Migrate all branches of all projects of gitlab group into a main project
This tool provide an automated way to push all repository in a Gitlab group into a main repository as branch. All branches are copied. Perfect way to modernize your versioning organization
Type python migrate_to_one_project.py --help
for usage information.
migrate_to_one_project.py [-h] api-token group-name main-repo branch-protection-level
required arguments:
api-token Token mandatory to use gitlab API see gitlab documentation
at https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/profile/personal_access_tokens.html
group-name Name of the group where all projects are.
main-repo The repository where all the other group's projects will be pushed as
branch-protection-level Right of push and merge on your branches.
0 => No protection
30 => Developers + Maintainers + Admin
40 => Maintainer + Admin
60 => Admin only
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
This tool was written using Python 3 librairies