Accompanying repository for HAPPY: A deep learning pipeline for mapping cell-to-tissue graphs across placenta histology whole slide images.
Abstract: Accurate placenta pathology assessment is essential for managing maternal and newborn health, but the placenta's heterogeneity and temporal variability pose challenges for histology analysis. To address this issue, we developed the ‘Histology Analysis Pipeline.PY’ (HAPPY), a deep learning hierarchical method for quantifying the variability of cells and micro-anatomical tissue structures across placenta histology whole slide images. HAPPY differs from patch-based features or segmentation approaches by following an interpretable biological hierarchy, representing cells and cellular communities within tissues at a single-cell resolution across whole slide images. We present a set of quantitative metrics from healthy term placentas as a baseline for future assessments of placenta health and we show how these metrics deviate in placentas with clinically significant placental infarction. HAPPY’s cell and tissue predictions closely replicate those from independent clinical experts and placental biology literature.
This repo contains all code for training, evaluating, and running inference across WSIs using the three stage deep learning pipeline detailed in the paper. The three deep learning steps are: nuclei detection, cell classification and tissue classification.
Our codebase is writen in python=3.10 and has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04.2 (WSL2), MacOS 11.1, and CentOS 7.9.2009 using both an NVIDIA A100 GPU and a CPU
You will first need to install the vips C binaries. The libvips documentation lists installation instructions here for different OSs. If you are using MacOS you may brew install with:
brew install vips --with-cfitsio --with-imagemagick --with-openexr --with-openslide --with-webp
If you are on Ubuntu you may apt get:
sudo apt install libvips
For all remaining Python source code and dependencies, we recommend installation using the MakeFile. Installation should only take a few minutes.
git clone
cd happy
# Activate conda or venv environment with python installation:
# e.g. conda create -y -n happy python=3.10
# conda activate happy
make environment_cu117
The make command will run the following:
pip install torch==2.0.1+cu117 torchvision==0.15.2+cu117 torchaudio==2.0.2 --index-url
pip install torch_geometric==2.3.1
pip install pyg_lib torch_scatter torch_sparse torch_cluster torch_spline_conv -f
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install pyvips==2.1.14
pip install -e .
If you would rather install a different version of pytorch for your cuda version, please change the first two lines as per library instructions.
Installing javabridge can sometimes be a little tricky on MacOS. If you get a 'jvm not found' or 'jni.h not found' style error then you need to locate your java installation and export it. For example, if you installed java with homebrew you can:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/opt/openjdk
If you then get a error with 'module = PyImport_ImportModuleLevelObject' you can install this fork of javabridge which fixes it:
pip install git+
The core code is organ-agnostic and may be used for any organ histology analysis.
Organ-specific cell and tissue data may be added to happy/
. We recommend
extending the core happy code by adding a new project to projects/{project_name}
using projects/placenta
as a template.
If you would like to use the placenta histology training data and trained models from
the paper, you may download the data from this link.
Keeping the same directory structure as in the link, place each directory into
. This will allow you to train and evaluate all three models. For
a WSI inference demo, place the sample WSI section under
. We explain how to run the full
inference pipeline across this WSI in the 3rd section.
Placenta nuclei detection training data from the paper should be placed under
with annotations in
. This data is split into respective data
collection sources (i.e. 'hmc', 'uot', 'nuh') which are combined during training.
To train the nuclei detection model, run:
python --project-name placenta --exp-name demo-train --annot-dir annotations/nuclei --dataset-names hmc --dataset-names uot --dataset-names empty --decay-gamma 0.5 --init-from-inc --frozen
We recommend first fine tuning the model pretrained on the coco dataset using commands
--frozen --init-from-inc
. Then loading the fine tuned model and training
unfrozen using --pre-trained {path} --no-frozen --no-init-from-inc
Placenta cell classification training data from the paper should be placed under
with annotations in
. This data is split into respective data
collection sources (i.e. 'hmc', 'uot', 'nuh') which are combined during training.
To train the cell classification model, run:
python --project-name placenta --organ-name placenta --exp-name demo-train --annot-dir annotations/cell_class --dataset-names hmc --dataset-names uot --dataset-names nuh --decay-gamma 0.5 --init-from-inc --frozen
As with the nuclei detection model, we recommend first fine tuning the model pretrained
on the imagenet dataset using commands --frozen --init-from-inc
. Then loading the
fine tuned model and training unfrozen using
--pre-trained {path} --no-frozen --no-init-from-inc
By default, the training script will mask any nodes that are within the regions
specified by validation and/or test .csv files within graph_splits/
as validation
and/or test nodes. All other nodes will be marked as training nodes.
We provide the training data and ground truth annotations for training the graph model
across the cell graphs of two placenta WSIs, as per the paper. The training data should
be placed under projects/placenta/embeddings/
and the ground truth annotations in
under projects/placenta/annotations/graph
To train the graph tissue model on this data, run:
python --project-name placenta --organ-name placenta --run-ids 1 --run-ids 2 --annot-tsvs wsi_1.tsv --annot-tsvs wsi_2.tsv --exp-name demo_train --val-patch-files val_patches.csv --test-patch-files test_patches.csv
We provide utility scripts for generating your own training data.
Nuclei Detection and Cell Classification:
If you have used QuPath to create cell point annotations within boxes, you may use
to extract a .csv of these ground truth points and
classes. From this .csv, you may use happpy/microscopefile/
generate a dataset of tile images and train/val/test split annotation files from your
annotations for both nuclei detection and cell classification.
Tissue Classification: In Qupath, if you load nuclei predictions onto your desired
WSI and draw polygon boundaries around different structures, you may use
to extract those points with ground truth tissue
We provide evaluation scripts for checking model performance on validation or test
data for each of the three models under analysis/evaluation/
. The nuclei detection
model can be evaluated using
, the cell classification model
can be evaluated using
, and the graph tissue model can be
evaluated using
You may add WSIs to the database using happy/db/
. This will add all
slides with the specified file format at the specified directory to the database. We
supply a starting database in github which contains two entries in the Slide and
EvalRun tables to allow for training and evaluation of the graph model, as per the
You may add trained models to the database using happy/db/
. The sample
starting database in github already contains data for both pretrained nuclei and
cell models from the paper. They have model IDs 1 and 2 respectively.
The cell pipeline
will run both nuclei detection and cell
classification across a WSI. It will save each 'run' over a WSI into the Evalruns table
in the database with respective predictions in the Predictions table.
Each run can be stopped and restarted at any time. See the demo below for an example.
You may extract nuclei and cell predictions into a .tsv which QuPath can read using
Once you have nuclei and cell predictions, you may run the tissue pipeline
. This will construct a cell graph across the WSI and run the
graph model. The pipeline will save a visualisation of tissue predictions and a .tsv
file containing these predictions at the location of the trained model. See the demo
below for an example.
Add the demo slide section at projects/placenta/slides/sample_wsi.tif
the database using:
CWD=$(pwd) # save absolute current working directory
python happy/db/ --slides-dir "$CWD/projects/placenta/slides/" --lab-country na --primary-contact na --slide-file-format .tif --pixel-size 0.2277
Run the nuclei and cell inference pipeline on this sample:
python --project-name placenta --organ-name placenta --nuc-model-id 1 --cell-model-id 2 --slide-id 3 --cell-batch-size 100
Run the graph tissue inference pipeline on the nuclei and cell predictions:
python --project-name placenta --organ-name placenta --pre-trained-path trained_models/ --run-id 3
At the location of the graph model weights, you will find an eval
directory which will
contain a visualisation of the tissue predictions and a .tsv file containing the
predictions, which can be loaded into QuPath. In this case, these will be under
Along with the visualisation generated by
, we also provide scripts
for visualising nuclei ground truth over training data in
, nuclei predictions over images in the
training data in analysis/evaluation/
, regions of the cell
graph in analysis/evaluation/
, and the ground truth tissue points
in analysis/evaluation/