The Optimized Keyboard Layout is designed for Malay language. Since Indonesian language have 80% similarities with Malay language, so I include Indon for this keyboard layout.
I publish this keyboard layout first. Then will give explaination by future.
This is version 1.0 jpuv.,bdgcq riae-/ntkmx ywzh!;sofl
As '1!' is replaced by '", quotation mark will be the second place between `~ and 2@ in number row (as US keyboard layout).
This is version 2.0 JPUO"?VDGCQ+ KIAE<>NTRMX HZWY_:SLFB
jpuo'/vfgcq= kiae,.ntrmx hzwy-;slfb
And this is version 3.0 ZPUO":CBLVQ RIAE<>NTKMX GWJH_?SYFD
zpuo';cblvq riae,.ntkmx gwjh-/syfd
Which keyboard layouts were my reference to design this keyboard layout? First, Arno's Engram keyboard layout. Refer to his Q and Z position at right pinky, I replace that by Q and X. Because only translated words like 'Quran', 'X-ray' have these characters. Also by 'V' as 'activiti', 'COVID' translated by English. You may see some punctuation keys similar to this keyboard layout. As optimization result compared to the other layouts, I copied dvorak as same hand design. Not only dvorak, I also refered colemak as same finger design. I also prefer 'balance twelve' keyboard layout. But I haven't copy it yet.
The original version from home row is riae-/ntkmx, so that I named this layout as RIA malay-indonesia keyboard layout. I am not sure how they use 'é' in indonesian, for these european characters, I recommand to type these characters by ALT-GR key combination.
A short conclusion here. For minimum finger distance for malay essay test, of course ria or 2nd generation ria have the greatest result. But for same hand typing, it is not better than dvorak; And for same finger typing, it is not better than colemak. Finally, for same hand and same finger typing test, 'balance twelve' win RIA twice.
This is not a good idea when I copied these layouts but didn't have a better result, so maybe I will keep designing in a better one in the future.
As those friends want to type in both English and Malay, I recommand you to try 'Balance Twelve' OR 'HIEAMTSRN' keyboard layouts.