Progetto Arnaldo - Planetarium
todo: rewards
- One only lonely star
- All bodies must lay on the same plane
- Bodies as points
- Orbits assumed to be circular
- if body A can collide with B, B can collide to A
- Max 26k planets, 5k moons per planet
- command line interface
- final i/o
- star input
- planet input
- moon input
- add planets, moons
- unique id for celestial bodies
- COM calculation
- tree
- final i/o
- add/remove bodies
- io
- search body
- io
- get body parent
- io
- get body childrens
- io
- star to body route
- io
- add/remove bodies
- inter-body routes stopping over parent
- io
- route length
- inter-bodies collisions
- io
- easter eggs
- io
- inter-body routes stopping over parent