Demo_mtw-canvas-disks.mp4 |
Preview shows the boilerplate-website usage
Fragment shader is based on CoordSys - intersection [License: MIT; Copyright: © 2013 Inigo Quilez; Changes: made]
E. g. as a 3D animated background
Directory: boilerplate-canvas
In this directory, you will find the files for the pure background. You can quickly and easily adapt the GLSLX shader files with mtw-boilerplate-graphics or embed the already minimized canvas bundles directly on a website.
Embed via jsDelivr
<canvas id="mtw-canvas" style="width:100vw;height:100vh;left:0;top:0;position:fixed;"></canvas>
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="mtw-canvas" style="width:100vw;height:100vh;left:0;top:0;position:fixed;"></canvas>
<script src="./canvas.bundle.min.js"></script>
Warning: WebGL canvases can make your CPU sweat. For the environment, stop the requestAnimationFrame loop when the canvas isn't visible #GreenCoding. See my website-boilerplate for an example.
There are two types of minimized bundles available. One contains TWGL and one contains three.js instead. I recommend using the TWGL bundle because it is much smaller as you can see in the table below.
Bundle Sizes | TWGL | three.js |
disks |
Note: Badges are clickable and linked to the corresponding minimized bundle.
Directory: boilerplate-website
In this directory, you will find the files for the exchangeable WebGL canvas headers of the MyThemeWay Website-Boilerplates:
Explore: Demo with Website-Boilerplate Dark-Particle v4.0
Demo_mtw-canvas-malachite.mp4 |
Demo_mtw-canvas-blacksea.mp4 |
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star-solid.svg & code-branch-solid.svg [License: CC BY 4.0; Copyright: © Fonticons, Inc.; Changes: made]
Simple Icons [License: CC0 1.0] [License: CC0 1.0]