0.5.2: Merge pull request #526 from Nxer/fix
What's Changed
- follow Steam Multi speed bonus change by @Nxer in #496
- update by @Dream-Master in #497
- fix by @Dream-Master in #498
- remove kuba tec its in gt now by @Dream-Master in #499
- Compatible with GTNH 2.7.0 nightly by @Nxer in #500
- update by @Dream-Master in #501
- Fix BallLightning Perfect Overclock by @Goderium in #502
- fix PowerChair Problems that can't be mined by @xiaoxing2005 in #504
- Fix the issue where the PowerChair is still riding after being destroyed by @xiaoxing2005 in #507
- buff silksong by @Nxer in #508
- fix mega ass line wireless eu cost texts in waila by @Nxer in #509
- fix piece-stack machine structure auto building method by @Nxer in #510
- fix Miracle Door Structure by @Nxer in #511
- buff mega oil cracker , perfect overclock after Hypogen coil by @Nxer in #513
- add DSP items of dark fog by @Nxer in #514
- buff eow ore output by @Nxer in #516
- 阵列无线网支持 by @koiNoCirculation in #515
- add Furnace Fuel Handler class by @Nxer in #517
- Anti Matter Fuel Rework: finish core logic dev by @Nxer in #519
- Anti Matter Fuel Rework: Strange Matter Aggregator - Strange Annihilation Fuel Rod by @Nxer in #522
- fix Lightweight plate recipe by @Nxer in #526
Full Changelog: 0.5.0...0.5.2