DiagramSmurf is a framework for Integration testing of systems based on Finite State Machine.
- Library for creating state diagrams and moving around them
- API for controlling state transitions in state diagram and logging them. Implemented on DiagramSmurf
- Application for comparing StateTransitions of different runs
- Python scripts for automated testing and comparing
- cmake [>= 3.21]
- C++20
- cmlib
CMLIB is tool that can install bringauto_logger. In case CMLIB cannot be used, install bringauto_logger and cxxopts instead and use CMake option -DBRINGAUTO_SYSTEM_DEP=ON
mkdir -p _build && cd _build
cmake .. -DCMLIB_DIR=<path_to_cmlib_dir> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j 8
- For building tests use
- Run test with command
$ ctest
To install, use CMake option -DBRINGAUTO_INSTALL=ON
and set install prefix -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_path>
mkdir -p _build && cd _build
cmake .. -DBRINGAUTO_INSTALL=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_path> -DCMLIB_DIR=<path_to_cmlib_dir> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make install
To generate package, use CMake option -DBRINGAUTO_PACKAGE=ON
and run command $ cpack
After Install, smurf_evaluator binary will be generated in <install_prefix>/bin/, interfaces of DiagramSmurf and TransitionSmurf in <install_prefix>/include/state_smurf/ and .so files in <install_prefix>/lib/
Generate package with cpack command, install the package and include:
URI "https://github.com/bringauto/balogger-package.git"
GIT_TAG v1.1.0
FIND_PACKAGE(balogger_package REQUIRED)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(<target> PUBLIC diagram_smurf_lib transition_smurf_lib)
Example usage of StateSmurf framework is described in SmurfExampleApp
- Initialize state diagram using DiagramSmurf.
- Create vertexes.
- Set starting vertexes
- Add edges between vertexes
- Pass this diagram to StateTransition class
- Use StateTransition::goToState to change states according to system behavior
Automated evaluating:
- Create scenarios.json file containing environment setup and arguments for each tested scenario
- Use SmurfTestingScripts smurf_compare_scenarios.py with --create-etalons option to create etalons
- Verify etalons. Check if all transitions were successful, runs were ended as expected etc.
- Etalons should remain same for a working system
- Add smurf_compare_scenarios.py to test set.