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clairblacketer edited this page Sep 6, 2019 · 26 revisions

OMOP Common Data Model v6.0 Specifications

Authors: Christian Reich, Patrick Ryan, Rimma Belenkaya, Karthik Natarajan, Clair Blacketer
11 October 2018

Welcome to the Common Data Model wiki! This wiki houses all of the documentation for the latest version as well as changes added with each release. You can find a pdf added to each release with a historical version of the wiki as it was at the time of the release. You can navigate the pages using the table of contents below or the links to the right.

We meet as a group the first Tuesday of every month to discuss additions and issues. The agenda and call-in information can be found here.

Table of Contents




Glossary of Terms

Standardized Vocabularies

Standardized Metadata

Standardized Clinical Data Tables

Standardized Health System Data Tables

Standardized Health Economics Data Tables

Standardized Derived Elements

Results Schema

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