This project was the third frontend competition during a hackathon known as "Weekly December" organized by GDG on Campus ISPM on December 2023. And we are thrilled to clue you in that we were the winner.
The purpose was to integrate a landing page mockup in less than 48 hours. Here is the mockup link: And here is the outcome of this repository:
Here are the rules during the competition:
Deduct 1 point for each notable inconsistency with the mockup.
The jury used and compute an average score.
. The provided mockups are not responsive, so it is up to the participants to create a responsive preview.
. Deduct 1 point for each notable flaw or inconsistency (e.g., spacing issues, horizontal scrolling, navbar problems, click issues, etc.).
. The jury tested our outcomes on Google Chrome, Brave, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. . For each browser where it does not function properly, deduct 5 points.
Performance was measured using “Lighthouse” on Google Chrome, and points were be awarded based on the results of this performance test.
Bonus points were awarded for the lightest projects and for the animations.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Enter in the folder:
- Install all dependencies:
npm install
- Run the project:
npm run dev
Then, open your browser at http://localhost:5173/WEEKLY_DECEMBER_FRONT_3 to see the website in action.