Video Link: Linked-IN Video
Portfolio: Nambu Keerthi
The purpose of this project is to create an intuitive Streamlit app that pulls data about a YouTube channel from the Google API, stores it in a MongoDB database, moves it to a SQL data warehouse, and then lets users perform searches for channel details and join tables to view the data.
Domain : Social Media
- Virtual environment (.venv)
- Python
- Streamlit
- Youtube Api
- AWS RDS Database
- Firstly install all the required extensions in the requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Now one need setup a Google Cloud Project on Google Cloud Console, and then enable the Youtube API v3, after that generate the credentials and copy the api_key. Now below is the Python code to use that API.
youtube = build('youtube', 'v3', developerKey="your api_key goes here")
- After that one need to create a MySQL Database in there local system. Now below is the Python code to connect to that SQL Database
hostname = "your host name goes here"
database = "your database name goes here"
username = "your username goes here"
pwd = "your password goes here"
mydb = sql.connect(host=hostname, user=username, password=pwd, database=database)
cursor1 = mydb.cursor()
- To run the application
streamlit run
First click the "Create DB" button after that the database will created
Enter a YouTube channel ID in the input field and click the "Details" button. The channel details will then be displayed. After that, click the "Upload" button to upload channel details such as Channel ID, Channel Name, Playlist ID, Subscribers, Views, Total Videos, Description, and more, to the SQL database.
Now from the sidebar select the Task Menu and Select the required statement.
According to the selected statement the data will be queried from the SQL Database and will be displayed here on the screen in the streamlit application
through the click the "Drob DB" button the created database and details will droped.