funded by the DFG-Projekt gfbio German Federation For Biological Data
written by at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Versions from 0.6beta and above will be available on our GitLab server: [] (
The Generic Data Module is a graphical user interface on top of a MySQL / MariaDB database that allows the users to browse and edit data without any SQL knowledge. See User stories.
The underlying data architecture is generated 'on build' but can also be modified 'on-run'.
- Laravel 5.1
- Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.7
- DataTables: dynamic table sorting and filtering
- Colorbox: jQuery modal popup
- Swagger: API generating tool
- optionally: Liquibase 3.5.3
This code has been inspired by
- PHP >= 5.6
- OpenSSL PHP Extension (included in php7)
- Mbstring PHP Extension :
sudo apt-get install php-mbstring
- Tokenizer PHP Extension (included in php7)
- mySQL engine (The core should work on any SQL, but the UI generation makes specific use of mySQL)
- Composer: see
- NodeJS. see
Otherwise build GDM step by step:
Unpack the downloaded tarball or clone the git repository in a folder
which we will refer to as $GDM_HOME
Laravel uses an environment file .env
which overwrites the settings defined
in config/database.php
and config/app.php
You have to adapt it to your needs:
Edit the file custom/.env.example
, and define at least all variables GDM_*
and DB_*
All customizing files are located in the folder custom
. Please edit them:
contains a description of your application.- With
you can adapt the layout to your corporate identity. - Finally provide the logos for your institution and your app:
Once these steps accomplished, create the environment file:
cp custom/.env.example .env
If you want to deploy GDM with docker, have a look at
Otherwise proceed step by step:
We make use of node and the node package manager npm.
A recent version must be installed. Check with node -v
Install the dependencies listed in package.json
npm install
Optional: Retrieve the frontend dependencies with Bower, compile SASS, and move frontend files into place:
gulp --production
If there are errors, run again npm install; gulp --production
and it should work.
The minified scripts and stylesheets are already provided in the distribution, so you only need to run gulp for customizing.
composer dump-autoload
composer install --no-scripts
Generate the application key, which is used for all encrypted data:
php artisan key:generate
A database engine must be installed. We use here mySQL. Create a database with utf-8 collation (e.g. utf8_general_ci).
There are some constraints for the database tables, in order to ensure the automatic generation of the User Interface:
- You must not use
as prefix for table names. - Table and column names must be in lower case, contain only letters, numbers and the underscore sign.
- Every table must have as its first column the auto_increment primary key
. - The second column should be a column with a human readable content, like .e.g
. - Foreign key columns must be built with the referenced table name in singular form, followed by
Aggregations are displayed in special aggregated views, which are under the complete dynamic control of the user, via the UI.
Create the GDM system tables and pupopulate them with minimal data:
composer dump-autoload
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
This creates an administrator account:
- Liquibase needs a Java Runtime. A JRE is not part of this distribution.
- download Liquibase:
- download a DB connector for java, e.g.
- create Liquibase file structure
- please read the official liquibase documentation
- the main changelog file must be an XML file
- the chained changelog files may be XML or SQL files
We provide sample data module, featuring a money pool for coffee and tea. If you want to rollout this kitty, take the provided changelog files in
. Either you import the SQL statements directly into your database and ignore the liquibase procedure, or:cp custom/liquibase/example/changelogs/*.sql database/liquibase/changelogs/
run Liquibase (put the executable file in an appropriate folder). Note that the
command must be executed after each schema database/liquibase liquibase updateSQL liquibase update --defaultsFile=database/liquibase/changelog.xml
We generate models automatically, depending on the database schemes,
based on
Thue UI is generated by a handy PHP script, and must be executed after each schema modification. The script may also be called in the Admin Dashboard, so you do not need a commandline access.
(cd lib/tools; php make_ui.php)
PENDING: many-to-many relations are not yet generated automagically.
Make sure that the webuser (e.g. www-data
) has the necessary write permissions
in order to regenerate dynamically the User Interface.
chmod -R g+w app/Models
chmod -R g+w app/Http/Controllers
chmod -R g+w resources/views
You might have to have sudoers' rights for the following commands
chgrp -R www-data app/Models
chgrp -R www-data app/Http/Controllers
chgrp -R www-data resources/views
chgrp www-data app/Http/routes.php
A general documentation about the motivation to build GDM is outlined here:
The API documentation for the given data module is generated as follows:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=public php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config php artisan vendor:publish --tag=views
Output formats are JSON and Html:
- GUI:
/api/_module_name_ /_version_/_tablename_/
The reference manual can be generated by e.g.
(make sure you have doxygen installed and a Doxyfile created). It may be useful to place the documentation into the public folder:/doc/referencemanual/html/index.html
Either install and configure a webserver for $GDM_URL
or launch the command
php artisan serve
and point your browser to http://localhost:8000
Point your browser to the domain name or IP.
If you use docker, this may be
or some similar IP.
- point your browser to
- log in with administrator credentials
- go to
- many-to-many relations
- only one foreign key per referenced table