Composable Feedback Generator is a library that bridges the Composable Architecture and UIKit's UIFeedbackGenerator and it's subclasses.
Check out the FeedbackGenerator demo to see FeedbackGenerator in practice.
The FeedbackGenerator wraps the three subclasses of UIFeedbackGenerator:
- UIImpactFeedbackGenerator ->
- UINotificationFeedbackGenerator ->
- UISelectionFeedbackGenerator ->
To use FeedbackGenerator in your application, add the FeedbackGenerator to your Environment.
struct AppEnvironment {
var feedbackGenerator: FeedbackGenerator
// Your domain's other dependencies:
If you only need one FeedbackGenerator, you can add the specific generator to your Environment.
struct AppEnvironment {
var impactFeedbackGenerator: FeedbackGenerator.Impact
To create a FeedbackGenerator use the create
-methode which returns a long running Effect.
let appReducer = Reducer<AppState, AppAction, AppEnvironment> { state, action, environment in
struct ImpactId: Hashable {}
switch action {
case .onAppear:
return environment.feedbackGenerator.impact.create(ImpactId(), .medium)).map(absurd)
It's recommended to run UIFeedbackGenerator.prepare
before calling to the actual feedback call. The generator will be placed into a prepared state for a short period of time. This will ensure that while the generator is prepared, you can trigger feedback with lower latency.
switch action {
case .someAction:
return environment.feedbackGenerator.impact.prepare(ImpactId()).map(absurd)
To run the feedback use the feedback generators run method.
switch action {
case .buttonTapped:
return environment.feedbackGenerator.impact.impactOccured(ImpactId()).map(absurd)
To supply the "live" implementation to your Environment you can use the provided
let store = Store(
initialState: AppState(),
reducer: appReducer,
environment: AppEnvironment(
feedbackGenerator: .live,
// And your other dependencies...
For testing you can use the provided unimplemented
methods on FeedbackGenerator and replace the required implementations.
The power of this approach is that your are able to fully test you feedback related logic.
var impactStyle: UIImpactFeedbackGenerator.FeedbackStyle?
var createdImpactGenerator = false
var impactOccurred = false
environment.feedbackGenerator.impact.create = { _, style in
impactStyle = style
createdImpactGenerator = true
return self.impactSubject.eraseToEffect()
environment.feedbackGenerator.impact.impactOccurred = { _ in
impactOccurred = true
return .fireAndForget {}
initialState: AppState(),
reducer: appReducer,
environment: environment
.do { XCTAssertEqual(impactStyle, .medium) },
.do { XCTAssertTrue(createdImpactGenerator) },
.do { XCTAssertTrue(impactOccurred) },
For more information around testability have a look at AppStateTests.swift.
You can add ComposableFeedbackGenerator to an Xcode project by adding it as a package dependency.
- From the File menu, select Swift Packages › Add Package Dependency…
- Enter "" into the package repository URL text field
This library is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.