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Matthew Eucaristo edited this page Apr 30, 2023 · 1 revision

please note that it is not case-sensitive.

Moving the Camera

There are some options on how to move the camera. We created it so that "you" FPS-player can easily identify it.
W, A, S, D -> Moving the camera like moving player in FPS games.
Q, E -> Moving the camera left or right, you should try it, it is hard to explain sorry.
arrowUp, arrowDown -> Moving the camera to the top or to the bot. The easy way to explain this is the "peek up or down" mechanism. Try it yourself.
arrowLeft, arrowRight -> Spins the camera left or right.

Moving the SpaceShip

If your primary left hand is on the main WASD, your right hand can be the alternative WASD, yes you know it, IJKL.
I, J, K, L -> For moving the player up down left right.



T -> activate the Atom's mechanism. Creates electricity around its orb and shrink/grow back and forth.
C -> activate the Atom's little orb self-rotation. Also activates the flying hat from the Saturn.
O -> activate the Atom's self rotation.


Z -> activate the SpaceShip laser. AKA shoot the laser.


R -> activate the Saturn's Ring Defense Mechanism. AKA Rotate the Saturn's Rings.
also C that is stated in the Atom.
LeftCtrl -> Resets the Saturn.

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