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Selenium commands
Navigates browser to a previous page (if any)
Takes a screenshot of the current page and writes it to a given path
Clears a value of located element(s)
Performs a mouse click on located element(s)
Performs a mouse click on located element(s) with a given offset
Returns number of located elements
Deselects option for a located element
Option may be located using index, label, or value
E.g. index=0
Performs a double mouse click on located element(s)
Closes current browser instance
Deletes all cookies from the current browser instance
Deletes all cookies that have a given name
Executes a javascript in the current browser instance
Moves focus on located element
Navigates browser back to a next page (if any)
Returns a located element's attribute value
Returns all cookies of the current browser instance
Returns detail for a cookie with a given name
Returns a located element's css property value
Returns the current page's url
Returns a located element's height in pixels
Returns a located element's source code
Returns a located element's width in pixels
Returns the current page's source code
Returns a located element's tag name
Returns a text value of located element
Returns the current page's title
Changes a located element's background color to yellow
Returns an indication whether the located element is visible
Pushes mouse button down on a located element
Pushes mouse button down on a located element with a given offset
Releases mouse button down on a located element
Releases mouse button down on a located element with a given offset
Navigates to a given url
Freezes processing for a given number of milliseconds
Refreshes the current page
Saves the current page's source code to a file
Selects option for a located element
Option may be located using index, label, or value
E.g. index=0
Sets browser type
Sets a maximum amount of time the driver tries to locate an element before throwing an exception
Sets a maximum amount of time the driver waits for a page to load
Sets zoom level
Submit a located element that is a form
Sets a located element's value
Simulates keyboard presses on a located element
Simulates keyboard presses on a located element, random delays between each key press are generated
Throws an exception if a located element's text does not match a given pattern
Waits for a given number of milliseconds or while a javascript script returns false
Focuses a current browser window
Maximizes a current browser window