Live Demo:
Macrometa-Akamai Fashionstore Demo App is a full-stack e-commerce web application that creates a storefront (and backend) for customers to shop for "fictitious" fashion clothing & accessories called Edge & M.
Originally based on the AWS bookstore template app (, this demo replaces all AWS services like below
- AWS DynamoDB,
- AWS Neptune (Graphs),
- AWS ElasticSearch (Search),
- AWS Lambda
- AWS Kinesis
This demo uses Macrometa's geo distributed data platform which provides a K/V store
, DynamoDB compatible document database
, graph database
, streams
and stream processing
along with Akamai edgeworkers
for the globally distributed functions as a service.
Unlike typical cloud platforms like AWS, where the backend stack runs in a single region, Macrometa and Akamai let you build stateful distributed microservices that run in 100s of regions around the world concurrently
. The application logic runs in akamai's low latency function as a service runtime on akamai PoPs and make stateful data requests to the closest Macrometa region. End to end latency for P90 is < 55ms
from almost everywhere in the world.
As a user of the demo, you can browse and search for fashion clothing & accessories, look at recommendations and best sellers, manage your cart, checkout, view your orders, and more.
Federation | Fabric | |
Play | fashion_store | |
- Frontend is a Reactjs application which is hosted on an external server. (Nodejs in our case. You can use something else too).
- This acts as an Origin server for Akamai CDN and needs to be configured as such as an Akamai property.
- Akamai CDN is used to cache static assets.
The core of backend infrastructure consists of Macrometa Document store(DB), Macrometa Edge store(DB), Macrometa Views(search), Macrometa Stream Workers, Macrometa Graphs and Akamai Edge workers. Akamai Edge workers issue C8QLs to talk with the GDN network.
The application leverages Macrometa GDN document store to store all the data for fashion items, orders, the checkout cart and users. When new purchases or new users are added the corresponding Macrometa Edge collection is also updated. These Edge collections along with Document collection acting as vertices are used by the Macrometa Graphs to generate recommendations for the users. When new purchases are added Macrometa Stream Workers also update the BestSellers Collection store in realtime from which the best sellers leaderboard is generated.
Below are the list of APIs being used.
Currently Edge Workers do not support
calls. So frontend utilizes API params to model below APIs while calling the edgeworker. The edge worker executes appropriate queries on GDN relevant to the provided API param viaResponseProvider
Fashion items (Macrometa Document Store)
- GET /fashionItems (ListFashionItems)
- GET /fashionItems/{:id} (GetFashionItem)
Cart (Macrometa Document Store)
- GET /cart (ListItemsInCart)
- POST /cart (AddToCart)
- PUT /cart (UpdateCart)
- DELETE /cart (RemoveFromCart)
- GET /cart/{:fashionItemId} (GetCartItem)
Orders (Macrometa Document Store)
- GET /orders (ListOrders)
- POST /orders (Checkout)
Best Sellers (Macrometa Document Store )
- GET /bestsellers (GetBestSellers)
Recommendations (Macrometa Graphs)
- GET /recommendations (GetRecommendations)
- GET /recommendations/{fashionItemId} (GetRecommendationsByFashionItem)
Search (Macrometa Views)
- GET /search (Search)
Catalog, Cart, Orders:
This is implemented using document collections
functionality in Macrometa GDN
Entity | Collection Name | Collection Type | Comment |
Catalog | FashionItemsTable | document | Collection of the available fashion clothing & accessories. |
Cart | CartTable | document | Fashion items customers have addded in their cart. |
Orders | OrdersTable | document | Past orders of a customer. |
This is implemented using graphs
functionality in Macrometa GDN. Each node in the graph is a vertex
and the links connecting the nodes are edges
. Both vertex
and edges
are document collections. The edges
require two additional mandatory indexes i.e., _from
and _to
Entity | Collection Name | Collection Type | Comment |
Friends | Friend | edge | Edge collection to capture friend relations. |
Purchase | Purchased | edge | Edge collection to capture purchases. |
Users | UserTable | vertex | Document collection of available users. |
Catalog | FashionItemsTable | vertex | Collection of the available fashion clothing & accessories. |
Social | UserSocialGraph | graph | User social graph |
Search is implemented using views
functionality in Macrometa GDN. Search matches on the category
or the name
of fashion item in FashionItemsTable
with phrase matching.
Entity | Collection Name | Collection Type | Comment |
Find | findFashionItems | view | The view which is queried for search. |
Top Sellers List:
This is implemented using streams
and stream processing
functionality in Macrometa.
Entity | Name | Type | Comment |
BestSeller | UpdateBestseller | stream worker | Stream worker to process orders and update best sellers in realtime. |
BestSeller | BestsellersTable | document | Collection to store best sellers. |
Create persistent indexes on the collection for the corresponding attributes
Collection | Attribute |
BestsellersTable | quantity |
CartTable | single index on customerId, fashionItemId |
FashionItemsTable | category |
friend | N/A |
OrdersTable | customerId |
UsersTable | customerId |
C8QLs are used by the Akamai workers in ResponseProvider
to communicate with Macrometa GDN.
INSERT {_key: @username, password: @passwordHash, customerId: @customerId} INTO UsersTable
FOR user in UsersTable
FILTER user._key == @username
AND user.password == @passwordHash
RETURN user.customerId
LET otherUsers = (
FOR users in UsersTable
FILTER users._key != @username RETURN users
FOR user in otherUsers
INSERT { _from: CONCAT("UsersTable/",@username), _to: CONCAT("UsersTable/",user._key) }
INTO friend
FOR fashionItem IN FashionItemsTable
RETURN fashionItem
FOR fashionItem IN FashionItemsTable
FILTER fashionItem.category == @category
RETURN fashionItem
FOR fashionItem in FashionItemsTable
FILTER fashionItem._key == @fashionItemId
RETURN fashionItem
FOR item IN CartTable
FILTER item.customerId == @customerId
FOR fashionItem in FashionItemsTable
FILTER fashionItem._key == item.fashionItemId
RETURN {order: item, fashionItem: fashionItem}
UPSERT { _key: CONCAT_SEPARATOR(":", @customerId, @fashionItemId) }
INSERT { _key: CONCAT_SEPARATOR(":", @customerId, @fashionItemId),customerId: @customerId, fashionItemId: @fashionItemId, quantity: @quantity, price: @price }
UPDATE { quantity: OLD.quantity + @quantity } IN CartTable
UPDATE {_key: CONCAT_SEPARATOR(":", @customerId, @fashionItemId),quantity: @quantity} IN CartTable
REMOVE {_key: CONCAT_SEPARATOR(":", @customerId, @fashionItemId)} IN CartTable
FOR item IN CartTable
FILTER item.customerId == @customerId
AND item.fashionItemId == @fashionItemId
FOR item IN OrdersTable
FILTER item.customerId == @customerId
RETURN item",
LET fashionItems = (
FOR item IN CartTable
FILTER item.customerId == @customerId
REMOVE item IN CartTable
FOR fashionItem in FashionItemsTable
FILTER fashionItem._key == OLD.fashionItemId
RETURN {fashionItemId:fashionItem._key,category:fashionItem.category,,price:fashionItem.price,rating:fashionItem.rating,quantity:OLD.quantity}
INSERT {_key: @orderId, customerId: @customerId, fashionItems: fashionItems, orderDate: @orderDate} INTO OrdersTable
LET order = first(FOR order in OrdersTable FILTER order._key == @orderId RETURN {customerId: order.customerId, fashionItems: order.fashionItems})
LET customerId = order.customerId
LET userId = first(FOR user IN UsersTable FILTER user.customerId == customerId RETURN user._id)
LET fashionItems = order.fashionItems
FOR fashionItem IN fashionItems
INSERT {_from: userId, _to: CONCAT("FashionItemsTable/",fashionItem.fashionItemId)} INTO purchased
FOR bestseller in BestsellersTable
SORT bestseller.quantity DESC
FOR fashionItem in FashionItemsTable
FILTER bestseller._key == fashionItem._key
RETURN fashionItem
LET userId = first(FOR user in UsersTable FILTER user.customerId == @customerId return user._id)
FOR user IN ANY userId friend
FOR fashionItems IN OUTBOUND user purchased
LET userId = first(FOR user in UsersTable FILTER user.customerId == @customerId return user._id)
LET fashionItemId = CONCAT("FashionItemsTable/",@fashionItemId)
FOR friendsPurchased IN INBOUND fashionItemId purchased
FOR user IN ANY userId friend
FILTER user._key == friendsPurchased._key
RETURN user._key
FOR doc IN findFashionItems
SEARCH PHRASE(, @search, "text_en") OR PHRASE(doc.category, @search, "text_en")
SORT BM25(doc) desc
Search functionality is powered by Macrometa Views. This is saved as findFashionItems
with below config:
"links": {
"FashionItemsTable": {
"analyzers": ["text_en"],
"fields": {},
"includeAllFields": true,
"storeValues": "none",
"trackListPositions": false
"primarySort": []
Best seller leader board made with BestsellersTable
which is updated with each new purchase via the UpdateBestseller
stream worker
@App:description("Updates BestsellerTable when a new order comes in the OrdersTable")
define function getFashionItemQuantity[javascript] return int {
const prevQuantity = arguments[0];
const nextQuantity = arguments[1];
let newQuantity = nextQuantity;
newQuantity = prevQuantity + nextQuantity;
return newQuantity;
@source(type='c8db', collection='OrdersTable', @map(type='passThrough'))
define stream OrdersTable (_json string);
@sink(type='c8streams', stream='BestsellerIntermediateStream', @map(type='json'))
define stream BestsellerIntermediateStream (fashionItemId string, quantity int);
@store(type = 'c8db', collection='BestsellersTable')
define table BestsellersTable (_key string, quantity int);
@sink(type="logger", prefix='Bestseller is updated!')
define stream BestsellerUpdated(_key string, quantity int);
select json:getString(jsonElement, '$.fashionItemId') as fashionItemId,
json:getInt(jsonElement, '$.quantity') as quantity
from OrdersTable#json:tokenizeAsObject(_json, "$.fashionItems[*]")
insert into BestsellerIntermediateStream;
select next.fashionItemId as _key, getFashionItemQuantity(prev.quantity, next.quantity) as quantity
from BestsellerIntermediateStream as next
join BestsellersTable as prev
on next.fashionItemId == prev._key
insert into BestsellerUpdated;
select next.fashionItemId as _key, getFashionItemQuantity(prev.quantity, next.quantity) as quantity
from BestsellerIntermediateStream as next
left outer join BestsellersTable as prev
on next.fashionItemId == prev._key
update or insert into BestsellersTable
set BestsellersTable.quantity = quantity,
BestsellersTable._key = _key
on BestsellersTable._key == _key;
folder contains all the required backend.init-script
fold insideedgeworker
contains script to create required collections, streams, etc in Macrometa GDN for the demo/api/
calls are configured to get routed to the Akamai EdgeWorker. Rest of the calls are calls to UI assets. The requests which come to theresponseProvider
communicate with Macrometa GDN to provide the backend functionality.responseProvider(main.js)
calls theexecuteHandler(router.js)
to handle the requests.router.js
contains different handler functions defined for different path regex.handler.js
contains individual handler functions. Functions inside this files get the appropriate queries from thec8qls.js
contains the queries (C8QL). These are executed by calling Macrometa GDN/cursor
API. Thebind variables
in the body of the request are the parameters to the queries.
Once you have deployed the edgeworker successfully, you will need to create required collections and populate with data inside GDN.
Update following values in
script as followsnpm i && node init.js
Login to the tenant and enable the stream worker.
Edit and save the VIEW with the correct data if not initialised properly. Details can be found in
The edgeworker code is contained in the
folder. -
with your api key inedgeworker/client.js
file. -
npm i && npm run build
This will create a
folder withfashionstore.tgz
in it. -
Upload this file to the Akamai control center in the
A simple hello world example can be found here.
To develop the edgeworker code locally you will need akamai sandbox
on your development machine. For that you will need to have Akamai CLI
and Akamai Edgeworker CLI
installed first. More info can be found here.
The UI code is at the root
of the repo. Run npm run buildProd
to generate the UI build with no source maps. Run npm run build
if you want to have source maps in the UI build.