I am Marc Raphael! Fullstack web Developer.
- π¨π½βπ» Currently working on the frontend of my portfolio.
- π€ Open for collaborations in algorithms and web development.
- Always available for new opportunities
β From Marc Raphael
I am Marc Raphael! Fullstack web Developer.
β From Marc Raphael
This is the end of portal project of the microverse curriculum Module 1. It is a self design conference web site (but only the home and about page!)
A web application for a company that provides commercial and scientific space travel services. The application allows users to book rockets and join selected space missions.
This is a solution to the Advice generator app challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
This is a solution to the EasyBank landing page challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
A tool to record what books are in the library and who borrows them.
Ruby 1
Forked from JavierAybar/Full_Stack_Capstone_Back_End