ampAnalysis Public
Analysis of CRISPR-mediated edits in NGS amplicon sequences of multi-copy gene families.
wheatAHP Public
Implementation of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to obtain the immunogenicity score of wheat lines based on their celiac disease (CD) epitopes matches on alpha- and gamma-gliadins amplicons b…
ProtEp Public
Processing of proteomic files for prolamin peptides analysis and CD epitopes search for each protein fraction.
NibenMetaTranscriptomics Public
Meta Transcriptomic study of Nicotiana benthamiana to look for high expressed locations in the genome.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 1, 2022 -
reciprocalBlast Public
Protocol to perform a reciprocal blast for comparison of two de-novo gene annotations based on different genome assemblies.
prolaminsQuantification Public
Processing multiple csv output files from high-reverse phase liquid chromatography