This is a Bash client script for accessing Kandji API service.
The script uses cURL underneath for making all REST calls.
# Make sure the script has executable rights
$ chmod u+x kandji
# Print the list of operations available on the service
$ ./kandji -h
# Print the service description
$ ./kandji --about
# Print detailed information about specific operation
$ ./kandji <operationId> -h
# Make GET request
./kandji --host http://<hostname>:<port> --accept xml <operationId> <queryParam1>=<value1> <header_key1>:<header_value2>
# Make GET request using arbitrary curl options (must be passed before <operationId>) to an SSL service using username:password
kandji -k -sS --tlsv1.2 --host https://<hostname> -u <user>:<password> --accept xml <operationId> <queryParam1>=<value1> <header_key1>:<header_value2>
# Make POST request
$ echo '<body_content>' | kandji --host <hostname> --content-type json <operationId> -
# Make POST request with simple JSON content, e.g.:
# {
# "key1": "value1",
# "key2": "value2",
# "key3": 23
# }
$ echo '<body_content>' | kandji --host <hostname> --content-type json <operationId> key1==value1 key2=value2 key3:=23 -
# Make POST request with form data
$ kandji --host <hostname> <operationId> key1:=value1 key2:=value2 key3:=23
# Preview the cURL command without actually executing it
$ kandji --host http://<hostname>:<port> --dry-run <operationid>
You can easily create a Docker image containing a preconfigured environment for using the REST Bash client including working autocompletion and short welcome message with basic instructions, using the generated Dockerfile:
docker build -t my-rest-client .
docker run -it my-rest-client
By default you will be logged into a Zsh environment which has much more advanced auto completion, but you can switch to Bash, where basic autocompletion is also available.
The generated bash-completion script can be either directly loaded to the current Bash session using:
source kandji.bash-completion
Alternatively, the script can be copied to the /etc/bash-completion.d
(or on OSX with Homebrew to /usr/local/etc/bash-completion.d
sudo cp kandji.bash-completion /etc/bash-completion.d/kandji
On OSX you might need to install bash-completion using Homebrew:
brew install bash-completion
and add the following to the ~/.bashrc
if [ -f $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion ]; then
. $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion
In Zsh, the generated _kandji
Zsh completion file must be copied to one of the folders under $FPATH
All URIs are relative to **
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AutomatedDeviceEnrollmentIntegrationsApi | createAdeIntegration | POST /api/v1/integrations/apple/ade/ | Create ADE integration |
AutomatedDeviceEnrollmentIntegrationsApi | deleteAdeIntegration | DELETE /api/v1/integrations/apple/ade/{ade_token_id} | Delete ADE integration |
AutomatedDeviceEnrollmentIntegrationsApi | downloadAdePublicKey | GET /api/v1/integrations/apple/ade/public_key/ | Download ADE public key |
AutomatedDeviceEnrollmentIntegrationsApi | getAdeDevice | GET /api/v1/integrations/apple/ade/devices/{device_id} | Get ADE device |
AutomatedDeviceEnrollmentIntegrationsApi | getAdeIntegration | GET /api/v1/integrations/apple/ade/{ade_token_id} | Get ADE integration |
AutomatedDeviceEnrollmentIntegrationsApi | listAdeDevices | GET /api/v1/integrations/apple/ade/devices | List ADE devices |
AutomatedDeviceEnrollmentIntegrationsApi | listAdeIntegrations | GET /api/v1/integrations/apple/ade | List ADE integrations |
AutomatedDeviceEnrollmentIntegrationsApi | listDevicesAssociatedToAdeToken | GET /api/v1/integrations/apple/ade/{ade_token_id}/devices | List devices associated to ADE token |
AutomatedDeviceEnrollmentIntegrationsApi | renewAdeIntegration | POST /api/v1/integrations/apple/ade/{ade_token_id}/renew | Renew ADE integration |
AutomatedDeviceEnrollmentIntegrationsApi | updateAdeDevice | PATCH /api/v1/integrations/apple/ade/devices/{device_id} | Update ADE device |
AutomatedDeviceEnrollmentIntegrationsApi | updateAdeIntegration | PATCH /api/v1/integrations/apple/ade/{ade_token_id} | Update ADE integration |
BlueprintsApi | assignLibraryItem | POST /api/v1/blueprints/{blueprint_id}/assign-library-item | Assign Library Item |
BlueprintsApi | createBlueprint | POST /api/v1/blueprints | Create Blueprint |
BlueprintsApi | deleteBlueprint | DELETE /api/v1/blueprints/{blueprint_id} | Delete Blueprint |
BlueprintsApi | getBlueprint | GET /api/v1/blueprints/{blueprint_id} | Get Blueprint |
BlueprintsApi | getBlueprintTemplates | GET /api/v1/blueprints/templates/ | Get Blueprint Templates |
BlueprintsApi | getManualEnrollmentProfile | GET /api/v1/blueprints/{blueprint_id}/ota-enrollment-profile | Get Manual Enrollment Profile |
BlueprintsApi | listBlueprints | GET /api/v1/blueprints | List Blueprints |
BlueprintsApi | listLibraryItems | GET /api/v1/blueprints/{blueprint_id}/list-library-items | List Library Items |
BlueprintsApi | removeLibraryItem | POST /api/v1/blueprints/{blueprint_id}/remove-library-item | Remove Library Item |
BlueprintsApi | updateBlueprint | PATCH /api/v1/blueprints/{blueprint_id} | Update Blueprint |
DeviceActionsApi | clearPasscode | POST /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/action/clearpasscode | Clear Passcode |
DeviceActionsApi | deleteDevice | DELETE /api/v1/devices/{device_id} | Delete Device |
DeviceActionsApi | deleteUser | POST /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/action/deleteuser | Delete User |
DeviceActionsApi | eraseDevice | POST /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/action/erase | Erase Device |
DeviceActionsApi | getDeviceCommands | GET /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/commands | Get Device Commands |
DeviceActionsApi | lockDevice | POST /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/action/lock | Lock Device |
DeviceActionsApi | reinstallAgent | POST /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/action/reinstallagent | Reinstall Agent |
DeviceActionsApi | remoteDesktop | POST /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/action/remotedesktop | Remote Desktop |
DeviceActionsApi | renewMdmProfile | POST /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/action/renewmdmprofile | Renew MDM Profile |
DeviceActionsApi | restartDevice | POST /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/action/restart | Restart Device |
DeviceActionsApi | sendBlankpush | POST /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/action/blankpush | Send Blankpush |
DeviceActionsApi | setName | POST /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/action/setname | Set Name |
DeviceActionsApi | shutdown | POST /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/action/shutdown | Shutdown |
DeviceActionsApi | unlockAccount | POST /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/action/unlockaccount | Unlock Account |
DeviceActionsApi | updateInventory | POST /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/action/updateinventory | Update Inventory |
DeviceInformationApi | cancelLostMode | DELETE /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/details/lostmode | Cancel Lost Mode |
DeviceInformationApi | getDevice | GET /api/v1/devices/{device_id} | Get Device |
DeviceInformationApi | getDeviceActivity | GET /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/activity | Get Device Activity |
DeviceInformationApi | getDeviceApps | GET /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/apps | Get Device Apps |
DeviceInformationApi | getDeviceDetails | GET /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/details | Get Device Details |
DeviceInformationApi | getDeviceLibraryItems | GET /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/library-items | Get Device Library Items |
DeviceInformationApi | getDeviceLostModeDetails | GET /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/details/lostmode | Get Device Lost Mode details |
DeviceInformationApi | getDeviceParameters | GET /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/parameters | Get Device Parameters |
DeviceInformationApi | getDeviceStatus | GET /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/status | Get Device Status |
DeviceInformationApi | listDevices | GET /api/v1/devices | List Devices |
DeviceInformationApi | updateDevice | PATCH /api/v1/devices/{device_id} | Update Device |
DeviceSecretsApi | getActivationLockBypassCode | GET /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/secrets/bypasscode | Get Activation Lock Bypass Code |
DeviceSecretsApi | getFilevaultRecoveryKey | GET /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/secrets/filevaultkey | Get FileVault Recovery Key |
DeviceSecretsApi | getRecoveryLockPassword | GET /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/secrets/recoverypassword | Get Recovery Lock Password |
DeviceSecretsApi | getUnlockPin | GET /api/v1/devices/{device_id}/secrets/unlockpin | Get Unlock Pin |
LibraryItemsApi | getLibraryItemActivity | GET /api/v1/library/library-items/{library_item_id}/activity | Get Library Item Activity |
LibraryItemsApi | getLibraryItemStatuses | GET /api/v1/library/library-items/{library_item_id}/status | Get Library Item Statuses |
PrismApi | activationLock | GET /api/v1/prism/activation_lock | Activation lock |
PrismApi | applicationFirewall | GET /api/v1/prism/application_firewall | Application firewall |
PrismApi | applications | GET /api/v1/prism/apps | Applications |
PrismApi | certificates | GET /api/v1/prism/certificates | Certificates |
PrismApi | count | GET /api/v1/prism/count | Count |
PrismApi | desktopAndScreensaver | GET /api/v1/prism/desktop_and_screensaver | Desktop and Screensaver |
PrismApi | deviceInformation | GET /api/v1/prism/device_information | Device information |
PrismApi | filevault | GET /api/v1/prism/filevault | FileVault |
PrismApi | gatekeeperAndXprotect | GET /api/v1/prism/gatekeeper_and_xprotect | Gatekeeper and XProtect |
PrismApi | getCategoryExport | GET /api/v1/prism/export/{export_id} | Get category export |
PrismApi | installedProfiles | GET /api/v1/prism/installed_profiles | Installed profiles |
PrismApi | kernelExtensions | GET /api/v1/prism/kernel_extensions | Kernel Extensions |
PrismApi | launchAgentsAndDaemons | GET /api/v1/prism/launch_agents_and_daemons | Launch Agents and Daemons |
PrismApi | localUsers | GET /api/v1/prism/local_users | Local users |
PrismApi | requestCategoryExport | POST /api/v1/prism/export | Request category export |
PrismApi | startupSettings | GET /api/v1/prism/startup_settings | Startup settings |
PrismApi | systemExtensions | GET /api/v1/prism/system_extensions | System Extensions |
PrismApi | transparencyDatabase | GET /api/v1/prism/transparency_database | Transparency database |
SettingsApi | licensing | GET /api/v1/settings/licensing | Licensing |
TagsApi | createTag | POST /api/v1/tags | Create Tag |
TagsApi | deleteTag | DELETE /api/v1/tags/{tag_id} | Delete Tag |
TagsApi | getTags | GET /api/v1/tags | Get Tags |
TagsApi | updateTag | PATCH /api/v1/tags/{tag_id} | Update Tag |
ThreatsApi | getThreatDetails | GET /api/v1/threat-details | Get Threat Details |
UsersApi | deleteUser | DELETE /api/v1/users/{user_id} | Delete User |
UsersApi | getUser | GET /api/v1/users/{user_id} | Get User |
UsersApi | listUsers | GET /api/v1/users | List Users |
VulnerabilitiesApi | getVulnerabilityDescription | GET /api/v1/vulnerability-management/vulnerabilities/{cve_id} | Get Vulnerability Description |
VulnerabilitiesApi | listAffectedApps | GET /api/v1/vulnerability-management/vulnerabilities/{cve_id}/applications | List Affected Apps |
VulnerabilitiesApi | listAffectedDevices | GET /api/v1/vulnerability-management/vulnerabilities/{cve_id}/devices | List Affected Devices |
VulnerabilitiesApi | listDetections | GET /api/v1/vulnerability-management/detections | List Detections |
VulnerabilitiesApi | listVulnerabilities | GET /api/v1/vulnerability-management/vulnerabilities | List Vulnerabilities |
- AutomatedDeviceEnrollmentIntegrationsCreateAdeIntegration200Response
- AutomatedDeviceEnrollmentIntegrationsCreateAdeIntegration200ResponseBlueprint
- AutomatedDeviceEnrollmentIntegrationsCreateAdeIntegration200ResponseDefaults
- AutomatedDeviceEnrollmentIntegrationsCreateAdeIntegration200ResponseDeviceCounts
- AutomatedDeviceEnrollmentIntegrationsGetAdeDevice200Response
- AutomatedDeviceEnrollmentIntegrationsGetAdeDevice200ResponseDepAccount
- AutomatedDeviceEnrollmentIntegrationsGetAdeDevice200ResponseMdmDevice
- AutomatedDeviceEnrollmentIntegrationsListAdeDevices400Response
- AutomatedDeviceEnrollmentIntegrationsListDevicesAssociatedToAdeToken200Response
- BlueprintsCreateBlueprint201Response
- BlueprintsCreateBlueprint201ResponseEnrollmentCode
- BlueprintsGetBlueprint200Response
- BlueprintsListBlueprints200Response
- BlueprintsUpdateBlueprint200Response
- DeviceActionsGetDeviceCommands200Response
- DeviceActionsLockDevice200Response
- DeviceInformationGetDevice200Response
- DeviceInformationGetDevice200ResponseUser
- DeviceInformationGetDeviceActivity200Response
- DeviceInformationGetDeviceApps200Response
- DeviceInformationGetDeviceDetails200Response
- DeviceInformationGetDeviceDetails200ResponseActivationLock
- DeviceInformationGetDeviceDetails200ResponseAppleBusinessManager
- DeviceInformationGetDeviceDetails200ResponseAutomatedDeviceEnrollment
- DeviceInformationGetDeviceDetails200ResponseCellular
- DeviceInformationGetDeviceDetails200ResponseFilevault
- DeviceInformationGetDeviceDetails200ResponseGeneral
- DeviceInformationGetDeviceDetails200ResponseHardwareOverview
- DeviceInformationGetDeviceDetails200ResponseKandjiAgent
- DeviceInformationGetDeviceDetails200ResponseLostMode
- DeviceInformationGetDeviceDetails200ResponseLostModeLastLocation
- DeviceInformationGetDeviceDetails200ResponseMdm
- DeviceInformationGetDeviceDetails200ResponseRecoveryInformation
- DeviceInformationGetDeviceDetails200ResponseSecurityInformation
- DeviceInformationGetDeviceDetails200ResponseUsers
- DeviceInformationGetDeviceLibraryItems200Response
- DeviceInformationGetDeviceLostModeDetails200Response
- DeviceInformationGetDeviceParameters200Response
- DeviceInformationGetDeviceStatus200Response
- DeviceInformationUpdateDevice200Response
- DeviceSecretsGetActivationLockBypassCode200Response
- DeviceSecretsGetFilevaultRecoveryKey200Response
- DeviceSecretsGetRecoveryLockPassword200Response
- DeviceSecretsGetUnlockPin200Response
- PrismActivationLock200Response
- PrismApplications200Response
- PrismCount200Response
- PrismDeviceInformation200Response
- PrismGetCategoryExport200Response
- PrismLocalUsers200Response
- PrismRequestCategoryExport200Response
- PrismRequestCategoryExport200ResponseArgs
- PrismRequestCategoryExport400Response
- SettingsLicensing200Response
- SettingsLicensing200ResponseCounts
- SettingsLicensing200ResponseLimits
- SettingsLicensing200ResponseLimitsMaxDevicesPerPlatform
- TagsCreateTag201Response
- ThreatsGetThreatDetails200Response
- UsersGetUser200Response
- UsersGetUser200ResponseIntegration
- UsersListUsers200Response
- VulnerabilitiesGetVulnerabilityDescription200Response
- VulnerabilitiesListDetections200Response
- VulnerabilitiesListVulnerabilities200Response
- Type: HTTP Bearer Token authentication (API Token)