This is an animated clock app built using Canvas and Value Animator in Android. The app provides a customizable interface where users can adjust attributes such as gradient colors, clock text color, and size through the attrs.xml
and dimens.xml
files. Additionally, the app utilizes location tracking to obtain the current location of the user, which is then used to fetch weather data from an API to display the current temperature.
- Animated clock display
- Customizable attributes:
- Gradient colors
- Clock text color and size
- Location tracking for current location detection
- Integration with weather API to display current temperature
You can customize various attributes of the clock by modifying values in the attrs.xml and dimens.xml files located in the res/values directory.
clockGradientStartColor: Start color of the clock gradient.
clockGradientEndColor: End color of the clock gradient.
clockTextColor: Color of the clock text.
clockTextSize: Size of the clock text.
clockTextSize: Size of the clock text.
Ensure that the necessary permissions for location access are added to the AndroidManifest.xml file.
- Android Studio 4.0 or higher
- Android SDK with minimum SDK version 21 (Android 5.0 Lollipop)