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06 Mar 16:44
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[2025.01.02] - 2025-03-06

Known Issues

  • Diag Manager Rewrite: See the changelog for known output file differences regarding the new diag manager. The new diag_manager is disabled by default, so this differences will only be present if use_modern_diag is set to true in the diag_manager_nml.
  • BUILD(HDF5): HDF5 version 1.14.3 generates floating point exceptions, and will cause errors if FMS is built with FPE traps enabled. FPE traps are turned on when using the debug target in mkmf.
  • GCC: version 14.1.0 is unsupported due to a bug with strings that has come up previously in earlier versions. This will be caught by the configure script, but will cause compilation errors if using other build systems.
  • INTEL: The -check uninit flag for the Intel Oneapi Fortran compiler (ifx) is unsupported due to a bug causing false positives when using external libraries. If using the -check all flag, -check all,nouninit should be used instead.


  • DIAG_MANAGER: Change name of yaml output file to include the root PE number at the end in order to prevent overwrites (#1654)


26 Feb 21:01
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[2025.01.01] - 2025-02-26

Known Issues

  • Diag Manager Rewrite: See the changelog for known output file differences regarding the new diag manager. The new diag_manager is disabled by default, so these differences will only be present if use_modern_diag is set to true in the diag_manager_nml.
  • BUILD(HDF5): HDF5 version 1.14.3 generates floating point exceptions, and will cause errors if FMS is built with FPE traps enabled. FPE traps are turned on when using the debug target in mkmf.
  • GCC: version 14.1.0 is unsupported due to a bug with strings that has come up previously in earlier versions. This will be caught by the configure script, but will cause compilation errors if using other build systems.
  • INTEL: The -check uninit flag for the Intel Oneapi Fortran compiler (ifx) is unsupported due to a bug causing false positives when using external libraries. If using the -check all flag, -check all,nouninit should be used instead.


  • DIAG_MANAGER: Changed the name of the yaml output file from "diag_out.yaml" to "diag_manifest.yaml" (#1646)


  • DIAG_MANAGER: Added field to the yaml output file to specify the number of time levels written to a given file (#1648)


30 Jan 20:49
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[2025.01] - 2025-01-30

Known Issues

  • Diag Manager Rewrite: See the changelog for known output file differences regarding the new diag manager. The new diag_manager is disabled by default, so these differences will only be present if use_modern_diag is set to true in the diag_manager_nml.
  • BUILD(HDF5): HDF5 version 1.14.3 generates floating point exceptions, and will cause errors if FMS is built with FPE traps enabled. FPE traps are turned on when using the debug target in mkmf.
  • GCC: version 14.1.0 is unsupported due to a bug with strings that has come up previously in earlier versions. This will be caught by the configure script, but will cause compilation errors if using other build systems.
  • INTEL: The -check uninit flag for the Intel Oneapi Fortran compiler (ifx) is unsupported due to a bug causing false positives when using external libraries. If using the -check all flag, -check all,nouninit should be used instead.


  • ENSEMBLE YAML SUPPORT: Adds functionality to the diag_manager, field_manager, and data_override to support unique yaml tables for each member of an ensemble or nest. More information can be found in in the diag_manager and data_override README files (#1585)
  • BUILD: Adds options to set PORTABLE_KINDS macro in CMake and autotools builds (#1572)
  • BUILD(autotools): Adds check for cray compiler .mod file capitalization and will now run a previously added, but unused, m4 check for newunit support. (#1561)
  • BUILD(cmake): Adds CMake functionality to generate a pkgconfig file (#1565)
  • DIAG_MANAGER: Modifies diag_field_add_attribute to accept both r4 and r8 values (#1625)


  • MPP_IO/FMS_IO: A deprecation warning will now be output when using these modules or enabling the -Duse_deprecated_io flag via the build systems. Usage of these modules will be deprecated in the next release. (#1609)
  • DIAG_MANAGER: Made changes to the reduction routine to improve performance of loop and to reduce unnecessary calls if there isn't any new data to process (#1634)
  • MOSAIC/GRID_UTILS: The mosaic directory has been refactored and is now called grid_utils. (#1626) As part of these updates:
    • The create_xgrid.c/h files have been moved to the horiz_interp/include directory
    • Any any unused .c/.h files or functions from mosaic have been removed
    • C functions have been moved between the grid_utils.c, tree_utils.c and create_xgrid.c files depending on the functions usage
  • DIAG_MANAGER: Changes fms_diag_accept_data from a function to a subroutine (#1610)


  • DIAG_MANAGER: Fixes functionality of the new_file_freq, start_time, and file_duration keys in the diag_manager. (#1633)
  • MOSAIC2: Fixes argument intent for calc_mosaic_grid_area and makes changes to the test to avoid divide-by-zero errors (#1597)
  • YAML_PARSER: Fixes incorrect argument type in c-binding causing type mismatch errors with the cray compiler (#1580)
  • BUILD(CMake): Removes usage of hardcoded lib directory path (#1589)
  • HORIZ_INTERP: Adds allocation checks before checking fields for horiz_interp_type_eq (#1584)
  • BUILD: Fixed syntax error in column_diagnostics (#1598)
  • DIAG_MANAGER: Adds a workaround for a cray compiler bug where the NULL() intrinsic causes a type mismatch when passed in as an argument (#1560)
  • LIBFMS: Adds missed f2c_string routine to libFMS.F90 (#1601)
  • BUILD(autotools): Fixes false ./configure failures when using intel compilers and the -warn flag (#1583)
  • BLOCK_CONTROL: Updates non-uniform block size warning to only output on the root pe (#1588)
  • FMS2_IO: Fixes z-axis domain reads when edge lengths and corners are specified (#1620)
  • MPP: Fixes temporary array compiler warning during mpp_init (#1628)
  • SAT_VAPOR_PRES: Fixes bad temperature output not printing on non-root pe's (#1619)
  • ASTRONOMY: Adds allocation checks for module variables before being deallocated in astronomy_end (#1629)
  • TESTS: Fixes multiple unit test failures, including any failing tests when compiled with GNU debug flags (#1575, #1595, #1579, #1607, #1622)
  • TESTS: Fixes multiple compilation and runtime errors from the unit tests when compiled with the cray compiler (#1599, #1602, #1603, #1604, #1605)
  • TESTS: Replaces usage of fms_platform.h includes with platform_mod in mpp unit tests (#1616)
  • TESTS: Add workaround for ifx failures in diag_integral and topography tests (#1606)

Tag Commit Hashes


22 Aug 18:26
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[2024.03] - 2024-08-22

Known Issues

  • Diag Manager Rewrite: See the previous releases for known output file differences regarding the new diag manager. The new diag_manager is disabled by default, so these differences will only be present if use_modern_diag is set to true in the diag_manager_nml.
  • BUILD(HDF5): HDF5 version 1.14.3 generates floating point exceptions, and will cause errors if FMS is built with FPE traps enabled. FPE traps are turned on when using the debug target in mkmf.
  • GCC: version 14.1.0 is unsupported due to a bug with strings that has come up previously in earlier versions. This will be caught by the configure script, but will cause compilation errors if using other build systems.
  • INTEL: The -check uninit flag for the Intel Oneapi Fortran compiler (ifx) is unsupported due to a bug causing false positives when using external libraries. If using the -check all flag, -check all,nouninit should be used instead.


  • DATA_OVERRIDE: Adds a namelist flag use_center_grid_points which, if true, enables reading the centroid values from the grid spec for ocean and ice models. This fixes issues with grid files that have longitudes ranges from 0:180 and then -180:0, but will cause answer changes if enabled. (#1566)
  • DATA_OVERRIDE: Adds support for reading external weight files. Currently only supported for fregrid generated files while using the bilinear interpolation method. Documentation for this feature can be found in data_override/ (#1556)
  • PLATFORM: Adds two constants FMS_PATH_LEN and FMS_FILE_LEN and uses it across the code for any file path or file name character strings. They default to 1024 and 255 but can also be set by the FMS_MAX_PATH_LEN and FMS_MAX_FILE_LEN CPP macros. (#1567)
  • CMAKE: Adds Cmake option to support building shared libraries (#1559)


  • DIAG_MANAGER: Simplifies the diag_table.yaml format by allowing module, reduction, and kind to be set on a file level, with the ability to override for a specific field. (#1545)
  • FIELD_MANAGER: Updated and refactored the fm_yaml_mod module for a new table format to remove the subparams key. (#1547)
  • DATA_OVERRIDE: Updates the yaml format to be improve readablity and to be more consistent in key names. Additional documentation for the new format can be found in data_override/ (#1556)


  • PARSER: Adds error code checks to the yaml parser to prevent code from hanging on invalid yamls (#1563)
  • PARSER: Adds ability to read in generic blocks to support field_manager updates. (#1519)
  • CRAY COMPILER SUPPORT: Updated any multi-line string literals to be compatible with the cray compiler. (#1554)


  • DIAG_MANAGER: Removed diag_table schemas from FMS and moved them to the gfdl_msd_schemas repository, and updates the diag_manager documentation markdowns. (#1543)

Tag Commit Hashes


11 Jul 18:49
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[2024.02] - 2024-07-11

Known Issues

  • Diag Manager Rewrite: See 2024.01.02 for known output file differences regarding the new diag manager. The new diag_manager is disabled by default, so these differences will only be present if use_modern_diag is set to true in the diag_manager_nml.
  • BUILD(HDF5): HDF5 version 1.14.3 generates floating point exceptions, and will cause errors if FMS is built with FPE traps enabled. FPE traps are turned on when using the debug target in mkmf.
  • GCC: version 14.1.0 is unsupported due to a bug with strings that has come up previously in earlier versions. This will be caught by the configure script, but will cause compilation errors if using other build systems.


  • TIME_INTERP: Enables use of verbose option in time_interp_external2 calls from data_override. The option is enabled in data_override_nml by setting debug_data_override to true. (#1516)
  • COUPLER: Adds optional argument to coupler_types_send_data routine that contains the return statuses for any calls made to the diag_manager's send_data routine. (#1530)
  • MPP: Adds a separate error log file warnfile.<root pe num>.out that only holds output from any mpp_error calls made during a run (#1544)


  • DIAG_MANAGER: The diag_field_log.out output file of all registered fields will now include the PE number of the root PE at the time of writing (ie. diag_field_log.out.0). This is to prevent overwritting the file in cases where the root PE may change. (#1497)


  • CMAKE: Fixes real kind flags being overwritten when using the Debug release type (#1532)
  • HORIZ_INTERP: Fixes allocation issues when using method-specific horiz_interp_new routines (such as horiz_interp_bilinear_new) by setting is_allocated and the method_type during initialization for each method. (#1538)

Tag Commit Hashes


14 Jun 17:35
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[2024.01.02] - 2024-06-14

Known Issues

  • Diag Manager Rewrite:

    • Expected output file changes:
      • If the model run time is less than the output frequency, old diag_manager would write a specific value (9.96921e+36). The new diag_manager will not, so only fill values will be present.
      • A scalar_axis dimension will not be added to scalar variables
      • The average_* variables will no longer be added as they are non-standard conventions
      • Attributes added via diag_field_add_attributes in the old code were saved as NF90_FLOAT regardless of precision, but will now be written as the precision that is passed in
      • Subregional output will have a global attribute is_subregional = True set for non-global history files.
      • The grid_type and grid_tile global attributes will no longer be added for all files, and some differences may be seen in the exact order of the associated_files attribute
  • DIAG_MANAGER: When using the do_diag_field_log nml option, the output log file may be ovewritten if using a multiple root pe's

  • BUILD(HDF5): HDF5 version 1.14.3 generates floating point exceptions, and will cause errors if FMS is built with FPE traps enabled.

  • GCC: version 14.1.0 is unsupported due to a bug with strings that has come up previously in earlier versions. This will be caught by the configure script, but will cause compilation errors if using other build systems.


  • DIAG_MANAGER: Fixes incorrect dates being appended to static file names


30 May 16:31
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[2024.01.01] - 2024-05-30

Known Issues

  • Diag Manager Rewrite:

    • Expected output file changes:
      • If the model run time is less than the output frequency, old diag_manager would write a specific value (9.96921e+36). The new diag_manager will not, so only fill values will be present.
      • A scalar_axis dimension will not be added to scalar variables
      • The average_* variables will no longer be added as they are non-standard conventions
      • Attributes added via diag_field_add_attributes in the old code were saved as NF90_FLOAT regardless of precision, but will now be written as the precision that is passed in
      • Subregional output will have a global attribute is_subregional = True set for non-global history files.
      • The grid_type and grid_tile global attributes will no longer be added for all files, and some differences may be seen in the exact order of the associated_files attribute
  • DIAG_MANAGER: When using the do_diag_field_log nml option, the output log file may be ovewritten if using a multiple root pe's

  • BUILD(HDF5): HDF5 version 1.14.3 generates floating point exceptions, and will cause errors if FMS is built with FPE traps enabled.

  • GCC: version 14.1.0 is unsupported due to a bug with strings that has come up previously in earlier versions. This will be caught by the configure script, but will cause compilation errors if using other build systems.


  • DIAG_MANAGER: Implements flush_nc_files functionality from legacy diag_manager.


  • FMS2_IO: Changed register_unlimited_compressed_axis to use a collective gather rather than send and recieves to improve efficiency when reading in iceberg restarts.


  • DIAG_MANAGER: Fixes 0 day output frequencies causing error stating a time_step was skipped. Also adds checks to crash if averaged fields have -1 or 0 day frequencies or if mixing averaged and non-averaged fields in the same file.
  • DIAG_MANAGER: Fixes issue with the weight argument not getting passed through to reduction methods.
  • DIAG_MANAGER: Allocation errors when using two empty files.
  • DIAG_MANAGER: time and time_bnds being larger than expected when running for 1 day and using daily data.
  • DIAG_MANAGER: Allows for mixing static and non-static fields when frequency is 0 days.
  • TESTS: Fixes compile failure with ifort 2024.01 from test_mpp_gatscat.F90.


  • DIAG_MANAGER: The mix_snapshot_average_fields option is deprecated for the rewritten diag_manager only.

Tag Commit Hashes


03 May 18:31
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[2024.01] - 2024-05-03

Known Issues

  • GCC: version 14.1.0 is unsupported due to a bug with strings that has come up previously in earlier versions. This will be caught by the configure script, but will cause compilation errors if using other build systems.

  • Diag Manager Rewrite:

    • If two empty files are present in the diag_table.yaml file the code will crash with a allocation error (#1506)
    • Setting an output frequency of '0 days' does not work as expected and may cause an error stating a time_step has been skipped (#1502)
    • The flush_nc_files and mix_snapshot_average_fields nml options are not yet functional. The mix_snapshot_average_fields option is planned to be deprecated (for the rewritten diag_manager only).
    • Expected output file changes:
      • If the model run time is less than the output frequency, old diag_manager would write a specific value (9.96921e+36). The new diag_manager will not, so only fill values will be present.
      • A scalar_axis dimension will not be added to scalar variables
      • The average_* variables will no longer be added as they are non-standard conventions
      • Attributes added via diag_field_add_attributes in the old code were saved as NF90_FLOAT regardless of precision, but will now be written as the precision that is passed in
      • Subregional output will have a global attribute is_subregional = True set for non-global history files.
      • The grid_type and grid_tile global attributes will no longer be added for all files, and some differences may be seen in the exact order of the associated_files attribute
  • DIAG_MANAGER: When using the do_diag_field_log nml option, the output log file may be ovewritten if using a multiple root pe's

  • TESTS: test_mpp_gatscat.F90 fails to compile with the Intel Oneapi 2024.01's version of ifort

  • BUILD(HDF5): HDF5 version 1.14.3 generates floating point exceptions, and will cause errors if FMS is built with FPE traps enabled.


  • DIAG_MANAGER: The diag manager has been rewritten with a object oriented design. The old diag_manager code has been kept intact and will be used by default. The rewritten diag manager can be enabled via use_modern_diag = .true. to your diag_manager_nml. The new diag manager also requires a call to diag_send_complete after send_data calls. New features include:
    • Self-describing YAML formatting for diag_tables
    • Allows 4d variables
    • Support defining subregions with indices
    • More flexibility when adding metadata and defining output frequency
    • Updated math and buffer handling for better support when send_data is called in a threaded region
  • FMS2_IO: Adds support for collective parallel reads to improve model startup time. The collective reads are disabled by default and enabled via the use_collective flag in netcdf_io_mod.
  • DATA_OVERRIDE: Adds multifile support for using 3 input netcdf files instead of one. Three keys have been added to the data_table: is_multi_file to be set to true to enable the feature, as well as prev_file_name and next_file_name to set to the names of the additional files. (#1408)
  • INTERPOLATOR: Adds support for yearly/annual data
  • DATA_OVERRIDE: Adds support for monotonically increasing/decreasing arrays (#1388)
  • DOCS: Add documentation for the exchange grid (xgrid_mod) and update the contribution guide to add a section on code reviews
  • MPP: MPI sub-communicators for domains are now accessible via mpp_get_domain_tile_commid and mpp_get_domain_commid in mpp_domains_mod


  • DATA_OVERRIDE: Changes behavior to crash if both data_table and data_table.yaml are present and adds error checking when reading in yaml files
  • FIELD_MANAGER: Changes behavior to crash if both field_table and field_table.yaml are present as well as adds a namelist flag (use_field_table_yaml) to enable support for the yaml input.


  • DATA_OVERRIDE: Fixes allocation error with scalar routine and replaces pointers with allocatables
  • INTERPOLATOR: Increase max string size for file paths
  • AXIS_UTILS: Improves performance of nearest_index routine
  • CMAKE: Fixes macOS linking issues with OpenMP

Tag Commit Hashes


04 Dec 19:32
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[2023.04] - 2023-12-04

Known Issues

  • GCC 9 and below as well as GCC 11.1.0 are unsupported due to compilation issues. See prior releases for more details.
  • NO_QUAD_PRECISION macro is no longer set by FMS, the ENABLE_QUAD_PRECISION macro has replaced prior usage of NO_QUAD_PRECISION. -DENABLE_QUAD_PRECISION should be set if quad precision is to be used, otherwise FMS will not use quad precision reals where applicable.


  • DATA_OVERRIDE: A new namelist flag use_data_table_yaml has been added to enable usage of the yaml format data_override tables. This allows an executable built with yaml support be able to accept either format.


  • RESERVED KEYWORD CHANGES: Various routines in FMS have been updated to not use fortran keywords for variable names. The names changed were: data, unit, and value. This may affect usage of external code if argument names are explicitly used. Only required arguement names were changed to mitigate any breaking changes.
  • TESTS: Changes the testing scripts to allow for the MPI_LAUNCHER environment variable override to work with any provided arguments.


  • CMAKE: Fixed build issue with CMake where precision default flags were being overwritten when using GNU and MPICH.
  • AUTOTOOLS: Fixes issue affecting installs where the global libFMS.F90 module was not being installed correctly and adds post-install message.
  • DIAG_MANAGER: Fixes issue with incorrect start_time functionality (from the 2023.02.01 patch)

Tag Commit Hashes


27 Oct 14:55
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[2023.03] - 2023-10-27

Known Issues

  • GCC 9 and below as well as GCC 11.1.0 are unsupported due to compilation issues. See prior releases for more details.
  • NO_QUAD_PRECISION macro is no longer set by FMS, the ENABLE_QUAD_PRECISION macro has replaced prior usage of NO_QUAD_PRECISION. -DENABLE_QUAD_PRECISION should be set if quad precision is to be used, otherwise FMS will not use quad precision reals where applicable.


  • UNIT_TESTS: New unit tests have been created or and existing ones expanded on for any modules utilizing mixed precision support.


  • MIXED PRECISION: Most subroutines and functions in FMS have been updated to simultaneously accept both 4 byte and 8 byte reals as arguments. This deprecates the --enable-mixed-mode option, which enabled similar functionality but was limited to certain directories and was not enabled by default. To facilitate easier testing of these code changes, the CMake precision options for default real size were left in (along with an equivalent --disable-r8-default flag for autotools). The resulting libraries will support mixed-precision real kinds regardless of default real size. It should also be noted that many routines that accept real arguments have been moved to include files along with headers in order to be compiled with both kinds. Most module level variables were explicitly declared as r8_kind for these updates.
  • Some type/module changes were made to facilitate mixed precision support. They are intended to have minimal impact to other codebases:
    • COUPLER_TYPES: In coupler_types.F90, coupler_nd_field_type and coupler_nd_values_type have been renamed to indicate real kind value: coupler_nd_real4/8_field_type and coupler_nd_real4/8_values_type. The bc field within coupler_nd_bc_type was modified to use r8_kind within the value and field types, and an additional field added bc_r4 to use r4_kind values.
    • TRIDIAGONAL: Module state between r4 and r8 calls are distinct (ie. subsequent calls will only be affected by calls of the same precision). This behaviour can be changed via the save_both_kinds optional argument to tri_invert.
  • CODE_STYLE: has been updated to reflect the formatting used for the mixed precision support updates.


  • DIAG_MANAGER: Tile number (ie. tileX) will now be added to filenames for sub-regional diagnostics.
  • MPP: Bug affecting non-intel compilers coming from uninitialized pointer in the nest_domain_type
  • MPP: Bug fix for unallocated field causing seg faults in mpp_check_field
  • FMS2_IO: Fixed segfault occuring from use of cray pointer remapping along with mpp_scatter/gather
  • TEST_FMS: Added various fixes for different compilers within test programs for fms2_io, mpp, diag_manager, parser, and sat_vapor_pres.
  • INTERPOLATOR: Deallocates fields in the type that were previously left out in interpolator_end


    • no_4byte_reals was removed and will not set any additional macros if used. no_8byte_integers is still functional.
    • NO_QUAD_PRECISION was removed. It was conditionally set if ENABLE_QUAD_PRECISION was undefined. ENABLE_QUAD_PRECISION should be used in model components instead (logic is flipped)
    • use_netCDF was set by autotools previously but wasn't consistently used in the code. FMS should always be compiled with netcdf installed so this was removed with the exception of its use in deprecated IO modules.
  • DRIFTERS: The drifters subdirectory has been deprecated. It will only be compiled if using the -Duse_drifters CPP flag.

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