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OGAWA Hirofumi edited this page May 2, 2014 · 7 revisions

====== Source

Latest tux3 source can get from git://

So, you can get the source from,

$ git clone git://

Userland build

With following commands, you can compile and test.

$ cd tux3
$ make
$ make tests

For static check by "sparse", you can use the following

$ make clean
$ make CHECK=1

For coverage by "lcov", you can use the following

$ make clean
$ make GCOV=1
$ make tests
$ make coverage
$ firefox gcov/index.html    

Kernel build

Get stable linux kernel

As example to get linux-stable tree, this mirror linux-stable in local. Then, clone a specific branch from linux-stable.git.

$ git clone --mirror git://
$ git clone --branch linux-3.14.y linux-stable.git linux-3.14

To update linux-stable.git, you can run

$ git --git-dir=linux-stable.git fetch --all

Patch kernel for tux3

To compile tux3, for now, you have to modify kernel like following

$ cd linux-3.14
$ sed -i -e '/reiserfs/i\source "fs/tux3/Kconfig"' fs/Kconfig
$ sed -i -e '/CRAMFS/i\obj-$(CONFIG_TUX3)\t\t+= tux3/\nobj-$(CONFIG_TUX3_MMAP)\t\t+= tux3/' fs/Makefile

Create the symlink from linux-3.14/fs/tux3 to tux3/user/kernel.

$ ln -s ../../tux3/user/kernel fs/tux3

Compile kernel with tux3

You can compile kernel as usual, like following

$ cd linux-3.14
$ make oldconfig
$ make

Compile tux3 as kernel module

To compile tux3 as kernel module, you need kernel tree parepared for module ("make modules_prepare" or compile kernel)

$ cd tux3/user/kernel
$ make LINUX=../../../linux-3.14