Azure supports multiple endpoints using multiple functions, official implementation of HotChocolate (as 13.0.0-preview.66) does not yet.
I let it be as mush as possible aspnet like implementation, so we do not need to change a lot of code when coming from server project.
dotnet add package Markind.HotChocolate.AzureFunctions
Why Markind? it is the name of the company I am willing to build. It is about to left mark in the earth.
[assembly: FunctionsStartup(typeof(Startup))]
public class Startup : FunctionsStartup
public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)
builder.Services.AddGraphQLServer("persons") // schema 1
builder.Services.AddGraphQLServer("persons2") // schema 2, etc..
builder.AddGraphQLFunctions(); // Add support for Azure FunctionS
Make sure to use IMultiSchemaRequestExecutor.
public class GraphQLFunction
public Task<IActionResult> Run(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = "persons/{**slug}")]
HttpRequest request,
IMultiSchemaRequestExecutor executor)
=> executor.ExecuteAsync(request, "persons");
Create the other functions and make sure to set the schema name executor.ExecuteAsync(request, "persons2");
Full sample at samples/Azf
dotnet add package Markind.HotChocolate.AzureFunctions.IsolatedProcess
Why Markind? it is the name of the company I am willing to build. It is about to left mark in the earth.
using Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
var host = new HostBuilder()
.ConfigureServices(s =>{
s.AddGraphQLServer("persons") // schema 1
s.AddGraphQLServer("persons2") // schema 2 , etc.
.AddGraphQLFunctions()// Add support for Azure FunctionS
Similarly if using Startup.cs
Again make sure to use IMultiSchemaRequestExecutor.
public class GraphQLFunction
private readonly IMultiSchemaRequestExecutor _executor;
public GraphQLFunction(IMultiSchemaRequestExecutor executor)
_executor = executor;
public Task<HttpResponseData> Run(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = "persons/{**slug}")]
HttpRequestData request)
=> _executor.ExecuteAsync(request, "persons");
Create the other functions and make sure to set the schema name executor.ExecuteAsync(request, "persons2");
Full sample at samples/Azf.IsolatedProcess
Glad to be of help, it took me more than a week cracking my head :') to understand how it should work and give the easiest and smoothly solution possible. I am willing to improve it or fix issues if needed. So if you wish ❤️
Base code is using official implementation of HotChocolate.AzureFunctions and I reviewed a lot GraphQL.AzureFunctionsProxy
This implementation has original implementation from HotChocolate.AzureFunctions as well, I made this way with the hope of integrate it in the official HotChocolate repo. Be sure to use .AddGraphQLFunctions()
with s at the end, using without it you will be using original implementation that has no multi schema support.