To get you started:
🙋♀️ 🧠🧠🧠Our primary research focus is on the interactions between neural tissue and smart biomaterials. Our field of study is applied toward the better understanding of the neural tissue/material interface and neural tissue engineering.
🍪 💡💡💡 Why Github? - to track everything. 😍😍😍 Millions of programmers use it to manage the chaos of version control.
👀 👀👀👀 Contribution guidelines - If the content is newly upload without conflicts to existing content, commit directly to main branch. If there are potential conflicts, start your new branch. Once the feature is stable, create pull request and discuss with other members before merging to main.
✨✨✨ Useful resources - where do you keep your docs? Is there anything else the team should know?
NTE-Laboratory/NTE-LAB-Home Home repo for important administrative keepsakes. Also contains a map of important repositories.
NTE-Laboratory/EquipmentAndSoftware-Library Inventory of all the useful equipment, software, and code.
😵💫😵💫😵💫 How to use Github???
Git in 100 seconds
Git, GitHub, & GitHub Desktop for beginners
🧙🧙🧙🧙 Remember, you can do mighty things with the power of Markdown. It's also critical to know how to use 💌 emojis. Whenever you have questions about what/how on Github, you can find answers in Github Official Documentation, Google, AND Youtube.