Built by Matthew Tuazon.
This is my first project extensively working within Python. I was able to expose myself to new technologies such as Jupyter Notebook, Numpy, Pandas, as well as further my understanding within HTML/CSS/JavaScript and Bootstrap.
The following is my planning for the challenge. Challenge: https://www.mindsumo.com/contests/bikeshare-data
- Data Visuals: Display or graph 3 metrics or trends from data set that's interesting to me. [x]
- Which Start/Stop stations are popular. [x]
- Average distance traveled with bikes. [x]
- How many riders include bike sharing as a regular part of their commute. [x]
- How does ridership change with seasons? (Passes used, duration, etc...) [x]
- Is there a net change of bikes throughout the day? When and where should bikes be transported to make sure bikes match travel patterns? [ ]
- What's the breakdown of Trip Route Category-Passholder type combinations? What might make a particular combination more popular? [x]
- Pandas, Numpy, Jupyter Notebook, and Python3 for Computations.
- Bootstrap, CanvasJS, JavaScript, HTML/CSS for Front-End.
- Referenced Metro Bike Share Station Table.
This project is under the MIT License.