This package contains scripts to run and an ensemble-based cascaded version of the GraphCast weather model for the Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS). It also provides the pre-trained model (weights) to run MLGEFS:
The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) provides GEFS data that can be used for ensemble weather prediction and analysis.
To install the package, run the following commands:
conda create --name mlgefs python=3.10
conda activate mlgefs
pip install dm-tree boto3 xarray netcdf4
conda install --channel conda-forge cartopy
pip install --upgrade
pip install ecmwflibs
pip install iris
pip install iris-grib
This will install the packages and most of their dependencies.
python YYYYMMDDHH -l 13 -m wgrib2(or pygrib) -s s3 -l /path/to/output -d /path/to/download -k no
python -i /path/to/inputfile -w /path/to/model/ -l lead_time(steps) -m num_of_ensemble_members -o /path/to/output -p num_of_pls -u yes(no) -k yes(no)
For questions or issues, please contact: