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Dallas Fraser edited this page May 21, 2019 · 4 revisions

Potential Issues

Pages failed to load

  • Standings page: - this could be that key error due to a team playing a game in a league they do not belong to (Hopefully soon to be fixed)

Importing teams

  • Extra commas - the parsing when importing players is very basic and will choke if one of the columns contains a comma. Easy to spot in a text editor since
  • Decoding issue - sometimes a file cannot be decoded using UTF-8 and will not give an error (only in browser console log).
  • Any server error will not display why it failed and you will need to look at the browser`s console log and heroku logs to debug

Sponsor Pictures

  • Need to be PNG (not jpg or pdf) since they need to be scaled to fit into different sizes
  • Should be all lowercase
  • Need to exactly match sponsors name in database and replace spaces with _ (for example "Huether Hotel" -> "huether_hotel.png")
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