The website for Mbrlla Hacks | A student-run hackathon
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Pull Request
Table of Contents
How to set up the website locally
Install the following:
- npm
The --force flag is for temporarily solving issues with react versions
npm install --force
- git
- Clone the repo with HTTPS
or with SSH
git clone
git clone
- Install NPM packages
The --force flag is for solving an react issue
npm install --force
How to run the website in developer mode
- Use the npm scripts
npm start
- Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser
The page will reload when you make changes. You may also see any lint errors in the console.
You can contribute to this project by fixing issues. If you aren't sure on where to get started, take a look at the ones with the good first issue label
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
Clone the repository locally by doing git clone [repository url].
For any change, create a new branch (1st and 2nd screenshots) in the repository with form [name]/[description] (i.e. micha/add-footer).
git pull in your local repository.
git checkout [branch name] using the name of the branch you just created.
Make changes to the code.
git add [file(s)] to stage the changes for commit (use git add . to add all changes).
git commit -m "[message describing changes]" to create a commit for the added changes.
git push to update the remote (GitHub) with the new changes.
Create a new pull request from your branch to main. If the change is associated with an issue, type Closes #[issue number] to reference that issue and automatically close it when the PR is merged.
Wait for approval, then merge.