TANKWambo!™ is a 2D top-down shooter where you play as Tank Commander Wambo, your mission is to single handedly defeat the entire enemy tank division using your magnificent (little) blue tank. Ricochet your bullets across several, single-screened, levels and remember, what goes around comes around.
- All source code by Wilson Almeida is licensed under MIT
- Okapi Kit by Diogo Andrade under MIT
- Top-down Tanks Redux by Kenny under CC0
- Sound bike gear mechanism.wav by krypaw under CC0
- Sound High Speed Mechanical Relay.ogg by Janosch-JR under CC0
- Sound Wood Break.wav by Deathscyp under CC0
- Sound Cork3.aif by Traveler under CC-BY 4.0
- Sound Pop_44.wav by stereostory under CC-BY 3.0
- Sound pop.aif by Eelke under CC-BY 4.0
- Title image from Midjourney
- Autor: Wilson Almeida