This mod is not affiliated with Among Us or Innersloth LLC, and the content contained therein is not endorsed or otherwise sponsored by Innersloth LLC. Portions of the materials contained herein are property of Innersloth LLC. © Innersloth LLC.
StellarRoles is a mod for Among Us which adds new Roles, new Settings and new Custom Cosmetics to the game. Even more roles are coming soon. o.o
Impostors | Crewmates | Neutral | Neutral Killers | Modifiers |
Bomber | Administrator | Arsonist | Head Hunter | Ascended |
Bounty Hunter | Detective | Executioner | Nightmare | Clutch |
Camouflager | Engineer | Jester | Pyromaniac | Giant |
Changeling | Guardian | Refugee | Rogue Impostors | Gopher |
Cultist | Investigator | Romantic | Ruthless Romantic | Mini |
Hacker | Jailor | Scavenger | Sleepwalker | |
Janitor | Mayor | Sniper | ||
Miner | Medic | Spiteful | ||
Morphling | Parity Cop | |||
Shade | Sheriff | |||
Undertaker | Spy | |||
Vampire | Swapper | |||
Warlock | Tracker | |||
Wraith | Trapper | |||
Vigilante | ||||
Watcher |
The Role Assignment sections explains how the roles are being distributed among the players.
Among Us - Version | Mod Version | Link |
2023.7.12 | v1.4.4 | Download |
2023.3.28 | v1.3.7 | Download |
2023.3.28 | v1.3.6 | Download |
2023.3.28 | v1.3.5 | Download |
2023.3.28 | v1.3.4 | Download |
2023.3.28 | v1.3.3 | Download |
2023.3.28 | v1.3.2 | Download |
2023.3.28 | v1.3.1 | Download |
2023.3.28 | v1.3.0 | Download |
2023.2.28 | v1.2.4 Dev H | Download |
2022.6.21, 2022.7.12 | v1.0.5 | Download |
Version 1.4.4
- Updated to New Among Us Version 2023.7.12.
- Huge Refactor. (Should make it easier for less power hungry computers)
- Goopy!! Now everyone can enjoy goopy together!!! He will now appear at the same time for everyone.
- Cultist Upgrade: Ever thought being a follower wasn't exciting enough? Now there is an option for the follower to become an Imp role based on their previous role.
- New Role (Psychic): This is a new Passive role that has two buttons. The players button will show how many players are around you. The abilities button will show how many abilities have been used in that round in real time. Try it out!!
- Removed Swapper: Yes we all know how some of you loved this troll role, but it's just not what we want this pack to be.
- Reworked the Help Menu!!! This now works in the lobby as well as in the middle of the game. You no longer need to wait for a meeting to find out what another role does.
- Zoom!! When you are a ghost and have done all your tasks or don't have tasks, you can now use your scroll wheel to zoom in/out.
- Submerged is now compatible with the new version!! (Download Button should appear on Main Menu)
- Hats/Visors News!!!: We have Custom hats yes, but now we also have custom visors!!! Did I mention they are animated??? (If hats/visors do not load for you, give it time to download them all, then restart your game)
- New Bomber Feature: Hot Potato Mode is Finished!!! I'm sure you already figured this one out lol. (No Passbackies)
- Changeling Menu has also been upgraded to new fancy UI.
- Tracker has been reworked. (See Discord for Changes)
- New Miner Setting: Delayed Vents. (When placing a vent, delay how long it takes to show up to everyone else)
- New Mayor Ability: Retire! When the Mayor finishes tasks they can choose to permanently remove their second vote in an attempt to hide their role from the assassin! (You still keep the power to see votes tho)
- A lot of Bug Fixes
Version 1.3.7
- Vigi can guess Neutral Killers again
- Hacker Info Card Art Added
Version 1.3.6
- Fixed Changeling stealing Hacker from partner
- Fixed Security Cams while Hacker Jam Active Briefly Showing behind static when flipping camera (Thanks Sugden)
- Fixed Out of order Vigilante Guessing Menu
- Minor Bug Fixes and Optimizations
Version 1.3.5
- NEW Impostor Role Hacker (Hack into the system and Jam the crewmates signals with this new role!)
- Removed Nobody Wins (Seems a lot of feedback did not like this option)
- Updated some info cards to display the correct info
- Changed Camouflager (Now gain charges depending on how many crewmates they take out)
- Added Tooltips to Parity Cop Meeting indicators
- Added Copy/Paste game settings buttons
- Added Reset Current Preset button
- Fixed Meeting info not showing correct because of desync
- Hide Pets is Back!!!! No longer will your little guy betray you to the crewmates!
Version 1.3.4
- Guardian can no longer target in vents
- Added Spectator Button Art
- Spectator will now be known in the meeting to avoid confusion
- Camouflager game start cooldown is now 75% normal cooldown
- Minor Bug Fixes / Optimizations
Version 1.3.3
- Bombed Players now die even if the bomber dies before the bomb goes off
- Players killed by a bombed player now see Bomber in kill screen instead of the victim
- Presets have been updated (Delete StellarRoles.config File to update these)
- Added New Game Start Kill Cooldown Option
Version 1.3.2
- Added bug reporting Feature in Lobby (/bug "Message Here")
- Fixed Swapper able to swap Dead Players
- Removed Guessing Buttons and UI when dead
- Changed how Dynamic Lobby Size works (Hopefully this fixes disconnect issues)
- Changed assigning spectators to host assign only
- Spiteful Confirm Eject
- Ability to turn off Non-Crew Flash Settings
- Fixed Vigilante not being able to guess imp roles
Version 1.3.1
Bug Fixes/Tweaks:
- Refugee now displays properly in the in-game guide book
- End game screen now plays the proper noise based on which alignment won
- Scavenger button art fixed
- Assassin count now properly spawns the correct number of assassins
- If the lobby setting requires a specific number of tasks to complete an objected (Ex: Mayor seeing vote colors) is higher than the total number of tasks in the lobby, then completing tasks will earn that objective instead
- All guesser menus will now force close when a jail is applied to a player.
- The mini crewmate pet no longer randomly displays the wrong color.
- Pyromaniac douses are no longer interrupted by another player entering the pyromaniac's target highlight
- Scavenger should convert to Refugee at the correct number of players remaining(this time for sure)
- Administrator, Watcher, and Medic batteries should properly pause their charging during meetings when tasks are complete.
Role Changes:
- Administrator, Watcher, and Medic now trigger a 5 second cooldown when their mobile info button is initiated
- Non-Crewmates who have been tracked by a tracker now get a flash notification on a configurable delay.
- Non-Crewmates who have killed a player monitored by a medic now get a flash notification on a configurable delay.
- Non-Crewmates who have tripped a Watcher's sensor now get a flash notification on a configurable delay.
- Watcher now has an optional setting to make their sensor arrow anonymous.
- Shuffle is now a default ability of the Headhunter and is no longer optional.
- Cultist kill notification flashes are now red instead of purple.
- Vigilante can no longer be set as the Executioner's target.
- Several role encyclopedia entries have been fixed.
- Impostors and Neutral Killers can no longer be the target of an Assassin(can still be shot by Vigilante).
- Neutral Killers can now have the option to either inherit the Assassin power after impostors have all died or at the start of the game. This option can also be disabled.
Other Changes:
- Built-in lobby presets have been reworked, and now include the following presets: Streamer Prox, Streamer Non-Prox, Beginner, Chaotic, Stell's Lobby how does that look
- Install Among Us via Steam.
- Download newest release.
- Copy your game files (see below) to another location on your PC (e.g desktop) and extract the zip into that folder.
- Double click the "Among Us" executable file.
Not working? You might want to install the dependency vc_redist.
- Download the newest release.
- Find the folder of your game. Should be stored in "Epic/AmongUs" (wherever you installed Epic on your PC).
- Now unzip and drag or extract the files from the .zip into the original Epic Among Us game folder.
- Run the game by starting the game in your Epic Games launcher (the first launch might take a while).
Not working? You might want to install the dependency vc_redist.
- Install Among Us via Steam
- Download newest release and extract it to ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Among Us
- Enable
via the proton winecfg ( - Launch the game via Steam
A custom server is not necessary and official servers are working just fine with the mod, but in case you want to set up and host your own server, here's a guide for you to follow.
Setup the Server:
- Get the Impostor release (
- Follow the steps (using the server release you just downloaded) on the official Impostor-Documentation (
- Make sure to set the following values to false in the config.json file:
'AntiCheat': {
'Enabled': false,
'BanIpFromGame': false
- Make sure to forward the right ports on the hosting machine.
- Run the server and setup the client. Setting up Server as Docker Container: If you want to run the server as a docker container you'll need to use the image aeonlucid/impostor:nightly
(Currently only the 'nightly' tag is starting a server supporting 2021.3.31 or later) In addition to running it we need to set the environment variables to disable the AntiCheat feature. IMPOSTOR_AntiCheatEnabled=false IMPOSTOR_AntiCheatBanIpFromGame=false
Example to docker run command: docker run -p 22023:22023/udp --env IMPOSTOR_AntiCheatEnabled=false --env IMPOSTOR_AntiCheatBanIpFromGame=false aeonlucid/impostor:nightly
Or use to run it in the background docker run -d -p 22023:22023/udp --env IMPOSTOR_AntiCheatEnabled=false --env IMPOSTOR_AntiCheatBanIpFromGame=false aeonlucid/impostor:nightly
TheOtherRoles - Original Codebase used for this mod.
Reactor - Used for snippets of code
BepInEx - Used to hook game functions
Among-Us-Love-Couple-Mod - Idea for the Lover type role called Romantic inspired by Woodi-dev
Jester - Idea for the Jester role comes from Maartii
ExtraRolesAmongUs - Idea for the Engineer and Guardian role comes from NotHunter101. Also some code snippets come of the implementation were used.
Among-Us-Sheriff-Mod - Idea for the Sheriff role comes from Woodi-dev
TownOfUs - Idea for the Arsonist and a similar Mayor role come from Slushiegoose
Ottomated - Idea for the Morphling, Detective, and Camouflager role come from Ottomated
Goose-Goose-Duck - Idea for the Scavenger role come from Slushiegoose\
The mod adds a few new settings to Among Us (in addition to the role settings):
Streamer Mode: You can activate the streamer mode in the Among Us settings. It hides the lobby code, the custom server ip and the custom server port. You can set a custom lobby code replacement text, by changing the Streamer Mode Replacement Text in the
file. -
Minimum and Maxium Crewmate Roles: The minimum and maximum number of Crewmate roles can be set inside a lobby.
Minimum and Maxium Impostor Roles: The minimum and maximum number of Impostor roles can be set inside a lobby.
Minimum and Maxium Neutral Roles: The minimum and maximum number of Neutral roles can be set inside a lobby.
Minimum and Maximum of Modifiers (Cosmetic, Impostor, Misc): The number of Modifiers can be set inside a lobby.
Enable Mod Roles and Block Vanilla Roles: This simply stops the game from using the default roles like shapeshifter
Lobby Size: Dynamically change the lobby size in game. The number of players the game was initially created with is the maximum however.
Game Start Kill Cooldown The kill cooldown at the start of the game
Maximum Number Of Meetings: You can set the maximum number of meetings that can be called in total.
Shield First Killed Player From Last Game Puts a shield on the player killed first in the last match.
Mark Players who Die First Round 1 Next Game Marks the player visibly who died first last match
Hide Obstructed Names Hides a players name if it otherwise could be seen through a wall
Allow Parallel MedBay Scans: Allows players to perform their MedBay scans at the same time.
Disable Medbay Animations: Players do not walk onto the scanner.
Disable Vent Cleaning Ejections Disables the feature in which impostors are kicked out of a vent once it is cleaned.
Hide Vent Animations Out Of Vision Players no longer see vent flap animations on Mira and Skeld.
Tasks to Unlock Mira Admin A number of tasks to be completed before unlocking Mira Admin.
Tasks to Unlock Skeld Cameras A number of tasks to be completed before unlocking Skeld Cams.
No Cameras First Round Disable the use of cams on round one.
Better Polus Allows you to customise Polus using the below options.
- Vitals Moved to Lab Swaps the Laboratory Temperature task and the Vitals location.
- Reactor Vent Layout Change TODO: ADD DESCRIPTION
- Cold Temp Moved to Death Valley TODO: ADD DESCRIPTION
- Reboot wifi and Chart Course swapped Swaps the location of the Chart Course and Reboot WiFi Tasks.
Jousting Roles Prevent Impostor Victory TODO: ADD DESCRIPTION
Jousting Roles Prevent Neutral Killer Victory TODO: ADD DESCRIPTION
Crewmate Wipe Prevents Task Win TODO: ADD DESCRIPTION
Disabled Roles on Skeld Allows you to disable the following roles on Skeld
Disabled Roles on Mira Allows you to disable the following roles on Skeld
Roles Blocked By Comms Allows you to block Role Abilities being used while comms is down.
- You can select which roles are affected by this.
Ghost Options Change settings for ghost players.
- Ghosts See Roles Toggle whether ghost players can see what role each player has.
- Ghosts See Tasks Done Toggle whether ghost players can see how many tasks each player has done.
- Ghosts See Modifiers Toggle whether ghost players can see what modifier each player has.
- Ghosts See Romantic Target Toggle whether ghost players can see the Romantic target.
- Toggle Roles with Shift Allow the player to toggle seeing roles/modifiers with shift as a ghost
Play On A Random Map If enabled it allows you to set a rotation of all current maps, except ehT dlekS (april fools skeld)
You can configure:
- Up to 4 common tasks
- Up to 23 short tasks
- Up to 15 long tasks
Please note, that if the configured option exceeds the available number of tasks of a map, the tasks will be limited to that number of tasks.
Example: If you configure 4 common tasks on Airship crewmates will only receive 2 common tasks, as airship doesn't offer more than 2 common tasks.
Map | Common | Short | Long |
Skeld | 2 | 19 | 8 |
Mira | 2 | 13 | 11 |
Polus | 4 | 14 | 15 |
Airship | 2 | 23 | 15 |
We're awaiting your creative cosmetic designs and we'll integrate all the good ones in our mod.
- Submission: If you got a hat or visor design to submit, or you need to know how to create one, you can head over to our Discord.
First you need to choose how many special roles of each kind (Impostor/Neutral/Crewmate) you want in the game. The count you set will only be reached, if there are enough Crewmates/Impostors in the game and if enough roles are set to be in the game (i.e. they are set to > 0%). The roles are then being distributed as follows:
- First all roles that are set to 100% are being assigned to arbitrary players.
- After that each role that has 10%-90% selected adds 1-9 tickets to a ticket pool (there exists a ticket pool for Crewmates, Neutrals and Impostors). Then the roles will be selected randomly from the pools as long it's possible (until the selected number is reached, until there are no more Crewmates/Impostors or until there are no more tickets). If a role is selected from the pool, obviously all the tickets of that role are being removed.
The Bomber is an Impostor that can put a bomb on another player.
After a configurable delay (see table below) the player will be notified that they have a bomb, they will have a configurable amount of time to pass the bomb onto another player (which immediately kills that player).
If a meeting is called or the time expiries the bombed player dies.\
Name | Description | Valid Value |
Bomb Cooldown | How long you have to wait to bomb another player | 5-60 Seconds |
Bomb Delay | How long until the target is notified they have a bomb | 1-10 Seconds |
Partner Sees Target | Whether the Impostor partner(s) can see who has been bombed | True/False |
Bombed Target Can Report | Whether the bombed target can report a body | True/False |
Hot Potato Mode | Pass the bomb like a hot potato | True/False |
The Bounty Hunter is an Impostor, that continuously gets 'bounties' (targets to kill).
The targets of the Bounty Hunter swaps after a configurable amount of time.
If the Bounty Hunter kills their target, their kill cooldown will be decreased by a configurable amount.
Killing a player that's not their current target results in an increased kill cooldown.
Depending on the options, there'll be an arrow pointing towards the current target that updates every few seconds (configurable).
- The target won't be an Impostor or a Spy.
- Killing the target resets the timer and a new target will be selected.
Name | Description | Valid Value |
Bounty Duration | How long you have to kill the target before a new one is picked | 10-180 Seconds |
Kill Cooldown Bonus | The bonus for killing a target | 0-30 Seconds |
Non-Bounty kill Penalty | The penalty for killing a non-target | 0-60 Seconds |
Enable Tracking Arrow | Toggle whether the tracking arrow will show | True/False |
Update Interval | The delay for how long it should be between arrow updates | 2.5-60 Seconds |
The Camouflager is an Impostor which can activate a camouflage mode.
The camouflage mode lasts for a configurable amount of time and while it is active, all player names/pets/hats are hidden and all players have the same color.
- The Mini will look like all the other players
- The color of the footprints (Investigator) turns gray (also the ones that were already on the ground).
- The shield (Medic) is not visible anymore
- Tracker arrows keep working
Name | Description | Valid Value |
Camouflage Cooldown | How long you have to wait before activating the ability again | 10-180 Seconds |
Camouflage Duration | How long the ability lasts | 0-30 Seconds |
Charges Per Kill | How many charges you get for each kill | 0-60 Seconds |
The Changeling is a 'choose your fighter'-style Impostor role who behaves exactly like a vanilla impostor until they use their one-time use ability.
This ability allows them to change into an Impostor role of their choosing (provided that it is enabled).
- This ability will open up a menu with a list of all impostor roles with >0% spawn rate, excluding cultist and the role of their impostor partner(s). This menu will also respect roles that are exclusive of each other; for example: if the partner is a warlock, then both warlock and vampire will not be on the list. Selecting the role will permanently change the player into it. This can only be done once, and cannot be undone.
- Ability cooldowns are set to 50% of their base cooldown upon changing.
- The kill cooldown will continue to count as normal upon changing.
- The Changeling can be guessed, but must be guessed as their new role after they change.
The Cultist is an Impostor role that is focused around working with an impostor partner of the Cultist's choice.
The Cultist starts the game with the ability 'Convert'. Convert will function properly regardless of the target's role/alignment. Converting a player changes their role to an impostor-aligned 'Follower.'
- The Cultist and Follower have permanent arrows pointing to one another.
- The Cultist and Follower have mid round chat.
- The Cultist and Follower get a flash on their screen when the other kills.
Note - When a Cultist spawns, the number of impostor roles that spawn is reduced by one(It fills two impostor slots by itself).
- If three impostors are enabled, the game will spawn one cultist and one other impostor role.
- The Cultist is exclusive of a spy spawn, as they would know who the spy is when the game starts.
- In a 3-impostor game the cultist CAN turn their impostor partner into a follower instead of their normal role, but this will mean they will play the game as a 2 player team rather than a 3 player team.
- The Cultist's kill button is not enabled until it converts a follower. This is an intended balance check so the player does not win the game by recruiting a player on 4.
- The recruited player will become an assassin if assassin is enabled and the maxmium number of Assassins have not been assigned already.
- If there is a Cultist in the game, there cannot be a Spy, Romantic, Vampire, or a HeadHunter
The Hacker is an Impostor role that is able to download and disrupt system information.
The Hacker's download ability becomes available when they are next to downloadable equipment (Admin, Cams, Vitals, and Door Logs).
Using the download ability will charge a mobile device to use the equipment on the go.
When the Hacker kills a player, it gains a configurable amount of charges for the Jam ability (if enabled).
Jam will disrupt all systems as if the comms sabotage was called, however emergency meetings can still be called.
- When you commit to downloading you cannot change what equipment you use until the next round.
- Every 1 second spent downloading gives you 2 seconds of battery life.
- The battery time clears after each round
Name | Description | Valid Value |
Maximum Download Duration | The maximum amount of battery life you can hold | 3-15 Seconds |
Jam Charges Per Kill | How many uses of Jam you get per kill (set to 0 to disable) | 0-5 Seconds |
Jam Cooldown | How long you have to wait before activating Jam again | 10-35 Seconds |
Jam Duration | How long Jam lasts for | 5-20 Seconds |
The Janitor is an Impostor who has the ability to clean up dead bodies.
- The Kill and Clean cooldown are shared, preventing them from immediately cleaning their own kills.
- If there is a Janitor in the game, there can't be a Scavenger.
Name | Description | Valid Value |
Clean Cooldown | How long you have to wait to kill or clean another body | 10-60 Seconds |
Initial Clean Charges | How many clean charges you start off with | 1-15 |
Charges Per Kill | How many charges you get per kill | 0-3 Seconds |
The Miner is an Impostor that can create new vents.
These vents only connect to each other, forming a new passway.
You can configure when the vents become active after being placed.\
Name | Description | Valid Value |
Mine Cooldown | How long you have to wait between uses | 10-60 Seconds |
Maximum number of vents | The maximum amount of vents you can place | 3-60 |
When Vents become active | When the vents become active | After Meeting or On Place |
Activation Delay | How long after placing (if above set to On Place) the vents become active | 0-30 Seconds |
The Morphling is an Impostor which can sample the appearance of a player.
After a the cooldown time has finished they can take on that appearance for a configurable amount of time.
- They shrink to the size of the Mini when they copy its look. (Mini)
- The color of the footprints changes accordingly (Investigator) (also the ones that were already on the ground).
- The other Impostor still sees that they are an Impostor (the name remains red).
- The shield indicator changes accordingly (Medic) (the Morphling gains or loses the shield indicator).
- Tracker arrows keep working. (Tracker)
Name | Description | Valid Value |
Morph Cooldown | How long you have to wait between uses | 5-60 Seconds |
Morph Duration | The maximum amount of vents you can place | 1-20 Seconds |
The Shade is an impostor who can temporarily turn invisible.
Upon scoring a configurable amount of kills, The Shade gains a 'Blind' Ability.
Evidence of when a Shade turns invisible, and when they reappear is configurable.
Pressing stealth again prematurely will cancel the effect.
Blind severley reduces the vision that crewmates in a nearby area have (as if lights were called).\
Name | Description | Valid Value |
Vanish Cooldown | How long you have to wait between uses | 2.5-60 Seconds |
Vanish Duration | The duration that Vanish lasts for | 1-60 Seconds |
Evidence Duration | How long the visual evidence stays | 1-30 Seconds |
Kills Required to Gain Blind | How many kills you need to obtain Blind | 1-10 |
Blind Range | The range on the Blind ability | 0.75x-3x + Global |
Blind Cooldown | How long you have to wait between uses | 5-60 Seconds |
Blind Duration | The duration Blind lasts for | 5-15 Seconds |
The Undertaker is an Impostor that can drag and drop bodies.
You can configure whether the Undertaker can vent while dragging.
The Undertaker moves slower when dragging a body, and the kill cooldown does not decrease.
Name | Description | Valid Value |
Drag Cooldown After Killing | How long you have to wait before being able to drag a body | 0-15 Seconds |
Drag Cooldown | How long you have to wait to do another drag | 5-30 Seconds |
Can Vent While Dragging | Whether you can vent while dragging a body | True/False |
The Vampire is an Impostor, that can bite other player. Bitten players die after a configurable amount of time.
- If a bitten player is still alive when a meeting is being called, they die at the start of the meeting.
- The cooldown is the same as the default kill cooldown (+ the kill delay if the Vampire bites the target).
- If there is a Vampire in the game, there cannot be a Shade, Warlock, or a Bomber
Name | Description | Valid Value |
Bite Kill Delay | How long before a bitten target dies | 0-15 Seconds |
Bite Cooldown | How long to wait between uses | 5-30 Seconds |
Vampire also has regular kill button | Whether the Vampire also has a regular kill button | True/False |
The Warlock is an Impostor, that can curse another player (the cursed player doesn't get notified).
If the cursed person stands next to another player, the Warlock is able to kill that player (no matter how far away they are).
Performing a kill with the help of a cursed player, will lift the curse and it will result in the Warlock being unable to move for a configurable amount of time.
The Warlock can still perform normal kills, but the two buttons share the same cooldown.
- The Warlock can always kill their Impostor partner(s) (and even themself) using the "cursed kill".
- Performing a normal kill, doesn't lift the curse.
- If there is a Warlock in the game, there cannot be a Shade, Vampire, or a Bomber \
Name | Description | Valid Value |
Curse Cooldown | How long you have to wait between uses | 0-15 Seconds |
Curse-Kill Root Cooldown | How long the Warlock is locked in place | 5-30 Seconds |
The Wraith is an impostor role with two abilities. The first ability, Dash, increases the movement speed of the Wraith for a few seconds on a cooldown. The second ability is a Lantern. The Wraith can place the Lantern on the ground, and reactivate it to teleport to it. The Lantern has a short, limited duration, and is only visible to the Wraith. Failing to reactivate a Lantern will leave a broken lantern on the ground permanently that is visible to all players.
- Phase: Increases player movement speed -potential balance check if needed: canceled on kill/vent use
- Lantern: Places a Lantern on the ground that can be teleported to later. Leaves permanent evidence if unused before expiration.
- Optional: Teleporting to the lantern grants temporary Invisibility.
Name | Description | Valid Value |
Dash Cooldown | How long to wait between uses of Dash | 10-60 Seconds |
Dash Duration | How long Dash lasts | 3-15 Seconds |
Lantern | Whether or not the Lantern Ability is enabled | True/False |
Lantern Cooldown | How long to wait between uses of Lantern | 5-60 Seconds |
Lantern Duration | How long the Lantern ability lasts | 1-20 Seconds |
Invisible Duration | How long to remain invisible after teleporting | 0-5 Seconds |
The Guesser can be a Crewmate and/or an Impostor (depending on the settings).
This will be in the form of either the Vigilante Crewmate Role, or the Assassin Impostor Modifier.
The Guesser can shoot players during the meeting, by guessing its role. If the guess is wrong, the Guesser dies instead.
You can select how many players can be shot per game and if multiple players can be shot during a single meeting.
The guesses Impostor and Crewmate are only right, if the player is part of the corresponding team and has no special role.
You can only shoot during the voting time.
- If a player gets shot, you'll get back your vote
Name | Description | Valid Value |
Maximum number of guesses | How many guesses the Guesser has | 10-60 Seconds |
Limit one guess per meeting | Whether they can guess multiple times in one meeting | 3-15 Seconds |
Can guess Vanilla Crewmate | (Assassin only) Whether the Vanilla Crewmate role can be guessed | True/False |
The Jester does not have any tasks. They win the game as a solo, if they get voted out during a meeting.
Name | Description | Valid Value |
Jester Can Enter Vents | - | True/False |
Jester Lights On Vision | How much vision the Jester has with lights On | |
Jester Lights Out Vision | How much vision the Jester has with lights Off | |
Jester Can Call Emergency Meeting | Option to disable the emergency button for the Jester | True/False |
The executioner is a solo-winning neutral role who is assigned a random crew-aligned player at the start of the game. Their goal is to get this player voted out. Should the player be killed while the executioner is still alive, the executioner’s role will change into Refugee or Jester.
Name | Description |
Executioner Spawn Chance | - |
Executioner Becomes On Target Death | Refugee or Jester |
Executioner Converts On Target Death | Immediately or Next Meeting |
The Arsonist does not have any tasks, they have to win the game as a solo.
The Arsonist can douse other players by pressing the douse button and remaining next to the player for a few seconds.
If the player that the Arsonist douses walks out of range, the cooldown will reset to 0.
After dousing everyone alive the Arsonist can ignite all the players which results in an Arsonist win.
Name | Description |
Arsonist Spawn Chance | - |
Arsonist Countdown | - |
Arsonist Douse Duration | The time it takes to douse a player |
The Scavenger does not have any tasks, they have to win the game as a solo.
The Scavenger is a neutral role that must eat a specified number of corpses (depending on the options) in order to win.
Depending on the options, when a player dies, the Scavenger gets an arrow pointing to the corpse.
If there is a Scavenger in the game, there can't be a Janitor. If the Scavenger's win condition can no longer be met, they
become a Refugee.
- Scavenge: Opens a time window where the Scavenger has arrows pointing to all corpses currently on the map.
- Eat: Consumes a corpse, causing it to disappear and no longer be reportable. The body will show as a disconnect on vitals, and will not be displayed on a report screen at the start of a meeting.
- If the corpse is on a different floor on Submerged, the arrow will always point to the elevator
Name | Description |
Scavenger Spawn Chance | - |
Eat Countdown | - |
Number Of Eats to Win | Corpes needed to be eaten to win the game |
Scavenger Can Use Vents | - |
Scavenge Cooldown | - |
Scavenge Duration | How long Scavenger will have arrows pointing to dead bodies |
The Romantic is role who Declares their love to any player. When they do this, their alignment becomes tied to them. They will win if their chosen target does, with a couple minor exceptions.
- The Romantic will win with the crewmates or with neutrals if they are killed or assassinated, and can still win with crew or neutrals if they are voted out(granted the proper alignment has won the game).
Abilities - The Romantic Declare button chooses your selected love. This button is replaced with Shield when a target is chosen. There is no indicator on the target's end that they are selected.
- Shield will protect your target for a short duration, causing the first attack made against them to fail and put the attacker's kill on a five second cooldown.
- The shield is ONLY visible to the Romantic, no one else. -If at any point your selected target is killed or assassinated, your role will immediately change into the "Vengeful Romantic" role. -The Vengeful Romantic CAN be assassinated -The Vengeful Romantic's 'Shield' button is replaced with a 'Kill' button. -This kill button behaves exactly like a sheriff's kill button but instead of misfiring on crewmates, this kill will misfire on everyone but the person who killed or assassinated your love. It starts on cooldown, matching base impostor cooldown.
Name | Description |
Romantic Spawn Chance | - |
Protect Countdown | - |
Protect Duration | - |
Romantic Knows Target Identity | - |
Romantic Target Knows they are selected | - |
Display Meeting Indicators | - |
The Vengeful Romantic was once a romantic to a crewmate. Now that their love has died they must take their revenge! Their protect button now becomes an avenge button. Be careful tho as it will only work on the one who took your love away from you.
-The Vengeful Romantic CAN be assassinated -The Vengeful Romantic's 'Shield' button is replaced with a 'Kill' button. -This kill button behaves exactly like a sheriff's kill button but instead of misfiring on crewmates, this kill will misfire on everyone but the person who killed or assassinated your love. It starts on cooldown, matching base impostor cooldown.
The Ruthless Romantic is a neutral killing role that was once the romantic of another neutral killer. Their objective now is to kill all crew and be the last killer standing.
- The Lover of the Ruthless Romantic will win with them.
The headhunter is a neutral killing role who has three assigned kill targets every round.
These names are displayed to the headhunter in an alternate color during rounds and meetings.
- The headhunter cannot target impostors or players who were dead first round of the previous game as its first three targets.
- The headhunter can never target more than one impostor at one time, and cannot target a solo impostor unless there are not enough players remaining or the impostor was already a target.
- If any of the headhunter's targets are killed, the headhunter will get new targets at the start of the next meeting.
- The headhunter has impostor vision and can vent. The Headhunter starts the game with a kill cooldown 5s higher than impostors.
- Every time the Headhunter kills a target, its kill cooldown is reduced by 5s. This effect is permanent.
- Every time the Headhunter kills a non-target, its kill cooldown is increased by 10s. This effect is permanent.
- The headhunter has a "Pursue" button to get arrows pointing to their targets for a set duration. This arrow will point to the targets death location in the event a target has been killed. The arrow will remain at the death location, and will not follow a corpse in the event the body is displaced.
Name | Description |
Head Hunter Spawn Chance | - |
Pursue Countdown | - |
Pursue Duration | - |
Can Target Imposters Round One | - |
One Time Target Shuffle | - |
Nightmare plays into a players worst nightmares! They have two abilities, Blind and Paralyze!
Name | Description |
Nightmare Spawn Chance | - |
Paralyze Countdown | - |
Paralyze Duration | - |
Blind Cooldown | - |
Blind Duration | - |
Name | Description |
Douse Cooldown | - |
Douse Duration | - |
Doused Kill Cooldown | - |
Douses Display In Meetings | - |
Option to turn any imposter role into a Neutral Killer Role. You can enable each role as a neutral killer, and it will use the spawn chance under the imposter settings. It cannot spawn as an imposter if enabled for Neutral Killer.
The Mayor leads the Crewmates by having a vote that counts twice.
The Mayor can always use their meeting, even if the maximum number of meetings was reached.
The Mayor has a portable Meeting Button, depending on the options.
The Mayor can see the vote colors after completing a configurable amount of tasks, depending on the options.
Name | Description |
Mayor Spawn Chance | - |
Mayor Can See Vote Colors | - |
Completed Tasks Needed To See Vote Colors | - |
WARNING: This role is one of the most complex roles in the mod, and should only be used in advanced lobbies!
The Parity Cop is a role that can select two players during rounds. In meetings these players will be compared to one another, to see if they have the same alignment or not! Players who are killed will not be compared. The two most recently selected living players will be compared during the next meeting. The Parity Cop may use this button as much as they want per round.
- There are two categories that all players fit into: Crewmates, and Non-Crewmates.
- In meeting, players with matching alignments will be displayed with checkmarks!
- Mismatched players will be displayed with X's. Dead players may also see these comparisons! If the Parity Cop is killed, their final comparison will still be made!
- When any Non-Crewmate role is put in a comparison with another player, they will be made aware of it in meeting with a ? next to their name, and next to the name of the person they were compared to. Crewmate roles do not see these indicators!
- The host may decide to increase the difficulty of this role. There are two settings to place Neutral-Evil roles in the Crewmate category, or Crewmate-Killing roles(Sheriff and Vigilante) in the Non-Crewmate category! This setting is generally used for more advanced lobbies, or as a power-check to this strong role!
- The host may also enable an ability called Fake Out, though this is also recommended for advanced lobbies. Fake out will force the Parity Cop to the top of their running comparison list. If the most recent person they have compared is a Non-Crewmate, they will see a standard comparison has been made to them with the parity cop!
- Fake Out provides no information to the Parity Cop. It is simply a way for the Parity Cop to keep their role from being singled out, as they cannot compare themselves normally.
Name | Description |
Neutral Evil Groups Compared With Crew | - |
Crewmate Killers Grouped With Crew | - |
Compare Cooldown | - |
Enable Fakeout | - |
The Engineer (if alive) can fix a certain amount of sabotages per game from anywhere on the map.
The Engineer can use vents.
If the Engineer is inside a vent, depending on the options the killers will see a blue outline around all vents on the map (in order to warn them).
The Engineer also has Advanced Sabotage Repair which allows them to solo fix any multipart sabotage. This also allows you to open polus doors quicker
- The kill button of Impostors activates if they stand next to a vent where the Engineer is. They can also kill them there. No other action (e.g. Morphling sample, Shifter shift, ...) can affect players inside vents.
Name | Description |
Engineer Spawn Chance | - |
Enable Remote Fix | - |
Engineers Can Vent | - |
Advanced Sabotage Repair | - |
Killers See Vents Highlighted | - |
The Sheriff has the ability to kill Impostors or Neutral roles if enabled.
If they try to kill a Crewmate, they die instead.
- If the Sheriff shoots the person the Medic shielded, the Sheriff and the shielded person both remain unharmed.
Name | Description |
Sheriff Spawn Chance | - |
Misfires Kill | - |
Sheriff Can Kill Neutrals | - |
Sheriff Can Kill Arsonist | - |
Sheriff Can Kill Jester | - |
Sheriff Can Kill Executioner | - |
Sheriff Can Kill Scavenger | - |
The Investigator can see footprints that other players leave behind.
The Investigator's other feature shows the age of the body.
- When people change their colors (because of a morph or camouflage), all the footprints also change their colors (also the ones that were already on the ground). If the effects are over, all footprints switch back to the original color.
- The Detective does not see footprints of players that sit in vents
Name | Description |
Investigator Spawn Chance | - |
Anonymous Footprints | If set to true, all footprints will have the same color. Otherwise they will have the color of the respective player. |
Footprint Interval | The interval between two footprints |
Footprint Duration | Sets how long the footprints remain visible. |
The Guardian can shield (highlighted by an outline around the player) one player per game, which makes the player unkillable.
The shielded player can still be voted out and might also be an Impostor.
If set in the options, the Guardian will get a red flash on their screen if someone (Impostor, Sheriff, ...) tried to murder them.
If the Guardian dies, the shield disappears with them.
The Sheriff will not die if they try to kill a shielded Crewmate and won't perform a kill if they try to kill a shielded Impostor.
Depending on the options, guesses from the Guesser will be blocked by the shield and the shielded player/medic might be notified.\
Name | Description | Options |
Medic Spawn Chance | - | - |
Show Shielded Player | Sets who sees if a player has a shield | "Everyone", "Shielded + Medic", "Medic" |
Shielded Player Sees Murder Attempt | Whether a shielded player sees if someone tries to kill them | True/false |
Shield Will Be Activated | Sets when the shield will be active | "Instantly", "Instantly, Visible After Meeting", "After Meeting" |
Medic Sees Murder Attempt On Shielded Player | - | If anyone tries to harm the shielded player (Impostor, Sheriff, Guesser, ...), the Medic will see a red flash |
During meetings the Swapper can exchange votes that two people get (i.e. all votes
that player A got will be given to player B and vice versa).
Because of the Swapper's strength in meetings, they might not start emergency meetings and can't fix lights and comms.
The Swapper now has initial swap charges and can recharge those charges after completing a configurable amount of tasks.
- The remaining charges will be displayed in brackets next to the players role while not in a meeting
- In a meeting the charges will appear next to the Confirm Swap button
Name | Description |
Swapper Spawn Chance | - |
Swapper can call emergency meeting | Option to disable the emergency button for the Swapper |
Swapper can only swap others | Sets whether the Swapper can swap themself or not |
Initial Swap Charges | - |
Number Of Tasks Needed For Recharging | - |
Can Fix Non Critical Sabotages | - |
The Administrator is another simple role with one power: It can access the Admin Table from anywhere on the map!
Like the Medic and the Watcher, the Administrator uses a Task-Powered-Battery to power its mobile Admin Table! The Task Battery gains a host-configured amount of charge whenever the Administrator does tasks! It costs 1 second of charge to open your admin table, and the power of the battery drains over time while it is open.
- When you complete your tasks, the charge of the battery generates on its own! The host can configure an internal cooldown for this charge increase, though the default cooldown is 20 seconds.
- The host may choose to disable battery charging and access to your mobile power in the first round of the game. This should not discourage you from doing tasks on round one, as when you finish tasks the battery will charge on its own anyway.
Name | Description |
Administrator Spawn Chance | - |
Initial Battery Time | - |
Battery Time Per Task | - |
Self Charging Battery Cooldown | - |
Self Charging Battery Duration | - |
Disable Round One Mobile Access | - |
Turn Off Administrator On Mira | - |
StellarRoles's version of the medic is VERY different from other mods! This role is a callback to the Medic's original implementation, when Among Us modding was very new! The Medic is a role has two basic abilities: a heart monitor and a mobile vitals panel! The heart monitor can be placed on any player. When that player is killed, the medic is alerted with a flash on their screen!
Name | Description |
Medic Spawn Chance | - |
Initial Battery Time | - |
Battery Time Per Task | - |
Self Charging Battery Cooldown | - |
Disable Round One Mobile Access | - |
The Watcher is a role with two abilities: Sensors and map-wide camera access!
Sensors have configurable charges. These charges are refreshed every round. Placed sensors are also cleared every round.
When the watcher places a sensor on the ground, the next player to stand next to it will alert the Watcher with a flash and an arrow pointing to which sensor was tripped. The arrow is the color of the player who tripped it by default, but the host can make this color anonymous.
- Like the Medic and the Administrator, the Watcher uses a Task-Powered-Battery to power its mobile cameras! The Task Battery gains a host-configured amount of charge whenever the Watcher does tasks! It costs 1 second of charge to open your cameras, and the power of the battery drains over time while it is open.
- When you complete your tasks, the charge of the battery generates on its own! The host can configure an internal cooldown for this charge increase, though the default cooldown is 20 seconds.
- The host may choose to disable battery charging and access to your mobile power in the first round of the game. This should not discourage you from doing tasks on round one, as when you finish tasks the battery will charge on its own anyway.
Name | Description |
Watcher Spawn Chance | - |
Number of Sensors Per Round | - |
Enable Meeting Overlay | - |
Anonymous Arrows | - |
Initial Battery Time | - |
Battery Time Per Task | - |
Self Charging Battery Cooldown | - |
Self Charging Battery Duration | - |
Disable Round One Mobile Access | - |
Turn Off Watcher On Skeld | - |
The Trapper is a crewmate role that is centered around hindering the ability to use vents. It has two main abilities. Using one of these abilities will trigger the cooldown of the other. The first ability, Cover, is usable when the Trapper is near a vent. This will cover the vent after the next meeting. The second ability, Trap, is also usable when near a vent. This ability will trap the vent, rooting players who attempt to use it in place for a SHORT duration(intended to be ~3 seconds). When triggered, the trap is consumed and the trapper is notified with a flash. Traps are only visible to players who have been in close proximity to them for 3 seconds. Traps and Covers are NOT visible in fog of war. The trapper is aware of when a player is in a specific vent system with a red highlight(this includes the engineer/jester).
- Trap Vents - Roots people who use a trapped vent and notify the trapper. Traps are consumed when triggered. Traps are permanently visible after 3s of proximity. Placing a Trap triggers Cover cooldown. Traps are active as soon as they are placed. Rooted players are unable to move or take actions.
- Cover Vents - Permanently seals a vent. Placing a Cover triggers Trap cooldown. Covers are not visible in fog of war. Covers activate after the next meeting.
Name | Description |
Trapper Spawn Chance | - |
Number of Traps | - |
Number of Covers | - |
Trap/Cover Cooldown | - |
Trap Root Duration | - |
The Jailor is a crewmate-protective role with a meeting-based role-block ability. This role is meant to have a main focus on countering assassins. Their main ability {Jail} can be performed once per meeting, and is earned by completing tasks to build up charges(in a similar fashion to ToR's swapper). The Jailor can choose one person per meeting to jail. When jailed, a player’s name is displayed in dark gray. Players who can see a Jailed Target are configurable. A jailed player is immune to all role-based interactions, and cannot perform role-based interactions themselves. Players who attempt any of these actions will have charges/shots consumed where it applies, and get a gray flash on their screen when they use their action on this player. If a player is jailed and for some reason tries to use a role ability in a meeting, the same thing happens to them. The only interaction a Jailed target can make without repercussion is an attempt to assassinate the jailor.
- If an incorrect assassinate attempt on the jailor is made when a target is jailed, their shot is consumed, they do not die, and a charge of their assassin shots are used up. They are not able to guess again in the same meeting.
- If an attempt is made to assassinate a Jailed target, the shot will fail without killing the assassin, regardless of it being correct or not. They may not make other guesses in that meeting.
- The Jailor is able to send in game messages to their jailed target, under a gray bean named “Jailor” Abilities: Jail: Choose a player in a meeting to be jailed. This player is now immune to all role-based interactions, and cannot perform role-based interactions. Only an assassin attempt can be made on the Jailor without repercussions.
Name | Description |
Jailor Spawn Chance | - |
Initial Jail Charges | - |
Tasks Per Recharge | - |
Can Jail Self | - |
The Tracker can select players to track.
An arrow points to the last tracked position of the player.
The arrow updates its position every few seconds (configurable).\
- If the tracked player is on a different floor on Submerged, the arrow will always point to the elevator
Name | Description |
Tracker Spawn Chance | - |
Tracker Update Interval | Sets how often the position is being updated |
Number of Tracks Per Round | - |
Meeting Overlay | - |
The Spy is a Crewmate, which has no special abilities.
The Spy looks like an additional Impostor to the Impostors, they can't tell the difference.
There are two possibilities (depending on the set options):
- The Impostors can't kill the Spy (because otherwise their kill button would reveal, who the Spy is)
- The Impostors can kill the Spy but they can also kill their Impostor partner (if they mistake another Impostor for the Spy) You can set whether the Sheriff can kill the Spy or not (in order to keep the lie alive).
- If the Spy gets sidekicked, it still will appear red to the Impostors.
- Spys can enter but not actually move to connected vents
Name | Description |
Spy Spawn Chance | |
Spy Can Die To Sheriff | |
Imposter Friendly Fire | This allows the Impostors to kill both the Spy and their Impostor partners |
Spy Has Impostor Vision | Give the Spy the same vision as the Impostors have |
The Detective is a crewmate role who gathers information from corpses and 'Crime Scenes'
A crime scene is only visible to the detective, and is depicted by a blood stain, shown where they were killed.
Crime Scenes are visible the round after a player has been killed.
If a body is displaced, a crime scene will still only display where they died and not where they end up. A crime scene will NOT appear if a body has been cleaned.
The detective has a chat window during rounds where it notes information from inspections. The detective may also use this chat window to take personal notes.
The Detective has one ability: Inspect
- This ability has no cooldown, but has a limit on how many times it can be used per body and per crime scene.
- Inspect has a duration, and is intended to be usable multiple times per object.
- Inspecting a corpse will give more valuable information than inspecting a body first, and is intended to have a higher limit to number of possible inspections.
- Inspect will cause a chat popup in the detective's chat window with a bit of information every time it is used. Order of information is given is random and cannot repeat.
Information(In order of power): 1. Body Age Before Round ends(Crime Scene) / Body Age Before Inspect(Corpse) 2. Whether the player was killed by an ability or a kill button(sheriff misfire, vampire bite, warlock, etc count as abilities) 3. Dead Player Role 4. Name of another player this person has killed 5. Number of Players this killer has killed(if <=2, skip this) 6. Killer's Alignment 7. Direction the killer ran for up to 2s after killing(time stopped if vent is used)(N, S, E, W, NW, NE, SW, SE) 8. Did killer use vent within 5s after killing
- Blood stain can only be seen within the detective's vision range(fog of war hides it)
Name | Description |
Detective Spawn Chance | - |
Inspect Duration | The time it takes to question a body |
Enable A Crime Scene | - |
A modifier is an addition to your Impostor/Neutral/Crewmate role. Some modifiers can be ingame more than once (Quantity option).
The clutch modifier gives an impostor a reduced kill cooldown once their partner is voted out or killed. Only Wraith, Morphling, Shade, Miner, Camouflager, and the Janitor Role can be assigned this modified.
Name | Description |
Impact | - The reduction of the kill cooldown. |
Quantity | - How many clutch modifiers can spawn. |
Player sees modifier | - Whether the player should know they are a Clutch. |
A modifier is an addition to your Impostor/Neutral/Crewmate role. Some modifiers can be ingame more than once (Quantity option).
The Assassin can shoot players during the meeting, by guessing its role. If the guess is wrong, the Assassin dies instead.
You can select how many players can be shot per game and if multiple players can be shot during a single meeting.
The guesses Impostor and Crewmate are only right, if the player is part of the corresponding team and has no special role.
You can only shoot during the voting time.\
- If a player gets shot, you'll get back your votes
- Jester wins won't be triggered, if the Guesser shoots the Jester before the Jester gets voted out
Name | Description |
Number Of Assassins | 0-3 |
Number Of Shots Per Game | - |
Can Shoot Multiple Times Per Meeting | - |
Guesses Ignore The Medic Shield | - |
Can Guess The Spy | - |
Can't Guess Snitch When Tasks Completed | - |
The Sleepwalker Modifier prevents the player from getting teleported to the Meeting Table if a body gets reported or an Emergency Meeting is called.
The player will start the round where the previous one ended (Emergency Meeting Call/Body Report).
Name | Description |
Sleepwalker Spawn Chance | - |
Sleepwalker Quantity | - |
The Mini's character is smaller and hence visible to everyone in the game.\
- Mini Cannot be guessed, the guesser must know the primary role.
Name | Description |
Mini Spawn Chance | - |
Mini Speed Modifier | = |
The Giant's character is larger and hence visible to everyone in the game.\
- Giant cannot be guessed, the guesser must know the primary role.
Name | Description |
Giant Spawn Chance | - |
Giant Speed Modifier | - |
You can use parts of the code but don't copy paste the whole thing. Make sure you give credits to the other developers, because some parts of the code are based on theirs.
If you found any bugs, have an idea for a new role or any other request, join our Discord.