Since samo_lego deprecated his mod, I consider updating it to the latest version.
For Minecraft 1.16 and below you can check original repository.
See wiki for more information.
My Whitelist mod, that changes whitelist behaviour from uuid-based to name-based, allowing it to be use at offline mode
This mod requires:
Fabric API
CurseForge, Modrinth
- Many thanks for @samolego, author of SimpleAuth, for his mod, and his permission on creating this fork
- Thanks to @were491 for improvement in login system
- Thanks to @Nikijaz for implementing MySQL database support
- Thanks to @dmunozv04 for Floodgate support
- Thanks to @Wereii for 1.19.3 support
- Thanks to @martinszelcel for updating for new Mojang's API
- Thanks to @Gamecraft007 for 1.21 support
Thank you so much for those who have already helped with translation of the mod!
- Russian: @alphatoasterous
- Chinese: @Neubulae, @GodGun968, @Sam5440, @CMJNB, @MyBlueHorizon
- Spanish: @Zailer43
- Slovene: @Kljunas2
- Hungarian: @Bendimester23
- Brazilian Portuguese: @luizffgv
- French: @Uxzylon, @Sky-NiniKo
- Czech: @DavidCZ2051, @Thewest123
- Turkish: @egeesin, @MemoKing34
- Ukrainian: @txlbr, @Y0shioSato
- Polish: @LimakXRobczuk
- Italian: @Rizzo1812
Libraries that the project is using:
Argon2 (LGPLv3) (Apache 2) (Apache 2) (BSD-3-Clause) (Apache 2 || LGPLv3)
This project licensed under the MIT