/lr_wd_vtab_processed.yml
There are three crucial arguments:
- The
config file is used to set the default hyperparameters for the training. - The
config file is used to set the tunable hyperparameters for the method. - The
config file is used to set the learning rate and weight decay for the training.
All the config files can be found in the experiment/config
We provide the tuning results tune_summary.csv
and final run results final_result.json
in the tune_output
If you want to rerun the final run using the best tuning parameters, you can specify a new output name for the final run using this option --final_output_name
To tune all methods for one VTAB-1K dataset, here is an example command:
for METHOD in lora_p_adapter repadapter rand_h_adapter adaptformer convpass fact_tk fact_tt lora difffit full linear ssf bitfit ln vpt_shallow vpt_deep
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main_tune.py --data ${dataset} --default experiment/config/default_vtab_processed.yml --tune experiment/config/method/$METHOD.yml --lrwd experiment/config/lr_wd_vtab_processed.yml
We use the CLIP ViT-B/16 model and add an FC layer as the prediction head with zero-initialized bias and initialize weights using the class label text embedded by the text encoder. Subsequently, we discard the text encoder and apply PEFT methods to the visual encoder, fine-tuning only the PEFT modules and the head.
The code to generate the prediction head for CLIP can be found at build_clip_zs_classifier.py.
This is an example command to run a PEFT method (LoRA with dimnsion 32) for the 100-shot ImageNet dataset:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --data fs-imagenet --data_path data_folder/imagenet/images --warmup_lr_init 1.0e-7 --lr 0.00003 --wd 0.005 --eval_freq 1 --store_ckp --lora_bottleneck 32 --batch_size 256 --final_acc_hp --early_patience 10
This is an example command to tune a few PEFT methods (Adaptre with dimension 64, LoRA with dimension 16, SSF) for the 100-shot ImageNet dataset:
for METHOD in rand_h_adapter_64 lora_16 ssf
for dataset in fs-imagenet
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main_tune.py --data ${dataset} --test_bs 2048 --bs 256 --default experiment/config/clip_fs_imagenet.yml --tune experiment/config/method-imagenet/$METHOD.yml --lrwd experiment/config/lr_wd_clip_imagenet.yml
To evaluate the performance of fine-tuned models on OOD data, here is an example command:
for METHOD in rand_h_adapter_64 lora_16 ssf
for dataset in fs-imagenet eval_imagenet-v2 eval_imagenet-r eval_imagenet-a eval_imagenet-s
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main_evaluate.py --test_data ${dataset} --bs 2048 --default experiment/config/clip_fs_imagenet.yml --tune experiment/config/method-imagenet/$METHOD.yml --data_path /research/nfs_chao_209/zheda
When it comes to applying WiSE to PEFT methods, there are two types of PEFT methods.
- Methods that insert additional parameters to the model, such as Adapter.
- Methods that directly fine-tuned existing parameters, such as BitFit.
For the former, we use merge_petl.py
and use merge_model.py
for the latter.
Example commands for each type:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python merge_model.py --bs 1024 --default experiment/config/clip_fs_imagenet.yml --tune experiment/config/method-imagenet/ln.yml
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python merge_petl.py --bs 1024 --default experiment/config/clip_fs_imagenet.yml --tune experiment/config/method-imagenet/fact_tk_64.yml
To get the WiSE curve plots, you can use WiSE_PETL.ipynb
We use three datasets for mann-shot experiments: CIFAR100, Clevr-distance and RESISC.
Here is an example command to run the PEFT methods for the Clevr-distance dataset. Config files for CIFAR and RESISC can be found in the experiment/config
for METHOD in rand_h_adapter_8 lora_8 fact_tk_8
for dataset in clevr
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main_tune.py --data ${dataset} --default experiment/config/default_clevr.yml --tune experiment/config/method_clevr/$METHOD.yml --lrwd experiment/config/lr_wd_clevr.yml
The tuning results are stord in tune_summary.csv
and final run results in final_result.json
and other results for all the experiments in the tune_output
- add a general config file and a learning rate and weight decay config file in
. - add new method config files. You can create a new folder in
for your experiment.
Use main_collect_prediction.py.
If you use this paper/code in your research, please consider citing us:
title={Lessons Learned from a Unifying Empirical Study of Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning (PETL) in Visual Recognition},
author={Mai, Zheda and Zhang, Ping and Tu, Cheng-Hao and Chen, Hong-You and Zhang, Li and Chao, Wei-Lun},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.16434},
- SSF: https://github.com/dongzelian/SSF
- Adaptformer: https://github.com/ShoufaChen/AdaptFormer
- ConvPass: https://github.com/JieShibo/PETL-ViT
- LoRA: https://github.com/ZhangYuanhan-AI/NOAH
- Adapter: https://github.com/ZhangYuanhan-AI/NOAH, https://arxiv.org/pdf/2007.07779.pdf, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1902.00751.pdf
- VPT: https://github.com/KMnP/vpt
- FacT: https://github.com/JieShibo/PETL-ViT
- RepAdpater: https://github.com/luogen1996/RepAdapter
- VQT: https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/CVPR2023/papers/Tu_Visual_Query_Tuning_Towards_Effective_Usage_of_Intermediate_Representations_for_CVPR_2023_paper.pdf
- BitFit: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2106.10199.pdf
- DiffFit: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2304.06648.pd