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Marzban -> Marzneshin

A tool to convert Marzban to Marzneshin

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Table of Contents


  • Move Admins:
    • username
    • password
    • create datetime
    • sudo status
    • password reset datetime
  • Move Users(Each user's transfer is done to their admin, and each admin has access to their own users):
    • username
    • VLESS or VMESS uuid(Clients that the user has in the Marzban panel will not be disconnected)
    • status(enable/disable)
    • used traffic
    • lifetime used traffic
    • traffic reset datetime
    • node usages
    • data limit
    • data limit reset strategy
    • expire strategy
    • expire datetime
    • usage duration(on hold expire duration)
    • activation deadline(on hold timeout)
    • last sub update datetime
    • create datetime
    • note
    • last online datetime
    • last edit datetime
  • Move Node Usages:
    • full info of all nodes usages
  • Move System Data Usage:
    • system uplink
    • system downlink
  • Border Guard users can access their subscriptions even without changing the port.
  • Ability to transfer and synchronize multiple Border Guard panels into one Border Guard panel without changing users and their subscriptions.
  • Determining different behaviors in different situations by the user.
  • Superfast.



1- Run the following command in marzban server

sudo bash -c "$(curl -sL"

Enter 1 to enter the extraction section.

2- Enter the preferred protocol.

Note: Currently, only vless or vmess protocol transmission is possible.

  • vless: Using vless protocol uuids is preferred.

If the vless protocol is not found for a user, the program automatically tries to use the vmess protocol.

  • vmess: Using vmess protocol uuids is preferred.

If the vmess protocol is not found for a user, the program automatically tries to use the vless protocol.

3- Enter behavior for non-uuid users.

Note: Some users may not use either the vless or vmess protocols.

  • revoke: Create a new uuid for that user.

  • skip: Do not transfer that user.

Now the extracted data is located at /root/marzban2marzneshin.db


(First of all, upload the file you received from the export step to the marzneshin server [e.g: /root/marzban2marzneshin.db])

1- Run the following command in marzneshin server

sudo bash -c "$(curl -sL"

Enter 2 to enter the importation section.

2- Enter the path to the file exported in the first step.

3- Enter your marzneshin is new(empty of data) or old(have some user or admin)

4- Enter how to deal with existing admins(3=old).

  • raname: Add a _ with 4 additional characters at the end of the username

  • update: Update the same admin's information without changing the username.

  • skip: This admin cannot be transferred.

5- Enter how to deal with existing users(3=old).

  • raname: Add a _ with 4 additional characters at the end of the username

  • update: Update the same user's information without changing the username.

  • skip: This user cannot be transferred.


  • In marzneshin:
echo 'AUTH_GENERATION_ALGORITHM="plain"' | sudo tee -a /etc/opt/marzneshin/.env
sudo wget -qO /usr/local/bin/yq
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/yq
yq eval '.services.marznode.environment.AUTH_GENERATION_ALGORITHM = "plain"' -i /etc/opt/marzneshin/docker-compose.yml
  • In marznode:
sudo wget -qO /usr/local/bin/yq
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/yq
yq eval '.services.marznode.environment.AUTH_GENERATION_ALGORITHM = "plain"' -i /root/marznode/compose.yml

Note: Replace /root/marznode/compose.yml with the path to your marznode docker-compose.yml file. If you are using the Marznode document, the path of marznode docker compose file is ~/marznode/docker-compose.yml. if you are using any tool for installing marznode, check the documents of that tool for find marznode docker compose file

6- restart marzneshin and marznode services:

  • marzneshin: marzneshin restart
  • marznode: docker compose -f /root/marznode/compose.yml restart

Note: Replace /root/marznode/compose.yml with the path to your marznode docker-compose.yml file. If you are using the Marznode document, the path of marznode docker compose file is ~/marznode/docker-compose.yml. if you are using any tool for installing marznode, check the documents of that tool for find marznode docker compose file

7- Restart marzban2marzneshin service:

sudo systemctl restart marzban2marzneshin

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A tool to convert Marzban to Marzneshin







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