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MartyLinZY committed Nov 27, 2024
2 parents 7dbc2dd + 0309033 commit cec642d
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Showing 15 changed files with 205 additions and 13 deletions.
45 changes: 34 additions & 11 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,44 @@
name: Feature request
about: Suggest an idea for this project
name: 添加项目
about: Suggest a product for this project
title: "[ADD PRODUCT]【你想要添加的项目名称】"
labels: ''
assignees: ''


### Describe the feature you want 描述你的功能需求
### NOTICE 需知

- Feature 1 功能需求 1
I want this feature to solve ...
我希望这个功能解决 ...
- Feature 2 功能需求 2
I want this feature to solve ...
我希望这个功能解决 ...
- ...
- [ ] 我已搜索网站已有的项目,issue 区,和 PR 区,确认没有人提出同样的内容
- [ ] 我会遵照下方的指引填写完整相关信息,完成所有【TODO】内容的填写

### Describe the product you want 描述你想添加的项目

1. 项目名:【TODO】

2. 适用模态:【TODO】

3. 项目可用地区:【TODO】

4. 项目适用场景:【TODO】
💡 请优先从已有的场景中选择,如果确定是新场景,我们也会相应添加

5. 摘要描述信息:【TODO】
💡 简短一些,30 字以内

6. 项目 logo / logo 下载链接:【TODO】
💡 可以把 logo 图像附在 issue 中,或是提供 logo 的图像链接

7. 你对该项目的评级:【TODO】
💡 0~5 之间的一个星级,5 表示同类产品内遥遥领先,4 表示同类优秀水平,3 表示该行业平均水平,2 和 1 表示不推荐使用和不建议收录

8. 项目官网:【TODO】

#### Detailed Introduction 详细介绍信息

### Useful reference 有价值的参考

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42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions .gitlab/issue_templates/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve
title: "[BUG]"
labels: ''
assignees: ''


### Describe the bug 描述你遇到的错误

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

### Expected behavior 期待的行为

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

### Screenshots 屏幕截图

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
如果可以的话, 提供屏幕截图对解决问题很有帮助.

### Build Environment 构建环境

- OS: [e.g. Windows 11, macOS, Ubuntu]
- Theme version/commit [e.g. 0.2.0, 2ccba79]
- Hugo version [e.g. 0.69.0]

Please try to use Hugo **extended** version before opening the issue.
请在创建 issue 之前先尝试使用 Hugo **extended** 版本构建.

### Preview Environment 预览环境

- OS: [e.g. Windows 11, macOS, Ubuntu, iOS, Android]
- Browser type/version [e.g. Chrome 103.0.5060.53, Safari 15.5, Edge 103.0.1264.37, Firefox 102.0]

### Additional Information 补充信息

Configuration files or front matter code...
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions .gitlab/issue_templates/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
name: 添加项目
about: Suggest a product for this project
title: "[ADD PRODUCT]【你想要添加的项目名称】"
labels: ''
assignees: ''


### NOTICE 需知

- [ ] 我已搜索网站已有的项目,issue 区,和 PR 区,确认没有人提出同样的内容
- [ ] 我会遵照下方的指引填写完整相关信息,完成所有【TODO】内容的填写

### Describe the product you want 描述你想添加的项目

1. 项目名:【TODO】

2. 适用模态:【TODO】

3. 项目可用地区:【TODO】

4. 项目适用场景:【TODO】
💡 请优先从已有的场景中选择,如果确定是新场景,我们也会相应添加

5. 摘要描述信息:【TODO】
💡 简短一些,30 字以内

6. 项目 logo / logo 下载链接:【TODO】
💡 可以把 logo 图像附在 issue 中,或是提供 logo 的图像链接

7. 你对该项目的评级:【TODO】
💡 0~5 之间的一个星级,5 表示同类产品内遥遥领先,4 表示同类优秀水平,3 表示该行业平均水平,2 和 1 表示不推荐使用和不建议收录

8. 项目官网:【TODO】

#### Detailed Introduction 详细介绍信息

### Useful reference 有价值的参考

If available, provide useful links to fulfill the feature.
如果可以的话, 提供实现这个功能的相关参考链接.
72 changes: 71 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,71 @@
# 🎉 NJU AI 通识课

Git Page: <>
腾讯云镜像站: <>

## 😘 如何参与项目

* GitHub(推荐) [链接](
* NJU GitLab [链接](

### 方法 1️⃣:项目 Pull Request (推荐,需要一定技术力)

#### 1.1 Fork 项目

点击项目页面右上角的 Fork 按钮,将该项目复制到你的个人仓库中,方便后续修改。

#### 1.2 添加文档和 Logo 图像

* 在你的个人仓库中添加相应的文档和 Logo 图像。
* 推荐安装 [hugo]( 参与项目开发,安装方法请参考 [安装指南 Installation|Hugo](

#### 文档和图像的具体操作步骤:

* 文档:文档的路径为 `content/posts/[YOUR_PRODUCT].md`,你可以在项目根目录下运行以下命令来创建文档:
hugo new posts/[PRODUCT_NAME].md


* 图像:图像的路径在 `static/icons/[YOUR_PRODUCT]`。如果图像大小超过 5KB,请将 Logo 图像放置在 `asserts/icons_raw` 下,然后运行以下命令进行预处理:
python3 asserts/scripts/
该脚本会将处理后的图像存放在 static/icons 中的对应文件夹。

#### 1.3 验证项目修改(可选,推荐)

hugo server --config hugo_gh_pages.toml
然后在浏览器中打开 `http://localhost:1313/NJU-AI-Course/`,查看是否成功添加了新的文档和图像。

#### 1.4 提交 Pull Request

确认所有更改无误后,可以在你的个人仓库中发起 Pull Request,请求将修改合并到主仓库。

### 方法 2️⃣:项目 issue 区发起讨论

可以点击 GitHub 页面上方(或 NJU GitLab 页面左侧)的 issue 区,也可以访问 [GitHub issue]([NJU GitLab issue](,点击新建 issue,选择对应的"feature_request"模板,填写新增 AI 产品的相关信息。

在你发起 issue 后,项目维护者或其他同学可能会在下方进行讨论或维护,可以关注一下邮件或 issue 讨论区的相关信息。

### 方法 3️⃣:向助教和维护者发邮件

联系 zzy 助教 ``,邮件标题请注明 `[NJU AI通识课]-[你想要添加的项目或进行的修改]`,并且在邮件中描述相应内容。

如果你要添加 AI 产品的描述信息,请在邮件中包含
1. 项目名
2. 适用模态
3. 项目可用地区
4. 项目适用场景
5. 摘要描述信息
6. 项目 logo / logo 下载链接
7. 你对该项目的评级
8. 项目官网
9. 详细介绍信息

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions content/posts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ date: 2024-08-25T12:08:58+08:00
modality: ["文本"]
availability: ["海外"]
scenario: ["聊天"]
weight: 100
featured_image: "icons/claude.jpg"
description: "Claude 是我们所有人的人工智能。无论您是独自集思广益还是与数千人的团队一起建设,Claude 都在这里提供帮助。"
rating: 5
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions content/posts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ date: "2024-08-28T15:13:47+08:00"
modality: ["文本"]
availability: ["海外"]
scenario: ["论文阅读"]
weight: 100
featured_image: "icons/coolpaper.jpg"
description: "让刷论文变成一种非常“酷”的沉浸式体验,“酷”主要体现在通过 Kimi 回答了几个论文的FAQ"
rating: 5
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions content/posts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ date: "2024-08-28T15:15:40+08:00"
modality: ["代码"]
availability: ["海外"]
scenario: ["编程"]
weight: 100
featured_image: "icons/cursor.jpg"
description: "AI 代码编辑器 | Cursor旨在让您提高工作效率,是使用AI进行编码的最佳方式。"
rating: 5
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions content/posts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ date: "2024-09-27T20:26:25+08:00"
modality: ["文本"]
availability: ["国内"]
scenario: ["聊天"]
weight: 100
featured_image: "icons/doubao.jpeg"
description: "字节旗下 AI 智能对话问答助手,具备写作、文案、翻译、情感陪伴、编程等多种功能。"
rating: 5
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions content/posts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ date: "2024-08-28T15:15:32+08:00"
modality: ["代码"]
availability: ["海外"]
scenario: ["编程", "代码补全"]
weight: 100
featured_image: "icons/copilot.jpg"
description: "世界上采用最广泛的AI开发工具"
rating: 5
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions content/posts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ date: "2024-08-28T15:15:12+08:00"
modality: ["图像", "视频"]
availability: ["国内"]
scenario: ["视频生成", "图像生成", "视频编辑"]
weight: 100
featured_image: "icons/kling.jpg"
description: "可灵 让想象力动起来 | 快手的视频生成平台"
rating: 5
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions content/posts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ date: "2024-09-27T20:28:03+08:00"
modality: ["图像"]
availability: ["海外"]
scenario: ["文生图"]
weight: 100
featured_image: "icons/midjourney.png"
description: "使用 Midjourney 机器人在几秒钟内从简单的文本提示中生成令人惊叹的图像"
rating: 4
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion content/posts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ date: 2024-08-25T12:08:58+08:00
modality: ["文本"]
availability: ["国内"]
scenario: ["聊天"]
weight: 100
featured_image: "icons/qwen.jpg"
description: "通义/ 通情,达意 | 你的全能 AI 助手"
rating: 4
rating: 5
comment: true
website: ""
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions content/posts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ date: "2024-09-27T20:27:54+08:00"
modality: ["图像", "视频"]
availability: ["海外"]
scenario: ["文生图", "文生视频", "图生视频"]
weight: 100
featured_image: "icons/stability_ai.png"
description: "Stability AI 推出的最新AI智能图像/视频生成工具"
rating: 4
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions content/posts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ date: "2024-08-28T15:13:30+08:00"
modality: ["文本"]
availability: ["国内"]
scenario: ["翻译"]
weight: 100
featured_image: "icons/volcengine.png"
description: "在火山, 让翻译更简单"
rating: 5
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions content/posts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ date: "2024-09-27T20:35:34+08:00"
modality: ["文本","图像","PPT"]
availability: ["国内","海外"]
scenario: ["办公","聊天","文生图"]
weight: 100
featured_image: "icons/copilot.jpg"
description: "由微软开发的日常 AI 助手,深度融合 Windows 和 M365"
rating: 5
Expand Down

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