Lib with little in-memory cacher (key - string, value - interface{}). In last version onDelete item function can be specified (experimental)
import ""
sync.RWMutex - items map protection mutex
items - map[string]interface{}, items map
defaultExpiration - time.Duration, default expiration time to delete items, which exceeded it
cleanupInterval - time.Duration, GC iteration timeout
Value - interface{}
Expiration - int64, expiration time of item
Created - time.Time, item creation time
Options - ItemOptions, experimental, item specific params
NeedOnDelete - bool, on/off using on-delete func when item's deleted from cache
OnDeleteFunc - func(item interface{}) error, on-delete func
NeedRefresh - bool, on/off expiration time update when item't got from cache
refreshDuration - time.Duration, expiration item timeout backup for refreshing
// create cache instance with default expiration time = 5min, GC iteration timeout = 10min
locCache := New(5*time.Minute, 10*time.Minute)
// set string value into "testKey" element, set element expiration time = 60min
// if you prefer using default expiration - just set 0 into this param
locCache.Set("testKey", "testValue", 60*time.Minute)
// get
val, ok := locCache.Get("testKey")
if !ok {
fmt.Println("no such key")
// delete (no such key in cache)
err := locCache.Delete("a?")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("can't delete: %s", err.Error())
// create cache instance with default expiration time = 5min, GC iteration timeout = 10min
locCache := New(5*time.Minute, 10*time.Minute)
// set string value into "testKey" element, set element expiration time = 60min
// switch on refreshing item expiration time when using get-item on cache instance
// if you prefer using default expiration - just set 0 into this param
locCache.Set("testKey", "testValue", 60*time.Minute, ItemOptions{
NeedRefresh: true,
// get
val, ok := locCache.Get("testKey")
if !ok {
fmt.Println("no such key")
// delete (no such key in cache)
err := locCache.Delete("a?")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("can't delete: %s", err.Error())
// create cache instance with default expiration time = 5min, GC iteration timeout = 10min
locCache := New(5*time.Minute, 10*time.Minute)
onCloseFunc := func(item interface{}) error {
itemCast, ok := reflect.ValueOf(item).Interface().(chan int)
if !ok {
return errors.New("bad type cast")
return nil
// set chan int value into "testChanKey" element, set element expiration time = 60min, set onCloseFunc
// if you prefer using default expiration - just set 0 into this param
locCache.Set("testChanKey", make(chan int), 60*time.Minute,
ItemOptions{OnDeleteFunc: onCloseFunc, NeedOnDelete: true,})
// get
val, ok := locCache.Get("testChanKey")
if !ok {
fmt.Println("no such key")
// delete (chan close func will be called inside locCache.Delete)
err := locCache.Delete("testChanKey")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("can't delete: %s", err.Error())
just run go test