The lawful-classes
packages provide a simple framework to define laws for
classes (e.g., some MonadState
class and laws related to the behaviour of
actions defined in MonadState
) without incurring a dependency on libraries
like Tasty or Hspec, or QuickCheck or
Hedgehog, within the library where said class and its related
laws are defined.
Law definitions can make use of generators of values, as provided by
QuickCheck or Hedgehog, but can request a test iteration to be discarded if
some generated value doesn't meet some criteria (alike QuickCheck's ==>
implication arrow), without a dependency on QuickCheck or other libraries:
in essence, every test-case returns a value of type Maybe Bool
(in some
monadic context), where Nothing
implies a test-case should be discarded,
and Just b
represents an (un)successful test-case/assertion.
Hence, Law
s are computations of type m (Maybe Bool)
, and are grouped in
, a list of (String, Law)
pairs where the first member provides some
human-readable description of the law being checked.
These type aliases, and some trivial helper functions, are provided in the
package. This package only depends on base
, but it's
not strictly required as a dependency to define laws: everything can be
achieved by only using base
lawful-classes-types provides common type aliases and some trivial helper functions. A dependency on this library is not required to define laws.
lawful-classes-hedgehog provides code to integrate law-checking in a Tasty environment, when using Hedgehog to generate exemplars. It also provides some plumbing functions for integration in frameworks other than Tasty.
lawful-classes-quickcheck provides code to integrate law-checking in a Tasty environment, when using QuickCheck to generate exemplars. It also provides some plumbing functions for integration in frameworks other than Tasty.
Here's an example, using Literate Haskell.
First, some boilerplate, only required for the code below but in no way required to use the framework:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
In this example, we'll define some implementations of a class, using State
and StateT
under the hood:
import Control.Monad.State (State, evalState)
import Control.Monad.State.Class (get, put)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT, evalStateT)
Checking the laws can be done using any testing framework. Using
or lawful-classes-quickcheck
, integration with
either Hedgehog or QuickCheck becomes easier, especially when using Tasty as
a test runner. Generally, you'll use either Hedgehog or QuickCheck. In this
example, we'll showcase both:
import Hedgehog (withTests)
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen
import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range
import Test.QuickCheck (arbitrary, once)
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, defaultMain, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.ExpectedFailure (expectFail)
Finally, import the code from lawful-classes-types
, lawful-classes-hedgehog
and lawful-classes-quickcheck
import Test.Lawful.Types (Laws, assert, discard)
import qualified Test.Lawful.Hedgehog as LH
import qualified Test.Lawful.QuickCheck as LQ
In our library, we define a class, MonadStore
, which exposes two actions,
and retrieve
-- | An environment which allows to store some value, and retrieve it later.
class Monad m => MonadStore a m | m -> a where
-- | Store the given value.
store :: a -> m ()
-- | Retrieve a previously stored value, if any.
retrieve :: m (Maybe a)
Given this, we can define some Laws
to which any valid instance of
should obey:
-- Remember, `Laws m` is just `[(String, m (Maybe Bool)]`
monadStoreLaws :: (MonadStore a m, Eq a) => m a -> Laws m
monadStoreLaws gen = [
("When nothing is stored, nothing can be retrieved", do
a0 <- retrieve
assert $ a0 == Nothing -- assert = pure . Just
("Retrieve yields what was stored", do
-- Retrieve the currently stored value
a0 <- retrieve
-- Generate some arbitrary value
a <- gen
if Just a == a0
-- Debatable: if the generated value equals the currently stored one, this test is void
then discard -- discard = pure Nothing
else do
store a
a' <- retrieve
assert $ a' == Just a
We define two instances of MonadStore
, one which is correct and obeys the
laws, one which (intentionally) doesn't. First, LockerT
newtype LockerT a m b = LockerT (StateT (Maybe a) m b)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadTrans)
instance Monad m => MonadStore a (LockerT a m) where
store = LockerT . put . Just
retrieve = LockerT get
evalLockerT :: Monad m => LockerT a m b -> m b
evalLockerT (LockerT act) = evalStateT act Nothing
Given the above, we can check whether the monadStoreLaws
hold for this
implementation as follows, first using Hedgehog:
lockerTTestsHedgehog :: TestTree
lockerTTestsHedgehog =
LH.testLaws "monadStoreLaws (Hedgehog)" evalLockerT $
monadStoreLaws (LH.forAll ( Range.linearBounded))
Then, using QuickCheck:
lockerTTestsQuickCheck :: TestTree
lockerTTestsQuickCheck =
LQ.testLaws "monadStoreLaws (QuickCheck)" evalLockerT $
monadStoreLaws (LQ.forAll (arbitrary @Int))
A second instance of MonadStore
doesn't play by the rules:
newtype UnlawfulLockerT a m b = UnlawfulLockerT (StateT (Maybe a) m b)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadTrans)
instance (Monad m, Eq a, Num a) => MonadStore a (UnlawfulLockerT a m) where
store v = do
let v' = if v == 0 then v else v + 1
UnlawfulLockerT (put $ Just v')
retrieve = UnlawfulLockerT get
evalUnlawfulLockerT :: (Monad m, Num a) => UnlawfulLockerT a m b -> m b
evalUnlawfulLockerT (UnlawfulLockerT act) = evalStateT act (Just 1)
Similarly, test its law-(non-)abiding using Hedgehog and QuickCheck as exemplar
generators (note, in this case we wrap them with expectFail
, since this
document is tested in CI, and we actually want the following tests to fail, but
not CI to fail):
unlawfulLockerTTests :: TestTree
unlawfulLockerTTests = expectFail $ testGroup "UnlawfulLockerT" [
LH.testLaws "monadStoreLaws (Hedgehog)" evalUnlawfulLockerT $
monadStoreLaws (LH.forAll ( Range.linearBounded)),
LQ.testLaws "monadStoreLaws (QuickCheck)" evalUnlawfulLockerT $
monadStoreLaws (LQ.forAll (arbitrary @Int))
In the above, we use a monad transformer, since the laws are defined such that
a generator of values can be used. This generator is, then, lifted into a
monad lower in the stack, e.g., PropertyT
when using Hedgehog or PropertyM
when using QuickCheck.
We can, of course, check the laws against a plain monad as well, but in this
case no values can be generated: there's no lower monad in the stack. We can,
however, provide a generator which yields exactly one (constant) value. In this
case, it doesn't make sense to run the test, say, 100 times. Hence, the
functions have a counterpart which allow to modify the tested
properties: testLawsWith
Let's first define Locker
, which wraps State
(it could, of course, reuse
the definition of LockerT
and use Identity
as the base monad):
newtype Locker a b = Locker (State (Maybe a) b)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
instance MonadStore a (Locker a) where
store = Locker . put . Just
retrieve = Locker get
evalLocker :: Locker a b -> b
evalLocker (Locker act) = evalState act Nothing
Now, define the tests, and ensure they run only once:
lockerTests :: TestTree
lockerTests = testGroup "Locker" [
LH.testLawsWith (withTests 1) "monadStoreLaws (Hedgehog)"
(pure . evalLocker)
(monadStoreLaws $ pure (1 :: Int)),
LQ.testLawsWith once "monadStoreLaws (Hedgehog)"
(pure . evalLocker)
(monadStoreLaws $ pure (1 :: Int))
Hence, we'll run the tests with only a single generated value, being 1
Finally, we can hook everything together and run the tests, using Tasty:
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain $ testGroup "lawful-classes-readme" [
testGroup "LockerT" [
And indeed:
monadStoreLaws (Hedgehog)
When nothing is stored, nothing can be retrieved: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
Retrieve yields what was stored: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
monadStoreLaws (QuickCheck)
When nothing is stored, nothing can be retrieved: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
Retrieve yields what was stored: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
monadStoreLaws (Hedgehog)
When nothing is stored, nothing can be retrieved: FAIL (expected)
✗ <interactive> failed at src/Test/Lawful/Hedgehog.hs:37:47
after 1 test.
shrink path: 1:
This failure can be reproduced by running:
> recheckAt (Seed 15866264305184189776 9458969182257889837) "1:" <property>
Use ...
(expected failure)
Retrieve yields what was stored: FAIL (expected)
✗ <interactive> failed at src/Test/Lawful/Hedgehog.hs:37:47
after 2 tests and 56 shrinks.
shrink path: 2:bA55
┏━━ README.lhs ━━━
172 ┃ unlawfulLockerTTests :: TestTree
173 ┃ unlawfulLockerTTests = expectFail $ testGroup "UnlawfulLockerT" [
174 ┃ LH.testLaws "monadStoreLaws (Hedgehog)" evalUnlawfulLockerT $
175 ┃ monadStoreLaws (LH.forAll ( Range.linearBounded)),
┃ │ 2
176 ┃ LQ.testLaws "monadStoreLaws (QuickCheck)" evalUnlawfulLockerT $
177 ┃ monadStoreLaws (LQ.forAll (arbitrary @Int))
178 ┃ ]
179 ┃ ```
180 ┃
181 ┃ ### Running tests
182 ┃ Finally, we can hook everything together and run the tests, using Tasty:
183 ┃
184 ┃ ```haskell
This failure can be reproduced by running:
> recheckAt (Seed 9014603521135969515 646347982343338801) "2:bA55" <property>
Use ...
(expected failure)
monadStoreLaws (QuickCheck)
When nothing is stored, nothing can be retrieved: FAIL (expected)
*** Failed! Assertion failed (after 1 test):
Use --quickcheck-replay=181324 to reproduce. (expected failure)
Retrieve yields what was stored: FAIL (expected)
*** Failed! Assertion failed (after 4 tests):
Use --quickcheck-replay=404272 to reproduce. (expected failure)
monadStoreLaws (Hedgehog)
When nothing is stored, nothing can be retrieved: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 1 test.
Retrieve yields what was stored: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 1 test.
monadStoreLaws (Hedgehog)
When nothing is stored, nothing can be retrieved: OK
+++ OK, passed 1 test.
Retrieve yields what was stored: OK
+++ OK, passed 1 test.
All 12 tests passed (0.01s)