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gustavo-marques committed Oct 13, 2016
2 parents a12a67c + 2ad74a0 commit ef5d3e1
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Showing 44 changed files with 4,364 additions and 2,546 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions .DoxygenLayout.xml
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# that contain images that are to be included in the documentation (see the
# \image command).

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# preprocessor.
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INCLUDE_PATH = src/framework

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23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions config_src/coupled_driver/MOM_surface_forcing.F90
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Expand Up @@ -194,6 +194,9 @@ module MOM_surface_forcing
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: fprec =>NULL() ! mass flux of frozen precip (kg/m2/s)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: runoff =>NULL() ! mass flux of liquid runoff (kg/m2/s)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: calving =>NULL() ! mass flux of frozen runoff (kg/m2/s)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: ustar_berg =>NULL() ! frictional velocity beneath icebergs (m/s)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: area_berg =>NULL() ! area covered by icebergs(m2/m2)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: mass_berg =>NULL() ! mass of icebergs(kg/m2)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: runoff_hflx =>NULL() ! heat content of liquid runoff (W/m2)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: calving_hflx =>NULL() ! heat content of frozen runoff (W/m2)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: p =>NULL() ! pressure of overlying ice and atmosphere
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -469,6 +472,20 @@ subroutine convert_IOB_to_fluxes(IOB, fluxes, index_bounds, Time, G, CS, state,
if (ASSOCIATED(IOB%calving)) &
fluxes%frunoff(i,j) = IOB%calving(i-i0,j-j0) * G%mask2dT(i,j)

if (((ASSOCIATED(IOB%ustar_berg) .and. (.not. ASSOCIATED(fluxes%ustar_berg))) &
.or. (ASSOCIATED(IOB%area_berg) .and. (.not. ASSOCIATED(fluxes%area_berg)))) &
.or. (ASSOCIATED(IOB%mass_berg) .and. (.not. ASSOCIATED(fluxes%mass_berg)))) &
call allocate_forcing_type(G, fluxes, iceberg=.true.)

if (ASSOCIATED(IOB%ustar_berg)) &
fluxes%ustar_berg(i,j) = IOB%ustar_berg(i-i0,j-j0) * G%mask2dT(i,j)

if (ASSOCIATED(IOB%area_berg)) &
fluxes%area_berg(i,j) = IOB%area_berg(i-i0,j-j0) * G%mask2dT(i,j)

if (ASSOCIATED(IOB%mass_berg)) &
fluxes%mass_berg(i,j) = IOB%mass_berg(i-i0,j-j0) * G%mask2dT(i,j)

if (ASSOCIATED(IOB%runoff_hflx)) &
fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff(i,j) = IOB%runoff_hflx(i-i0,j-j0) * G%mask2dT(i,j)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1197,6 +1214,12 @@ subroutine ice_ocn_bnd_type_chksum(id, timestep, iobt)
write(outunit,100) 'iobt%runoff ', mpp_chksum( iobt%runoff )
write(outunit,100) 'iobt%calving ', mpp_chksum( iobt%calving )
write(outunit,100) 'iobt%p ', mpp_chksum( iobt%p )
if (ASSOCIATED(iobt%ustar_berg)) &
write(outunit,100) 'iobt%ustar_berg ', mpp_chksum( iobt%ustar_berg )
if (ASSOCIATED(iobt%area_berg)) &
write(outunit,100) 'iobt%area_berg ', mpp_chksum( iobt%area_berg )
if (ASSOCIATED(iobt%mass_berg)) &
write(outunit,100) 'iobt%mass_berg ', mpp_chksum( iobt%mass_berg )

100 FORMAT(" CHECKSUM::",A20," = ",Z20)
do n = 1, iobt%fluxes%num_bcs !{
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95 changes: 90 additions & 5 deletions config_src/coupled_driver/ocean_model_MOM.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,8 +67,10 @@ module ocean_model_mod
use mpp_domains_mod, only : domain2d, mpp_get_layout, mpp_get_global_domain
use mpp_domains_mod, only : mpp_define_domains, mpp_get_compute_domain, mpp_get_data_domain
use atmos_ocean_fluxes_mod, only : aof_set_coupler_flux
use MOM_forcing_type, only : allocate_forcing_type
use fms_mod, only : stdout
use mpp_mod, only : mpp_chksum
use MOM_domains, only : pass_var, pass_vector, TO_ALL, CGRID_NE, BGRID_NE

#include <MOM_memory.h>

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,14 +155,17 @@ module ocean_model_mod

integer :: nstep = 0 ! The number of calls to update_ocean.
logical :: use_ice_shelf ! If true, the ice shelf model is enabled.
logical :: icebergs_apply_rigid_boundary ! If true, the icebergs can change ocean bd condition.
real :: kv_iceberg ! The viscosity of the icebergs in m2/s (for ice rigidity)
real :: density_iceberg ! A typical density of icebergs in kg/m3 (for ice rigidity)
type(ice_shelf_CS), pointer :: Ice_shelf_CSp => NULL()
logical :: restore_salinity ! If true, the coupled MOM driver adds a term to
! restore salinity to a specified value.
logical :: restore_temp ! If true, the coupled MOM driver adds a term to
! restore sst to a specified value.
real :: press_to_z ! A conversion factor between pressure and ocean
! depth in m, usually 1/(rho_0*g), in m Pa-1.
real :: C_p ! The heat capacity of seawater, in J K-1 kg-1.
real :: C_p ! The heat capacity of seawater, in J K-1 kg-1.

type(directories) :: dirs ! A structure containing several relevant directory paths.
type(forcing) :: fluxes ! A structure containing pointers to
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -280,6 +285,16 @@ subroutine ocean_model_init(Ocean_sfc, OS, Time_init, Time_in)
call get_param(param_file, mod, "ICE_SHELF", OS%use_ice_shelf, &
"If true, enables the ice shelf model.", default=.false.)

call get_param(param_file, mod, "ICEBERGS_APPLY_RIGID_BOUNDARY", OS%icebergs_apply_rigid_boundary, &
"If true, allows icebergs to change boundary condition felt by ocean", default=.false.)

if (OS%icebergs_apply_rigid_boundary) then
call get_param(param_file, mod, "KV_ICEBERG", OS%kv_iceberg, &
"The viscosity of the icebergs", units="m2 s-1",default=1.0e10)
call get_param(param_file, mod, "DENSITY_ICEBERGS", OS%density_iceberg, &
"A typical density of icebergs.", units="kg m-3", default=917.0)

OS%press_to_z = 1.0/(Rho0*G_Earth)

call surface_forcing_init(Time_in, OS%grid, param_file, OS%MOM_CSp%diag, &
Expand All @@ -289,6 +304,11 @@ subroutine ocean_model_init(Ocean_sfc, OS, Time_init, Time_in)
call initialize_ice_shelf(param_file, OS%grid, OS%Time, OS%ice_shelf_CSp, &
OS%MOM_CSp%diag, OS%fluxes)
if (OS%icebergs_apply_rigid_boundary) then
!call allocate_forcing_type(OS%grid, OS%fluxes, iceberg=.true.)
!This assumes that the iceshelf and ocean are on the same grid. I hope this is true
if (.not. OS%use_ice_shelf) call allocate_forcing_type(OS%grid, OS%fluxes, ustar=.true., shelf=.true.)

call MOM_sum_output_init(OS%grid, param_file, OS%dirs%output_directory, &
OS%MOM_CSp%ntrunc, Time_init, OS%sum_output_CSp)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -394,23 +414,28 @@ subroutine update_ocean_model(Ice_ocean_boundary, OS, Ocean_sfc, &
call MOM_generic_tracer_fluxes_accumulate(OS%fluxes, weight) !here weight=1, just saving the current fluxes

! Add ice shelf fluxes

! Add ice shelf fluxes
if (OS%use_ice_shelf) then
call shelf_calc_flux(OS%State, OS%fluxes, OS%Time, time_step, OS%Ice_shelf_CSp)

if (OS%icebergs_apply_rigid_boundary) then
!This assumes that the iceshelf and ocean are on the same grid. I hope this is true
call add_berg_flux_to_shelf(OS%grid, OS%fluxes,OS%use_ice_shelf,OS%density_iceberg,OS%kv_iceberg)
! Indicate that there are new unused fluxes.
OS%fluxes%fluxes_used = .false.
OS%fluxes%dt_buoy_accum = time_step
OS%flux_tmp%C_p = OS%fluxes%C_p
call convert_IOB_to_fluxes(Ice_ocean_boundary, OS%flux_tmp, index_bnds, OS%Time, &
OS%grid, OS%forcing_CSp, OS%state, OS%restore_salinity,OS%restore_temp)

if (OS%use_ice_shelf) then
call shelf_calc_flux(OS%State, OS%flux_tmp, OS%Time, time_step, OS%Ice_shelf_CSp)
if (OS%icebergs_apply_rigid_boundary) then
!This assumes that the iceshelf and ocean are on the same grid. I hope this is true
call add_berg_flux_to_shelf(OS%grid, OS%flux_tmp, OS%use_ice_shelf,OS%density_iceberg,OS%kv_iceberg)

call forcing_accumulate(OS%flux_tmp, OS%fluxes, time_step, OS%grid, weight)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -477,6 +502,66 @@ end subroutine update_ocean_model
! the any restart file name as a prefix.

subroutine add_berg_flux_to_shelf(G, fluxes, use_ice_shelf, density_ice, kv_ice)
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: G
type(forcing), intent(inout) :: fluxes
logical, intent(in) :: use_ice_shelf
real, intent(in) :: kv_ice ! The viscosity of ice, in m2 s-1.
real, intent(in) :: density_ice ! A typical density of ice, in kg m-3.
! Arguments:
! (in) fluxes - A structure of surface fluxes that may be used.
! (in) G - The ocean's grid structure.
integer :: i, j, is, ie, js, je, isd, ied, jsd, jed
is = G%isc ; ie = G%iec ; js = G%jsc ; je = G%jec
isd = G%isd ; jsd = G%jsd ; ied = G%ied ; jed = G%jed
!This routine adds iceberg data to the ice shelf data (if ice shelf is used)
!which can then be used to change the top of ocean boundary condition used in
!the ocean model. This routine is taken from the add_shelf_flux subroutine
!within the ice shelf model.

if (.not. (((associated(fluxes%frac_shelf_h) .and. associated(fluxes%frac_shelf_u)) &
.and.(associated(fluxes%frac_shelf_v) .and. associated(fluxes%ustar_shelf)))&
.and.(associated(fluxes%rigidity_ice_u) .and. associated(fluxes%rigidity_ice_v)))) return

if (.not. ((associated(fluxes%area_berg) .and. associated(fluxes%ustar_berg)) .and. associated(fluxes%mass_berg) ) ) return

if (.not. use_ice_shelf) then

do j=jsd,jed ; do i=isd,ied
if (G%areaT(i,j) > 0.0) &
fluxes%frac_shelf_h(i,j) = fluxes%frac_shelf_h(i,j) + fluxes%area_berg(i,j)
fluxes%ustar_shelf(i,j) = fluxes%ustar_shelf(i,j) + fluxes%ustar_berg(i,j)
enddo ; enddo
!do I=isd,ied-1 ; do j=isd,jed
do j=jsd,jed ; do i=isd,ied-1 ! ### changed stride order; i->ied-1?
fluxes%frac_shelf_u(I,j) = 0.0
if ((G%areaT(i,j) + G%areaT(i+1,j) > 0.0)) & ! .and. (G%dxdy_u(I,j) > 0.0)) &
fluxes%frac_shelf_u(I,j) = fluxes%frac_shelf_u(I,j) + (((fluxes%area_berg(i,j)*G%areaT(i,j)) + (fluxes%area_berg(i+1,j)*G%areaT(i+1,j))) / &
(G%areaT(i,j) + G%areaT(i+1,j)))
fluxes%rigidity_ice_u(I,j) = fluxes%rigidity_ice_u(I,j) +((kv_ice / density_ice) * &
min(fluxes%mass_berg(i,j), fluxes%mass_berg(i+1,j)))
enddo ; enddo
do j=jsd,jed-1 ; do i=isd,ied ! ### change stride order; j->jed-1?
!do i=isd,ied ; do J=isd,jed-1
fluxes%frac_shelf_v(i,J) = 0.0
if ((G%areaT(i,j) + G%areaT(i,j+1) > 0.0)) & ! .and. (G%dxdy_v(i,J) > 0.0)) &
fluxes%frac_shelf_v(i,J) = fluxes%frac_shelf_v(i,J) + (((fluxes%area_berg(i,j)*G%areaT(i,j)) + (fluxes%area_berg(i,j+1)*G%areaT(i,j+1))) / &
(G%areaT(i,j) + G%areaT(i,j+1) ))
fluxes%rigidity_ice_v(i,J) = fluxes%rigidity_ice_v(i,J) +((kv_ice / density_ice) * &
max(fluxes%mass_berg(i,j), fluxes%mass_berg(i,j+1)))
enddo ; enddo
call pass_vector(fluxes%frac_shelf_u, fluxes%frac_shelf_v, G%domain, TO_ALL, CGRID_NE)

end subroutine add_berg_flux_to_shelf

subroutine ocean_model_restart(OS, timestamp)
type(ocean_state_type), pointer :: OS
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: timestamp
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions config_src/solo_driver/MOM_surface_forcing.F90
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Expand Up @@ -97,6 +97,10 @@ module MOM_surface_forcing
use SCM_idealized_hurricane, only : SCM_idealized_hurricane_wind_init
use SCM_idealized_hurricane, only : SCM_idealized_hurricane_wind_forcing
use SCM_idealized_hurricane, only : SCM_idealized_hurricane_CS
use SCM_CVmix_tests, only : SCM_CVmix_tests_surface_forcing_init
use SCM_CVmix_tests, only : SCM_CVmix_tests_wind_forcing
use SCM_CVmix_tests, only : SCM_CVmix_tests_buoyancy_forcing
use SCM_CVmix_tests, only : SCM_CVmix_tests_CS
use BFB_surface_forcing, only : BFB_buoyancy_forcing
use BFB_surface_forcing, only : BFB_surface_forcing_init, BFB_surface_forcing_CS

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -211,6 +215,7 @@ module MOM_surface_forcing
type(BFB_surface_forcing_CS), pointer :: BFB_forcing_CSp => NULL()
type(MESO_surface_forcing_CS), pointer :: MESO_forcing_CSp => NULL()
type(SCM_idealized_hurricane_CS), pointer :: SCM_idealized_hurricane_CSp => NULL()
type(SCM_CVmix_tests_CS), pointer :: SCM_CVmix_tests_CSp => NULL()

end type surface_forcing_CS

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,6 +275,8 @@ subroutine set_forcing(state, fluxes, day_start, day_interval, G, CS)
call MESO_wind_forcing(state, fluxes, day_center, G, CS%MESO_forcing_CSp)
elseif (trim(CS%wind_config) == "SCM_ideal_hurr") then
call SCM_idealized_hurricane_wind_forcing(state, fluxes, day_center, G, CS%SCM_idealized_hurricane_CSp)
elseif (trim(CS%wind_config) == "SCM_CVmix_tests") then
call SCM_CVmix_tests_wind_forcing(state, fluxes, day_center, G, CS%SCM_CVmix_tests_CSp)
elseif (trim(CS%wind_config) == "USER") then
call USER_wind_forcing(state, fluxes, day_center, G, CS%user_forcing_CSp)
elseif (CS%variable_winds .and. .not.CS%first_call_set_forcing) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -321,6 +328,8 @@ subroutine set_forcing(state, fluxes, day_start, day_interval, G, CS)
call buoyancy_forcing_linear(state, fluxes, day_center, dt, G, CS)
elseif (trim(CS%buoy_config) == "MESO") then
call MESO_buoyancy_forcing(state, fluxes, day_center, dt, G, CS%MESO_forcing_CSp)
elseif (trim(CS%buoy_config) == "SCM_CVmix_tests") then
call SCM_CVmix_tests_buoyancy_forcing(state, fluxes, day_center, G, CS%SCM_CVmix_tests_CSp)
elseif (trim(CS%buoy_config) == "USER") then
call USER_buoyancy_forcing(state, fluxes, day_center, dt, G, CS%user_forcing_CSp)
elseif (trim(CS%buoy_config) == "BFB") then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1835,6 +1844,10 @@ subroutine surface_forcing_init(Time, G, param_file, diag, CS, tracer_flow_CSp)
call get_param(param_file, mod, "CONST_WIND_TAUY", CS%tau_y0, &
"With wind_config const, this is the constant zonal\n"//&
"wind-stress", units="Pa", fail_if_missing=.true.)
elseif (trim(CS%wind_config) == "SCM_CVmix_tests" .or. &
trim(CS%buoy_config) == "SCM_CVmix_tests") then
call SCM_CVmix_tests_surface_forcing_init(Time, G, param_file, CS%SCM_CVmix_tests_CSp)
CS%SCM_CVmix_tests_CSp%Rho0 = CS%Rho0 !copy reference density for pass

call register_forcing_type_diags(Time, diag, CS%use_temperature, CS%handles)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ALE/MOM_regridding.F90
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Expand Up @@ -2870,7 +2870,7 @@ end subroutine regridding_memory_deallocation
!! Most calculations in this module start with the coordinate at the bottom
!! of the column set to -depth, and use a increasing value of coordinate with
!! decreasing k. This is consistent with the rest of MOM6 that uses position,
!! f$z\f$ which is a negative quantity for most of the ocean.
!! \f$z\f$ which is a negative quantity for most of the ocean.
!! A change in grid is define through a change in position of the interfaces:
!! \f[
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11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions src/core/MOM.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -526,8 +526,9 @@ subroutine step_MOM(fluxes, state, Time_start, time_interval, CS)
call create_group_pass(CS%pass_tau_ustar_psurf, fluxes%ustar(:,:), G%Domain)
if (ASSOCIATED(fluxes%p_surf)) &
call create_group_pass(CS%pass_tau_ustar_psurf, fluxes%p_surf(:,:), G%Domain)
if (CS%thickness_diffuse .OR. CS%mixedlayer_restrat) &
if ((CS%thickness_diffuse .and. (.not.CS%thickness_diffuse_first .or. CS%dt_trans == 0) ) .OR. CS%mixedlayer_restrat) &
call create_group_pass(CS%pass_h, h, G%Domain)

if (CS%diabatic_first) then
if (associated(CS%visc%Ray_u) .and. associated(CS%visc%Ray_v)) &
call create_group_pass(CS%pass_ray, CS%visc%Ray_u, CS%visc%Ray_v, G%Domain, &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2093,7 +2094,7 @@ subroutine initialize_MOM(Time, param_file, dirs, CS, Time_in)
(LEN_TRIM(dirs%input_filename) == 1))
call tracer_flow_control_init(.not.new_sim, Time, G, GV, CS%h, param_file, &
CS%diag, CS%OBC, CS%tracer_flow_CSp, CS%sponge_CSp, &
CS%ALE_sponge_CSp, CS%diag_to_Z_CSp)
CS%ALE_sponge_CSp, CS%diag_to_Z_CSp, CS%tv)

call cpu_clock_begin(id_clock_pass_init)
call do_group_pass(CS%pass_uv_T_S_h, G%Domain)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3633,9 +3634,9 @@ end subroutine MOM_end
!! * FRAZIL_HEAT_TENDENCY generally has 3d structure, since MOM6 frazil calculation checks the
!! full ocean column.
!! * FRAZIL_HEAT_TENDENCY[k=@sum] = HFSIFRAZIL = column integrated frazil heating.
!! * FRAZIL_HEAT_TENDENCY[k=\@sum] = HFSIFRAZIL = column integrated frazil heating.
!! Here is an example 2d heat budget (depth summed) diagnostic for MOM.
Expand All @@ -3661,7 +3662,7 @@ end subroutine MOM_end
!! * BOUNDARY_FORCING_SALT_TENDENCY generally has 3d structure, with k > 1 contributions from
!! the case when layers are tiny, in which case MOM6 partitions tendencies into k > 1 layers.
!! Here is an example 2d salt budget (depth summed) diagnostic for MOM.
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