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OHMI release process

jie zheng edited this page Sep 17, 2019 · 1 revision
  1. Make OHMI ontology release file
  • git clone (OHMI-ontology/OHMI repository)

  • Run "Makefile" in the OHMI-ontology/OHMI repository, it will generate the release file, ohmi.owl, in the same directory as "Makefile".

  • The command of running Makefile is: make

  1. Review ohmi.owl
  • Review ohmi.owl and fix issues in the development version if there are any.
  • Rerun Makefile if any changes made in the development version.
  1. Go through Github release process
  • Click 'releases' at top menu bar at OHMI-ontology/OHMI page or go to page:
  • Click 'draft a new release' button on the release page
  • Fill the release associated information in the form
    • Provide the release date in the format vYYYY-MM-DD as tag version (year(YYYY), month(MM) and day(DD) when the release file generated)
    • Provide release title
    • Provide release notes (can be edited later)
  • Check "This is a pre-release" when we consider it is a release candidate for review
  • Click "Publish release"
  • When we decide to make the official release, go to the release page and uncheck "This is a pre-release".
  1. Add PURL for new release
  1. The latest release will be uploaded automatically to the ontoBee and Bioportal
  • The ontobee server loads new version of ontology every weekend
  • The bioportal will add index to the new ontology. Generally, it will take about 1 week for making a new ontology ready to show on the site.
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