A multiple separators as array split string function (it support both an array as separators, or a one separator as a string)
There is no native function or method, that suport providing an array of multiple separators, the only native way is using a regex as a separator. Using split with regex, will use the regex engine, wich take more time. So for speed gain, here i implemented a direct function by simple looping.
There is also two function with filtering capability (filtering here mean allow the add to split array for only the elements that are not added to the filter (exemple we don't want '' to be in the array, so we add it to the filter) [see the test.js file]).
The functions are in splitStr.js, you can copy past them to use them, or have it as a module, write back your export methode, depending in what context you are, if node it's already done, if es2015 you can use export default and import statements. Choose the functions that suite you.
The test.js is just for testing it. (use node)
node test
function splitStr(str, separators) {
if (Array.isArray(separators)) {
let splitArr = [];
let lastSplitIndex = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
let found = false;
for (let j = 0; j < separators.length; j++) {
if (str[i] === separators[j]) {
found = true;
if (found) {
splitArr.push(str.substring(lastSplitIndex + 1, i));
lastSplitIndex = i;
if (lastSplitIndex !== str.length - 1) { // lastSPlit index isn't the last character of the string, then there is a string after the last split separator
splitArr.push(str.substring(lastSplitIndex + 1, str.length));
} else { // if the last element is a separator then we will add an empty string to the array (last separation a string against void)
return splitArr;
} else {
return str.split(separators);
* this function that add filtering possibility (you can presise a list of the string that you don't to have them in the split array (so they don't get pushed at all))
* @param {*} str
* @param {*} separators
* @param {*} filters
function splitStr_filter(str, separators, filters) {
if(typeof filters === "undefined" || filters === null) {
return splitStr(str, separators);
// making sure they are arrays
if (!Array.isArray(separators)) separators = [separators];
if(!Array.isArray(filters)) filters = [filters];
let splitArr = [];
let lastSplitIndex = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (isInArray(str[i], separators)) {
let substr = str.substring(lastSplitIndex + 1, i);
if (filters && !isInArray(substr, filters)) { // filter we add only if it is not one of the filters els
lastSplitIndex = i;
if (lastSplitIndex !== str.length - 1) { // lastSPlit index isn't the last character of the string, then there is a string after the last split separator
let substr = str.substring(lastSplitIndex + 1, str.length);
if (!isInArray(substr, filters)) { // filter we add only if it is not one of the filters els
} else { // if the last element is a separator then we will add an empty string to the array (last separation a string against void)
if (!isInArray('', filters)) {
return splitArr;
* same thing as splitStr_filter but here the filtering is done using a function, if it return true then the element will not be added
* @param {*} str
* @param {*} separators
* @param {*} filterFunc
function splitStr_filterFunc(str, separators, filterFunc) {
if(typeof filters === "undefined" || filters === null) {
return splitStr(str, separators);
// making sure it's an array
if (!Array.isArray(separators)) separators = [separators];
let splitArr = [];
let lastSplitIndex = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (isInArray(str[i], separators)) {
let substr = str.substring(lastSplitIndex + 1, i);
if (!filterFunc(substr)) { // filter we add only if it return false (otherwise it's filtred and not added)
lastSplitIndex = i;
if (lastSplitIndex !== str.length - 1) { // lastSPlit index isn't the last character of the string, then there is a string after the last split separator
let substr = str.substring(lastSplitIndex + 1, str.length);
if (!filterFunc(substr)) { // filter we add only if it is not one of the filters els
} else { // if the last element is a separator then we will add an empty string to the array (last separation a string against void)
if (!filterFunc('')) {
return splitArr;
function isInArray(el, array) {
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array[i] === el) {
return true;
return false;