An official code for paper "Towards Faster Deep Graph Clustering via Efficient Graph Auto-Encoder". This repository is based on the unified framework for deep attribute graph clustering ( .
The proposed FastDGC is implemented with python 3.10.12 on a Tesla T4 GPU.
Python package information is summarized in requirements.txt:
Pre-training for new dataset
python -P -M pretrain_egae_for_FastDGC -D cora -LS 1 -S 325
- The pre-training code file is located at ./model/pretrain_egae_for_FastDGC/
- Pre-trained datasets [acm, dblp, cora, cite, amap, wisc, texas], which are saved at ./pretrain/pretrain_egae/FastDGC/.
python -M FastDGC -D acm -LS 10
- You can modify the data set through the -D command. Optional data sets are [acm, dblp]. If you want to run other datasets, please go to the website to download.
- You can use -TS to obtain the t-SNE visualization of clustering results, and the picture will be saved to the 'img/clustering/FastDGC'. Note that LS should be set to 1, otherwise a picture will be drawn for each experiment
- You can use -H to obtain the heatmap of embeddings, and the picture will be saved to the 'img/heatmap/FastDGC'. Note that LS should be set to 1, otherwise a picture will be drawn for each experiment
Or you can download and unzip the code to Google Drive, name it FastDGC, and then run it in Colab.
Our paper is just accepted by ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data.
If you use our code, please cite our paper as:
author = {Ding, Shifei and Wu, Benyu and Ding, Ling and Xu, Xiao and Guo, Lili and Liao, Hongmei and Wu, Xindong},
title = {Towards Faster Deep Graph Clustering via Efficient Graph Auto-Encoder},
year = {2024},
issue_date = {September 2024},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
volume = {18},
number = {8},
issn = {1556-4681},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3674983},
journal = {ACM Trans. Knowl. Discov. Data},
month = {aug},
articleno = {202},
numpages = {23},
keywords = {Deep graph clustering, graph auto-encoder, graph neural networks, unsupervised learning}