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A tool to generate a simple version-lapse (timelapse) for a front-end in a repo (git repository)




I always think it's fun to look at the progess of any project that I - or others - make. Sadly, it's a bore to check out every version committed on git and starting a server. Thus, this tool has come to life! 🤓


Explained in simple words: It makes a version-lapse of a repo.

Please checkout the webp below to see my example of this.

A .webp version-lapse of

An **older** version of Versions was used to generate the below

A version-lapse of version-lapse of five commits


It's quite simple to use. I promise! Download the source-code of this repo. Fire up a terminal and type in go run . -repo ../path/to/git/repo -commits 5 -wait 5 -port 5000, this will make a version-lapse of of the last 5 commits of the repo ../path/to/git/repo. It starts a dev-server for each commit - on port 5000, waits 5 seconds, takes a screendump, closes the dev-server and annotates the image. Lastly it makes the 5 commits into a webp. Easy peasy!



First, have a chromium-browser installed. (or cahnge the source code to specify another version of a chromium-based browser here)

Second, and most importantly, have go >= 1.11 installed - As I'm not yet providing native builds of this program.

And, of course, git and a local repo.

Then we have some flags to configure.


  • -repo - specifies the path to the repo you'd like to make a verison-lapse of.


  • -dump

    • defaults to ./screendumps, is the directory to dump the screenshots in.
  • -out

    • defaults to ./out, is the path to place the generated webp(s).
  • -manager

    • defaults to pnpm is the package-manager to run.
      • usually I've had the most success with yarn.
  • -cmd

    • defaults to dev, is the name of the package.json-script to run a dev-server.
  • -install

    • is the install command of the package-manager
      • yarn uses nothing, thus it'll be -install ""
      • (p)npm uses i or install thus making it -install "i"
  • -paths

    • is the paths to run after the server has spun up
      • defaults to /, can be multiple if seperated by comma. (eg. /,/page2,/page3)
  • -port

    • defaults to 5000, used to specify the port of the server.
  • -wait

    • defaults to 5, this is the wait time before and after spun-up server
  • -commits

    • defaults to 0, meaning all the commits.
      • I'd suggest something like 4 for testing.


  • -v

    • defaults to false, logs the manager-commands - useful for figuring out how much the -wait should be.
  • -vvv

    • defaults to false, log most things.


Like the CLI, but with volumes for the folders.

Tip: Use earthly to build the docker image.

# docker build -t versions .
earthly +versions

docker run -v /abs/path/to/versions-test:/repo -v /abs/path/to/out:/out -v /abs/path/to/dumps:/screendumps versions -repo /repo -out /out -dump /screendumps -commits 2 -wait 2 -port 8080 -manager yarn -install "" -v

Post Scriptum

Only works with pnpm at the moment.

If the program crashes at any point, you'd git checkout master on the repo specified. The program will try to clean up after itself, but might fail at times.

If you by any reason decide to run the program again on the same repo or any other repo, it'll clean the screendumps/-dir and out/-dir. So, make sure to save whatever you need!

Thanks! - Mads Cordes (@Mobilpadde).


Make a simple version-lapse of any git-repo!








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