A Snakemake pipeline for RRBS data analysis
This pipeline implements a DNA methylation data analysis workflow. Currently, it is taylored toward RRBS data analysis but it can be easity tweaked to support other data types.
Starting from raw reads in FASTQ format, it runs basic QC reporting, reads trimming, alignment, methylation extraction, filtering of incomplete conversions and differential methylation calls both at single base resolution and fixed-size tiles. Moreover, it runs basic downstream genomic annotation.
The final output of the pipeline are a set of files for alignment, detected features, annotation and reports in a variety of formats (bam, bed, pdf, html). R objects are also returned for retrospective inspection and further downstream analysis.
- Prepare genome indexes for the Bismark aligner.
- Write a sample sheet with per-sample specifications
- Generate config file
- Start the pipeline
- QC: FastQC
- Trimming: Trim_galore (Cutadapt wrapper)
- Alignment + methlyation extraction: Bismark (using Bowtie2)
- Differential methylation detection: MethylKit (Bioconductor package)
5.20.1:pip install --user snakemake
or via Condapyaml
20.4 (PyYAML 5.3.1):pip install --user pyaml
3.6.1 has to be installed system wide, ask your adminslurm
18.08.8 has to be installed system wide, ask your admin
The sample sheet has to be saved in csv format, quotes are not mandatory but field separator has to a semicolon and headers are mandatory.
The table is composed of two columns:
: this field should match the input file name(s), e.g. if reads for a sample are stored insample1.fq.gz
, thesample_name
column value should besample1
. In case of paired end reads,sample1_R1.fq.gz
the value of this column should besample1
: a numerical value representing the treatment. The value 0 (zero) always represent control samples.
An example with two treatments, control and triplicate replicates per treatment:
In this setup, samples 1, 2 and 3 are control; samples 4, 5, 6 correspond to treatment 1 and samples 7, 8, 9 to treatment 2.
The Snakemake config file holds all tunable parameters of the pipeline. Check this section for a complete list and relative explanation. For simplicity, all paths should be absolute.
A wrapper script with an example invocation can be found in run_make_config.sh
, It can be tweaked and run to generate a valid config file.
The pipeline runs inside a Singularity container. This container should contain all the necessary tools to run the analysis. See below for additional details.
The pipeline can be started with the wrapper script run_snakemake.sh
The scripts parses the config YAML file searching for four folder to bind mount in the Singularity container: working directory, the genome directory, the genome index directory, the directory holding annotations and the temporary directory. All these paths can be specified when running the config script.
A Slurm configuration is given in cluster-config/cluster.json
. In the json files, keys correspont to Snakemake rule names. Values are in turn objects with keys corresponding to Slurm parameters and values corresponding to desired values for the parameter:
"time" : "6:00:00",
"mem" : "8G"
The example above assigns maximum runtime of six hours and 8GB or memory to the trim
rule. The "__default__" key provides default parameters applied to all rules:
"jobname" : "{rule}",
"log" : "slurm-%x-%j.log",
"ntasks" : 1,
"cpus" : 1,
"mem" : "4G",
"time" : "00-00:20:00",
"partition" : "normal,parallel"
By default, each job is spawned with the rule name and logs to a file named after the rule and the jobid generated by Slurm. Each job is assigned 1 task, 1 CPU and 4GB of RAM. Maximum runtime is 20 minutes. Allowed partitions are normal and parallel.
The pipeline is designed to run within a Singularity container. The path to the container can be configured with the config script.
A working container can be pulled from SingularityHub:
singularity pull --name methylsnake.sif library://ftabaro/default/methylsnake
Checkout the singularity
folder for more info.
The container path has be specified in the command line arguments of the config script.
This pipeline generates a number of output files:
- FastQC reports for input and trimmed reads
- Fastq files for trimmed reads files with reports (Fastqc and text)
- Alignment files with report and nucleotide statistics
- Alignment files with incomplete conversions removed
- Methylation files in GpG, CHG and CHH contexts
- Bismark HTML reports
- Bismark HTML summary
- rds files with every object computed by MethylKit
- bed files of differential methylation calls
- Figures
- prelimimary coverage and methylation state histograms
- samples PCA and correlations
- number of differentially methylated features per chromosome (DMC and DMR)
- pie charts of annotation classes
- all differentially methylated features
- hyper methylated
- hypo methylated
- Tables
- distance to TSS for all, hyper and hypo methylated features (csv)
An example of output directory (all directory names can be changed from the config file)
├── alignments
├── bed
│ ├── dmc
│ └── dmr
├── fastqc
├── log
├── pictures
│ ├── dmc
│ └── dmr
├── reads
│ └── fastqc
├── RData
│ ├── dmc
│ └── dmr
├── reports
├── tables
│ ├── dmc
│ └── dmr
└── trimmed
- https://www.nature.com/articles/nmeth.1828
- https://www.epigenesys.eu/images/stories/protocols/pdf/20120720103700_p57.pdf
- https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/
- https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/trim_galore/
- https://github.com/FelixKrueger/TrimGalore/blob/master/Docs/Trim_Galore_User_Guide.md
- https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/bismark/
- https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/bismark/Bismark_User_Guide.pdf
- https://github.com/FelixKrueger/Bismark/tree/master/Docs
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ftabaro/rrbs-pipeline/issues
--config-path CONFIG_PATH
Path for the config file
--wd WD Working directory. Root directory of the project
--genome-path GENOME_PATH
Path to a fasta file with genome sequence
--bismark-index-path BISMARK_INDEX_PATH
Path to Bismark index files (only index name required:
--sample-sheet SAMPLE_SHEET
Path to csv file holding samples information
--annotation-file ANNOTATION_FILE
Path to a gzipped GTF file.
--dmr-window-size DMR_WINDOW_SIZE
Window size for tiled differential methylation
--dmr-step-size DMR_STEP_SIZE
Step size for tiled differential methylation analysis
--dmr-difference DMR_DIFFERENCE [DMR_DIFFERENCE ...]
Difference in reads coverage threshold for
differential methylation analysis
--dmr-qvalue DMR_QVALUE [DMR_QVALUE ...]
Q-value threshold for differential methylation
--min-per-group MIN_PER_GROUP
An integer denoting minimum number of samples per
replicate needed to cover a region/base
--mate1-pattern MATE1_PATTERN
Pattern to identify mate 1 in paired sequencing files e.g. R1 or _R1 or _1
--mate2-pattern MATE2_PATTERN
Pattern to identify mate 2 in paired sequencing files e.g. R2 or _R2 or _2
--fastq-extension FASTQ_EXTENSION
File extension of reads fastq files e.g. fastq.gz or fq.gz or fastq
--genome-version GENOME_VERSION
Label for genome version used in the analysis e.g. hg38 or hg19
--singularity-container SINGULARITY_CONTAINER
Path to a singularity container with all necessary
tools installed.
--tmp-folder TMP_FOLDER
Path to a temporary folder (possibly fast storage) e.g. /scratch
--log-folder LOG_FOLDER
Path to a log folder
--reads-folder READS_FOLDER
Path to a folder with reads to be processed
--trimmed-folder TRIMMED_FOLDER
Path to folder to write trimmed reads in
--alignments-folder ALIGNMENTS_FOLDER
Path to a folder to write alignments in
--reports-folder REPORTS_FOLDER
Path to a folder to write Bismark reports in
--nucleotide-stats-folder NUCLEOTIDE_STATS_FOLDER
Path to write Bismark nucleotide report files in
--methylkitdb-folder METHYLKITDB_FOLDER
Path to write methylKit tabix files in
--rdata-folder RDATA_FOLDER
Path to write RDS objects used in methylKit analysis
--bed-folder BED_FOLDER
Path to write BED files for DMR/DMC coordinates to
--pictures-folder PICTURES_FOLDER
Path to a folder to write plots in
--tables-folder TABLES_FOLDER
Path to a folder to write tables in
--fastqc-folder FASTQC_FOLDER
FastQC results folder
--low-coverage-count LOW_COVERAGE_COUNT
Number of reads for low coverage filtering
--high-coverage-percentage HIGH_COVERAGE_PERCENTAGE
Percentage of the coverage distribution for high
coverage filtering (PCR duplicates)