A free implementation of the well-known Sudoku number puzzle.
- Start an online Sudoku session on http://omerkel.github.io/Sudoku/html5/src
- Android APK available for install
- runs in various browsers on
- desktop systems like BSDs, Linux, Win, MacOS and
- mobile platforms like Android, FirefoxOS, iOS.
Keywords, Categories Number Puzzle, Logic Puzzle, Recreational Mathematics, Latin Squares, Games/Entertainment, Mobile
Sudoku implements the well-known number puzzle. Objective of Sudoku is to fill the empty cells with digits ranged from 1 to 9 in a valid pattern. Some cells are already holding fixed digits and cannot be edited. A valid pattern means that
- each row does not contain any duplicate of digits, and
- each column does not contain any duplicate of digits, and
- each of the nine three-times-three subgrids does not contain any duplicate of digits.
On clicking a cell on the game board without predefined fixed digit a cursor is set. Now you can select a digit ranged from 1 to 9 to fit in the cell highlighted by the cursor position. Clearing the cell is possible via the backspace button.
Smaller markers can be used to indicate remaining candidates for the cell positions.
The Sudoku generator in use here is explicitly not only supporting symmetric cell patterns that often can be found in other Sudokus.
This type of number puzzle does actually not have Asian origin. Anyway it got popular under the name Sudoku being published by a Japanese puzzle company in mid 1980s. Sudoku is an abbreviation of the Japanese Suji wa dokushin ni kagiru. This could be translated to Digits must be singletons.
Any Sudoku solution represents a form or relation towards so called Latin square in a Mathematical sense.
Oliver Merkel, |
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