Generally speaking, this project aims at the following functions as initial plan
- LaserScanner sans the object such as a printed asparagus and send the positions (relative to LaserScanner) to ROS messages pool
- Object detecting algorithms subscribe the data from ROS messages pool, figure out the objects, then publish the positions to the messages pool
- Robot calibration algorithms subscribe the object positions from the messages pool, calculate the positions (Relative to Robot) and publish them into the messages pool
- MoveIt module subscribes the calibrated possitions, sends commands to the robot controller which drives the end-effectors to the top of the obeject
Author: Mengbin (Mike) Min
Copyrights Reserved
Your comments and suggestions are highly appreciated! Thanks for your time.
Hardware Setup (Make sure that they are all connected correctly)
Operating the following steps on Linux:
roscore (If roscore doesnot run now, please open a new terminal, please run this command)
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0 (Open a new terminal, more details available at (Note for me: /home/laserset.txt run . laserset)
rosrun urg_node urg_node (more details available at (Note for me: /home/urgnode.txt run . urgnode)
rosrun rviz rviz (Open a new terminal)
Add a LaserScan on rviz by clicking Add on the bottom of the left Displays panel (more details available at
Change the Topic (Under LaserScan) to /scan (more details available at
Change the Fixed Frame (Under Global Options) to /laser (more details available at Now, the dots are shown on the rviz window
For Simulation:
rosrun test2 laserscantester
roslaunch abbaspa abbga.launch has_velocity_limits:=false (Note for me: /home/abbaspasimu.txt run . abbaspasimu) rviz -1 exit code -11 progress has died (my guess I update my rviz to newest version(mine is 1.12.15), so rviz could not run properly as before) solution: solved by rosrun rviz rviz add -> rviz-> robot model rosrun abb2ros motion_planning_aspa (which is the next step, you can run first though) displays -> Global Options -> Fixed Frame ->base (for my case) displays -> RobotModel ( tick this or untick and tick again just for updating)
rosrun abb2ros motion_planning_aspa (Note for me: /home/commandexecute.txt run . commandexecute)
Error: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory refer to: moveit/moveit_tutorials#67 solution: solved by commands: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade
You can move the object, and you can see the results as shown by the this video (A 3D_Printed Asparagus)
For Real Robot (2 ways):
One way of using MoveIt. (_______)
Now, the robot arm starts moving to the target object in the rviz virtural environment. If you move the object, the arm will move to a new position relatively based on the laser scanner feedback.
Another way of using internet communication without using MoveIt module
- rosrun test2 laser_aspa_pos (Open a new terminal) (Note for me: /home/laserposition.txt run . laserposition) Now you can see the pulished positions like
[ INFO] [1506576087.330292101]: the number of points is 375
[ INFO] [1506576087.330360426]: First point: [-2.200428 -0.756997]
[ INFO] [1506576087.430859164]: the number of points is 378
[ INFO] [1506576087.430929933]: First point: [-2.169223 -0.746262]
[ INFO] [1506576087.531532844]: the number of points is 379
[ INFO] [1506576087.531611148]: First point: [-2.180571 -0.750166]
[ INFO] [1506576087.631865229]: the number of points is 381
[ INFO] [1506576087.631932325]: First point: [-2.182462 -0.750816]
- Change ABB IRB120 to Auto Mode
- Run the Program called Server from T_ROB1
- rosrun abb2ros abb_ah
First the internet communication between ROS and IRC5 controller is connected.
Then the robot arm starts moving to the target object. If you move the object (it is a 3D printed asparagus for this case), the arm will move to a new position relatively based on the laser scanner feedback. Also, you can start robotstudio on Windows and monitor the robot movement online.
Your comments and suggestions are highly appreciated! Thanks for your time.
Mengbin (Mike) Min 30/09/2017