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Version 1.2.0 March 5th, 2020

Minor release

Main Features:
* Removal of the CAMPS database.  The database aided in fetching variables from an input file based on a limited amount of metadata, provided by the user.  This functionality was easily replaced using the python package NetCDF4.  This change significantly sped up runtime of
* By removing level from the dimensions of primary variables, CF-Convention rules are fully met for each driver script.  The vertical level of a variable is instead accessed via a the metadata attribute verical_coord, which resolves to a variable that contains the vertical level of the variable.
* Removed the temporary class in  This functionality was replaced with a simple dictionary.
* Removed O&M ontology from the software.  SOSA has classes and properties that satisfy the CAMPS metadata ontology needs, and it is publically accessible, where O&M documentation exists behind a paywall.
* Removed the time classes ResultTime and ValidTime.  These were unnecessary for representing our data.  Additionally, ValidTime within the O&M ontology does not match the commonly accepted definition within atmospheric science.
* Cleaned up and and updated procedures.yaml and netcdf.yaml
* In order to be CF-Compliant, started encoding time bound variables as auxiliary coordinate variables to represent variables that occur over a period of time.
* Added more explicit documentation to control files

Bug Fixes:
* Fixed precip scaling factor error in

Known Issues:
*Spelling error in
*Lingering file_id global attributes within NetCDF files.  File_id is no longer used in CAMPS.
*Deprecation warnings resulting from the conversion from python 2 to python 3.


Minor release. Version 1.1.0 of CAMPS

Main Features:
* Python 2 to 3 conversion
* grib2_to_nc now supports more map projections
* equations_driver now writes out a summary text file giving equation information
* Expanded grid-to-station interpolation schemes
* Addition of grid binary process and associated metadata
* Allow for more flexible input/output options for driver scripts
* Updated the equations parameters in equations_control
* The beginning of a major metadata restructuring

Bug Fixes:
* Adding all applied procedures to primary variable names, with the exception of variable creation calculations.
* Fixed issue in that resulted in incorrect distances between grid and data points for bilinear interpolation.
* Fixed an issue for budget interpolation where the grid coordinates for a given station were not being computed correctly, leading to bad interpolation values.


VLab Issue #78487 Patch release 1.0.2

*result time error fix
*bugs in/related to get_source
*NAM data error in netcdf.yaml
*plr_new bug
*update to graphing module
*graphing module as driver/console script

Squashed commit of the following:

commit 62b0d324392cd33b1e55616431f391a8623ce4fe
Author: Emily Schlie <>
Date:   Fri May 8 19:44:57 2020 +0000

    VLab Issue #76082 Graphing module

    Modify graphing module to make it a console script

    Squashed commit of the following:

    commit 6075daa0184380fd657fedc5eca68a21c1425ce6
    Author: Emily Schlie <>
    Date:   Fri May 8 19:42:53 2020 +0000

        Making graphing module a console script so it can be run from command
        line outside of python.

        Looks more elaborate than it is due to fixing some tab issues.

        Change-Id: I97534f127f7146d93646f8d2a1a3dc2765092e14

    commit 357f17cab110bda8ea4a14cd919aec596d20c195
    Merge: 3bb6bf0 8a1254b
    Author: Emily Schlie <>
    Date:   Fri May 8 19:39:58 2020 +0000

        Merge branch 'development' of ssh:// into emily

        Change-Id: Ief862509c16c1873b68762cc8ed76dabb64c8ac7

    commit 3bb6bf0029a51845e5b8c6398379d4163b62d36c
    Merge: 291c49f b477704
    Author: Emily Schlie <>
    Date:   Mon Apr 27 14:25:25 2020 +0000

        Merge branch 'development' of ssh:// into emily

        Change-Id: I6715f181bb970a9b7b16a219c79a9bf512313895

    commit 291c49f2c6e93ece540dd794c515c4b621ae76e1
    Merge: 81494c3 7b66c2f
    Author: Emily Schlie <>
    Date:   Fri Apr 24 16:59:58 2020 +0000

        Merge branch 'development' of ssh:// into emily

        Change-Id: I2ceb82b05a70a2fce0169e5d44f8c9b706e0a3de

    Change-Id: I32f89d5988375b564a282b948a270f4e5500e3a7

commit 4252bf23199d9ab6e02e142b7a97c2b930c50e3b
Author: Justin Wilkerson <>
Date:   Mon Apr 27 12:59:41 2020 +0000

    Temporary source fix for forecast_driver

commit 1a26fba9c8d34f24a0f8a47dea100cc478135c81
Author: Emily Schlie <>
Date:   Fri Apr 24 16:58:35 2020 +0000

    Fixing source capitalization issue

    Change-Id: I2739a2a4b09658c1cc1b74100a4d187b3b2e4cf5

commit b919e6653ba91fccd33b113ce38ce087132eeab6
Author: Greg Zylstra <>
Date:   Mon Apr 6 18:35:16 2020 +0000

    Fixed calculation of result time near 00Z

    Change-Id: Ie0c8205269f604869e254545b3e50d07ab0ab040

commit 6bc2af5691b807c982787258ede342dd8e9d7eef
Author: Emily Schlie <>
Date:   Fri Apr 3 15:55:14 2020 +0000

    Made numerous changes to update graphing modules to work with modifed
    CAMPS software

    Main changes:
    - How matching up stations is handled (no more need for miss_stations)
    - Where output files are saved
    - How time array for METAR data is set up
    - No longer need to worry about last day of GFS data being missing
    - How control files are being read in

    Change-Id: Id7c8feb5244fc833ebec9b4cf3e21f2fcf04fbdc

commit bbebf5fcdf950bc7d538f56d2678d6fe703621a8
Author: Emily Schlie <>
Date:   Thu Mar 26 19:34:40 2020 +0000

    VLab Issue #76079  Minor fixes to netcdf.yaml

    Found some issues with min 1hr temp during testing of
    nam data
    Squashed commit of the following:

    commit 81f2fcf0a5d26159a50348304fb9bab743b49020
    Author: Emily Schlie <>
    Date:   Thu Mar 26 19:32:22 2020 +0000

        Minor fixes to netcdf.yaml found when testing NAM data

        Change-Id: I837fc4f6a2cddf5f9fd7a6727dd6e8c9a57c35ca

    Change-Id: I5b22f7c81c81d795166c5a2fda6e1fcaae6dd3ab

commit b032c5d973651f194c378f9d68c116cfcaad407d
Author: Justin Wilkerson <>
Date:   Tue Mar 17 20:03:28 2020 +0000

    VLab Issue #76360: plr_new bug

    Implemented a fix for the equations_driver bug
    discovered in plr_new. The fix is to move
    initialization of several parameters to inside
    the primary for loop.

Change-Id: I5c7205f04ce38db2a62e1a4e249705cd61274599


Patch release. Version 1.0.1 of CAMPS

Main features:
* Inclusion of RELEASE_NOTES and updated README
* Minor bug fixes (see list below)
* Some additional in code documentation updates

Several minor bug fixes:
* Small fix to budget interpolation
* Bilinear introplation fixes.
    1) Calculates dx and dy after conversion to indices
    2) Aligning handling of edge of grid with mos2k methods
* Removed unnecessary stations input argument in plr_new.main_camps
* Fixed typo in plr_new that was causing issues
* Fixes to for  handling of naming variables with otherwise identical
names.  Removed period information for dimension variable names.
* Additional fix to PhenomenonTimePeriod variable duplicate naming convention with wrong
period information appended to variable


Version 1.0.0 of CAMPS

This is the first release of CAMPS.  CAMPS is a software
infrastructure that supports Statistical Post-Processing
(StatPP) and is maintained as community code. CAMPS currently
offers the ability to replicate a limited Model Output Statistics
(MOS) 2000 development.  Currently, CAMPS only produces forecasts
for the following predictands; 2 meter Temperature, 2 meter Dew Point,
Daily Maximum Temperature, and Nighttime Minimum Temperature.
Additional limitations such as; functional regressions, interpolations,
and accepted map projections also exist.

CAMPS provides a structured method of encoding formatted metadata for StatPP.
It aids in processing predictands from observational data and predictors
from model output.  CAMPS offers modules for converting observational data in
ascii format (METAR and Marine data) and model output in Grib2 format
(GFS data) to netCDF.