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Get the forecast for a geographic location from Yr, the weather service by Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation. All the data is gathered from different API endpoints thats publicly available from this page (

Please read the conditions for usage here before starting using this module!


$ npm i yr-forecast


Get forecast for a location

This returns a full forecast for one location, that is, a forecast with several parameters for a nine-day period.

The parameters are temperature, wind speed, wind direction, pressure, precipitation, cloudiness, fog, lowClouds, mediumClouds, highClouds and humidity.


const yr = require('yr-forecast')
const lat = 59.2667259
const lon = 10.4045301

const forecast = await yr.getForecast(lat, lon)


    "from": "2020-05-17T18:00:00.000Z",
    "instant": {
      "air_pressure_at_sea_level": 1007,
      "air_temperature": 11.5,
      "cloud_area_fraction": 0,
      "cloud_area_fraction_high": 0,
      "cloud_area_fraction_low": 0.1,
      "cloud_area_fraction_medium": 0,
      "dew_point_temperature": -1.5,
      "fog_area_fraction": 0,
      "relative_humidity": 41.6,
      "ultraviolet_index_clear_sky": 0.2,
      "wind_from_direction": 303.5,
      "wind_speed": 4.3,
      "wind_speed_of_gust": 9.7
    "next_1_hours": {
      "symbol_code": "clearsky_day",
      "precipitation_amount": 0,
      "precipitation_amount_max": 0,
      "precipitation_amount_min": 0,
      "probability_of_precipitation": 0,
      "probability_of_thunder": 0
    "next_6_hours": {
      "symbol_code": "clearsky_night",
      "air_temperature_max": 10.3,
      "air_temperature_min": 5.3,
      "precipitation_amount": 0,
      "precipitation_amount_max": 0,
      "precipitation_amount_min": 0,
      "probability_of_precipitation": 0

Get precipitation forecast for a specific place

This returns the forcast for the next two hours.

The output is precipitation with unit mm/h. Currently only the area where we have radar coverage is supported. If the requests is outside the supported range, an error is thrown.


const yr = require('yr-forecast')
const lat = 59.2667259
const lon = 10.4045301

const forecast = await yr.getNowcast(lat, lon)


    "from": "2020-05-15T17:25:00.000Z",
    "to": "2020-05-15T17:25:00.000Z",
    "precipitation": {
      "unit": "mm/h",
      "value": "0.0"
    "from": "2020-05-15T17:30:00.000Z",
    "to": "2020-05-15T17:30:00.000Z",
    "precipitation": {
      "unit": "mm/h",
      "value": "0.0"
    "from": "2020-05-15T17:35:00.000Z",
    "to": "2020-05-15T17:35:00.000Z",
    "precipitation": {
      "value": "0.0",
      "unit": "mm/h"

Get text forecast for location

Get text forecasts for land areas in Norway. Land forecasts are currently only issued in Norwegian.


const yr = require('yr-forecast')
const lat = 59.2667259
const lon = 10.4045301

const forecast = await yr.getTextForecast(lat, lon)


    "from": "2020-05-17T22:00:00.000Z",
    "to": "2020-05-18T22:00:00.000Z",
    "areas": [
        "id": "0513",
        "name": "Østafjells",
        "forecast": "Nordvest bris. Opphold. Fra om ettermiddagen skiftende bris, sørvest periodevis frisk bris på kysten. Kan hende litt regn i Agder, ellers stort sett opphold."