OF@TEIN collaboration community was established to carry out “OF@TEIN: Toward an OpenFlow-enabled SDN (Software-Defined Networking) Infrastructure over TEIN” project. It was launched in July 2012 and led by Prof. JongWon Kim from NetCS (Networked Computing Systems) Laboratory, GIST (Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology), Korea. The main objective of OF@TEIN community collaboration was to deploy a shared OpenFlow-based SDN testbed infrastructure among Korea, South-East Asia and South Asia collaborators over TEIN4. In this OF@TEIN community collaboration, a unique hyper-convergent SmartX Box is designed and deployed in each site to promote the international SDN research collaboration over TEIN4 network infrastructure. Up to now, there are five kinds (Type A/B/B+/B*/C) of unique SmartX Boxes being built for physical/virtual nodes for OpenFlow Switches, Capsulators, and VM (virtual machine) Workers. By virtue of OF@TEIN community collaboration numerous success stories have been achieved till date.
In order to enhance and expend the OF@TEIN collaboration community, an OF@TEIN+ project team from 12 countries has been formed with the following goals to establish OF@TEIN+ Open Consortium (2015~2016) based on existing OF@TEIN collaborators (i.e., 7 countries) and recruiting new collaborators from other countries, provide the TEIN community with the opportunity to play (“Experience”) with a shared SDN-Cloud and DataFarm Playground and establish OF@TEIN operation/support team and tools to operate OF@TEIN Playground and provide technical guidance/training while addressing/solving several targeted technical challenges;
Following partners from existing OF@TEIN collaboration community will continue to participate in the proposed OF@TEIN+ project:
The overview diagram of OF@TEIN infrastructure, built through the collaborative effort of OF@TEIN partners, is depicted below:
Please go to OF@TEIN Playground page to have an overview of the Playground.
Please go to Ops-Software page to see the working of developed operational software solutions.
Please go to Workshops page to see the list of previous project meetings.
Please go to Publications page to see the selected list of publications.