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Adds full resolution and mainstem inundation composite capability
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This resolves #476. See Changelog for full details.
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CarsonPruitt-NOAA authored Nov 16, 2021
1 parent 69f5fb3 commit da24211
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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
We follow the [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0]( format.

## v3.0.24.0 - 2021-11-08 - [PR #482](

Adds `` to allow for the generation of an inundation map given a "flow file" CSV and full-resolution (FR) and mainstem (MS) relative elevation models, synthetic rating curves, and catchments rasters created by the `` script.

## Additions
- ``: New module that is used to inundate both MS and FR FIM and composite the two inundation rasters.
- `/tools/gms_tools/`: Three modules (``, ``, ``) ported from the GMS branch used to composite inundation rasters.

## Changes
- ``: Added 2 exception classes ported from the GMS branch.


## v3.0.23.3 - 2021-11-04 - [PR #481](
Includes additional hydraulic properties to the `hydroTable.csv`: `Number of Cells`, `SurfaceArea (m2)`, `BedArea (m2)`, `Volume (m3)`, `SLOPE`, `LENGTHKM`, `AREASQKM`, `Roughness`, `TopWidth (m)`, `WettedPerimeter (m)`. Also adds `demDerived_reaches_split_points.gpkg`, `flowdir_d8_burned_filled.tif`, and `dem_thalwegCond.tif` to `-v` whitelist.

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os, argparse, rasterio
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from multiprocessing import Pool

from inundation import inundate
from gms_tools.mosaic_inundation import Mosaic_inundation, __append_id_to_file_name

def composite_inundation(fim_dir_ms, fim_dir_fr, huc, flows, composite_output_dir, ouput_name='',
bin_rast_flag=False, depth_rast_flag=False, clean=True, quiet=True):
Run `inundate()` on FIM 3.X mainstem (MS) and full-resolution (FR) outputs and composite results. Assumes that all `fim_run` products
necessary for `inundate()` are in each huc8 folder.
fim_dir_ms : str
Path to MS FIM directory. This should be an output directory from ``.
fim_dir_fr : str
Path to FR FIM directory. This should be an output directory from ``.
huc : str
HUC8 to run `inundate()`. This should be a folder within both `fim_dir_ms` and `fim_dir_fr`.
flows : str or pandas.DataFrame, can be a single file or a comma-separated list of files
File path to forecast csv or Pandas DataFrame with correct column names.
composite_output_dir : str
Folder path to write outputs. It will be created if it does not exist.
ouput_name : str, optional
Name for output raster. If not specified, by default the raster will be named 'inundation_composite_{flows_root}.tif'.
bin_rast_flag : bool, optional
Flag to create binary raster as output. If no raster flags are passed, this is the default behavior.
depth_rast_flag : bool, optional
Flag to create depth raster as output.
clean : bool, optional
If True, intermediate files are deleted.
quiet : bool, optional
Quiet output.
Wrong input data types
Wrong input data types
- Specifying a subset of the domain in rem or catchments to inundate on is achieved by the HUCs file or the forecast file.
>>> import composite_ms_fr_inundation
>>> composite_ms_fr_inundation.composite_inundation(
# Set inundation raster to True if no output type flags are passed
if not (bin_rast_flag or depth_rast_flag):
bin_rast_flag = True
assert not (bin_rast_flag and depth_rast_flag), 'Output can only be binary or depth grid, not both'
assert os.path.isdir(fim_dir_ms), f'{fim_dir_ms} is not a directory. Please specify an existing MS FIM directory.'
assert os.path.isdir(fim_dir_fr), f'{fim_dir_fr} is not a directory. Please specify an existing FR FIM directory.'
assert os.path.exists(flows), f'{flows} does not exist. Please specify a flow file.'

# Instantiate output variables
var_keeper = {
'ms': {
'dir': fim_dir_ms,
'outputs': {
'inundation_rast': os.path.join(composite_output_dir, f'inundation_ms_{huc}.tif') if bin_rast_flag else None,
'depth_rast': os.path.join(composite_output_dir, f'depth_ms_{huc}.tif') if depth_rast_flag else None
'fr': {
'dir': fim_dir_fr,
'outputs': {
'inundation_rast': os.path.join(composite_output_dir, f'inundation_fr_{huc}.tif') if bin_rast_flag else None,
'depth_rast': os.path.join(composite_output_dir, f'depth_fr_{huc}.tif') if depth_rast_flag else None
# Build inputs to inundate() based on the input folders and huc
if not quiet: print(f"HUC {huc}")
for extent in var_keeper:
rem = os.path.join(var_keeper[extent]['dir'], huc, 'rem_zeroed_masked.tif')
catchments = os.path.join(var_keeper[extent]['dir'], huc, 'gw_catchments_reaches_filtered_addedAttributes.tif')
catchment_poly = os.path.join(var_keeper[extent]['dir'], huc, 'gw_catchments_reaches_filtered_addedAttributes_crosswalked.gpkg')
hydro_table = os.path.join(var_keeper[extent]['dir'], huc, 'hydroTable.csv')

# Ensure that all of the required files exist in the huc directory
for file in (rem, catchments, catchment_poly, hydro_table):
if not os.path.exists(file):
raise Exception(f"The following file does not exist within the supplied FIM directory:\n{file}")

# Run inundation()
extent_friendly = "mainstem (MS)" if extent=="ms" else "full-resolution (FR)"
if not quiet: print(f" Creating an inundation map for the {extent_friendly} configuration...")
result = inundate(rem,catchments,catchment_poly,hydro_table,flows,mask_type=None,
inundation_raster= var_keeper[extent]['outputs']['inundation_rast'],
depths= var_keeper[extent]['outputs']['depth_rast'],
quiet= quiet)
if result != 0:
raise Exception(f"Failed to inundate {rem} using the provided flows.")

# If no output name supplied, create one using the flows file name
if not ouput_name:
flows_root = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(flows))[0]
ouput_name = os.path.join(composite_output_dir, f'inundation_composite_{flows_root}.tif')
ouput_name = os.path.join(composite_output_dir, ouput_name)

# Composite MS and FR
inundation_map_file = {
'huc8' : [huc] * 2,
'branchID' : [None] * 2,
'inundation_rasters': [var_keeper['fr']['outputs']['inundation_rast'],
'depths_rasters': [var_keeper['fr']['outputs']['depth_rast'],
inundation_map_file = pd.DataFrame(inundation_map_file)
mosaic_attribute='depths_rasters' if depth_rast_flag else 'inundation_rasters',
subset=None,verbose=not quiet
if bin_rast_flag:
hydroid_to_binary(__append_id_to_file_name(ouput_name, huc))

def hydroid_to_binary(hydroid_raster_filename):
'''Converts hydroid positive/negative grid to 1/0'''

#to_bin = lambda x: np.where(x > 0, 1, np.where(x == 0, -9999, 0))
to_bin = lambda x: np.where(x > 0, 1, np.where(x != -9999, 0, -9999))
hydroid_raster =
profile = hydroid_raster.profile # get profile for new raster creation later on
profile['nodata'] = -9999
bin_raster = to_bin( # converts neg/pos to 0/1
# Overwrite inundation raster
with, "w", **profile) as out_raster:
out_raster.write(bin_raster.astype(hydroid_raster.profile['dtype']), 1)
del hydroid_raster,profile,bin_raster

if __name__ == '__main__':

# parse arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Inundate FIM 3 full resolution and mainstem outputs using a flow file and composite the results.')
parser.add_argument('-ms','--fim-dir-ms',help='Directory that contains MS FIM outputs.',required=True)
parser.add_argument('-fr','--fim-dir-fr',help='Directory that contains FR FIM outputs.',required=True)
parser.add_argument('-u','--huc',help='HUC within FIM directories to inunundate. Can be a comma-separated list.',required=True)
parser.add_argument('-f','--flows-file',help='File path of flows csv or comma-separated list of paths if running multiple HUCs',required=True)
parser.add_argument('-o','--ouput-dir',help='Folder to write Composite Raster output.',required=True)
parser.add_argument('-n','--ouput-name',help='File name for output(s).',default=None,required=False)
parser.add_argument('-b','--bin-raster',help='Output raster is a binary wet/dry grid. This is the default if no raster flags are passed.',required=False,default=False,action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-d','--depth-raster',help='Output raster is a depth grid.',required=False,default=False,action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-j','--num-workers',help='Number of concurrent processesto run.',required=False,default=1,type=int)
parser.add_argument('-c','--clean',help='If flag used, intermediate rasters are NOT cleaned up.',required=False,default=True,action='store_false')
parser.add_argument('-q','--quiet',help='Quiet terminal output.',required=False,default=False,action='store_true')

# Extract to dictionary and assign to variables.
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
fim_dir_ms = args['fim_dir_ms']
fim_dir_fr = args['fim_dir_fr']
hucs = args['huc'].replace(' ', '').split(',')
flows_files = args['flows_file'].replace(' ', '').split(',')
num_workers = int(args['num_workers'])
output_dir = args['ouput_dir']
ouput_name = args['ouput_name']
bin_raster = bool(args['bin_raster'])
depth_raster = bool(args['depth_raster'])
clean = bool(args['clean'])
quiet = bool(args['quiet'])

assert num_workers >= 1, "Number of workers should be 1 or greater"
assert len(flows_files) == len(hucs), "Number of hucs must be equal to the number of forecasts provided"
assert not (bin_raster and depth_raster), "Cannot use both -b and -d flags"

# Create output directory if it does not exist
if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):

# Create nested list for input into multi-threading
arg_list = []
for huc, flows_file in zip(hucs, flows_files):
arg_list.append((fim_dir_ms, fim_dir_fr, huc, flows_file, output_dir, ouput_name, bin_raster, depth_raster, clean, quiet))

# Multi-thread for each huc in input hucs
with Pool(processes=num_workers) as pool:
# Run composite_inundation()
pool.starmap(composite_inundation, arg_list)

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