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Merge pull request mransan#245 from Lupus/generate-pb-option-parsers
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Parsing of Pb_options according to protobuf schema
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c-cube authored Jun 11, 2024
2 parents 2e36f5d + 53bcc47 commit 167505e
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Showing 16 changed files with 4,115 additions and 14 deletions.
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions src/compilerlib/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,9 +13,10 @@
pb_codegen_make pb_codegen_encode_binary pb_codegen_encode_bs
pb_codegen_encode_yojson pb_codegen_formatting pb_codegen_ocaml_type_dump
pb_codegen_ocaml_type pb_codegen_pp pb_codegen_plugin pb_codegen_types
pb_codegen_services pb_codegen_util pb_exception pb_field_type pb_location
pb_logger pb_option pb_raw_option pb_parsing pb_parsing_lexer
pb_parsing_parser pb_parsing_parse_tree pb_parsing_util pb_typing_graph
pb_typing pb_typing_recursion pb_typing_resolution pb_typing_type_tree
pb_typing_util pb_typing_validation pb_util pb_format_util)
Pb_codegen_decode_pb_options pb_codegen_services pb_codegen_util
pb_exception pb_field_type pb_location pb_logger pb_option pb_raw_option
pb_parsing pb_parsing_lexer pb_parsing_parser pb_parsing_parse_tree
pb_parsing_util pb_typing_graph pb_typing pb_typing_recursion
pb_typing_resolution pb_typing_type_tree pb_typing_util
pb_typing_validation pb_util pb_format_util)
(libraries stdlib-shims))
346 changes: 346 additions & 0 deletions src/compilerlib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
module Ot = Pb_codegen_ocaml_type
module F = Pb_codegen_formatting

let sp = Pb_codegen_util.sp

let field_pattern_match ~r_name ~rf_label field_type =
match field_type with
| Ot.Ft_basic_type bt ->
let decode runtime_f =
sp "Pbrt_pb_options.%s pb_options_value \"%s\" \"%s\"" runtime_f r_name
let exp =
match bt with
| Ot.Bt_string -> decode "string"
| Ot.Bt_float -> decode "float"
| Ot.Bt_int -> decode "int"
| Ot.Bt_int32 -> decode "int32"
| Ot.Bt_int64 -> decode "int64"
| Ot.Bt_uint32 -> sp "`unsigned (%s)" (decode "int32")
| Ot.Bt_uint64 -> sp "`unsigned (%s)" (decode "int64")
| Ot.Bt_bool -> decode "bool"
| Ot.Bt_bytes -> decode "bytes"
"pb_options_value", exp
| Ot.Ft_unit ->
( "pb_options_value",
sp "Pbrt_pb_options.unit pb_options_value \"%s\" \"%s\"" r_name rf_label )
| Ot.Ft_user_defined_type udt ->
let f_name =
let function_prefix = "decode_pb_options" in
Pb_codegen_util.function_name_of_user_defined ~function_prefix udt
let value_expression = "(" ^ f_name ^ " pb_options_value)" in
"pb_options_value", value_expression
| _ -> assert false

let pb_options_label_of_field_label rf_label =
match rf_label with
| "and_" | "as_" | "assert_" | "begin_" | "class_" | "constraint_" | "do_"
| "done_" | "downto_" | "else_" | "end_" | "exception_" | "external_"
| "false_" | "for_" | "fun_" | "function_" | "functor_" | "if_" | "in_"
| "include_" | "inherit_" | "initializer_" | "lazy_" | "let_" | "match_"
| "method_" | "module_" | "mutable_" | "new_" | "nonrec_" | "object_" | "of_"
| "open_" | "or_" | "private_" | "rec_" | "sig_" | "struct_" | "then_" | "to_"
| "true_" | "try_" | "type_" | "unit_" | "val_" | "virtual_" | "when_"
| "while_" | "with_" | "mod_" | "land_" | "lor_" | "lxor_" | "lsl_" | "lsr_"
| "asr_" ->
String.sub rf_label 0 (String.length rf_label - 1)
| _ -> rf_label

(* Generate all the pattern matches for a record field *)
let gen_rft_nolabel sc ~r_name ~rf_label (field_type, _, _) =
let pb_options_label = pb_options_label_of_field_label rf_label in

let match_variable_name, exp =
field_pattern_match ~r_name ~rf_label field_type
F.linep sc "| (\"%s\", %s) -> " pb_options_label match_variable_name;
F.linep sc " v.%s <- %s" rf_label exp

(* Generate all the pattern matches for a repeated field *)
let gen_rft_repeated_field sc ~r_name ~rf_label repeated_field =
let _, field_type, _, _, _ = repeated_field in

let pb_options_label = pb_options_label_of_field_label rf_label in

F.linep sc
"| (\"%s\", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin"

F.sub_scope sc (fun sc ->
F.linep sc "v.%s <- (function" rf_label;
let match_variable_name, exp =
field_pattern_match ~r_name ~rf_label field_type
F.linep sc " | %s -> %s" match_variable_name exp;
F.line sc ") l;");

F.line sc "end"

let gen_rft_optional_field sc ~r_name ~rf_label optional_field =
let field_type, _, _, _ = optional_field in

let pb_options_label = pb_options_label_of_field_label rf_label in

let match_variable_name, exp =
field_pattern_match ~r_name ~rf_label field_type

F.linep sc "| (\"%s\", %s) -> " pb_options_label match_variable_name;
F.linep sc " v.%s <- Some (%s)" rf_label exp

(* Generate pattern match for a variant field *)
let gen_rft_variant_field sc ~r_name ~rf_label { Ot.v_constructors; _ } =
(fun { Ot.vc_constructor; vc_field_type; _ } ->
let pb_options_label =
Pb_codegen_util.camel_case_of_constructor vc_constructor

match vc_field_type with
| Ot.Vct_nullary ->
F.linep sc "| (\"%s\", _) -> v.%s <- Some %s" pb_options_label rf_label
| Ot.Vct_non_nullary_constructor field_type ->
let match_variable_name, exp =
field_pattern_match ~r_name ~rf_label field_type
F.linep sc "| (\"%s\", %s) -> " pb_options_label match_variable_name;
F.linep sc " v.%s <- Some (%s (%s))" rf_label vc_constructor exp)

let gen_rft_assoc_field sc ~r_name ~rf_label ~assoc_type ~key_type ~value_type =
let pb_options_label = pb_options_label_of_field_label rf_label in
F.linep sc
"| (\"%s\", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc) ->"
F.sub_scope sc (fun sc ->
let value_name, value_exp =
field_pattern_match ~r_name ~rf_label value_type
let key_name = "key" in
let key_exp =
match key_type with
| Ot.Bt_string -> "key"
| Ot.Bt_int -> "(Int.of_string key)"
| Ot.Bt_int32 -> "(Int32.of_string key)"
| Ot.Bt_int64 -> "(Int64.of_string key)"
| Ot.Bt_uint32 -> "(`unsigned (Int32.of_string key))"
| Ot.Bt_uint64 -> "(`unsigned (Int64.of_string key))"
| Ot.Bt_bool -> "(Bool.of_string key)"
| Ot.Bt_float ->
Printf.eprintf "float cannot be used as a map key type";
exit 1
| Ot.Bt_bytes ->
Printf.eprintf "bytes cannot be used as a map key type";
exit 1
F.line sc "let assoc =";
F.sub_scope sc (fun sc ->
F.line sc "assoc";
F.linep sc "|> (fun (%s, %s) -> (%s, %s)) " key_name
value_name key_exp value_exp;
F.line sc "|> List.to_seq";
(* Passing through [Hashtbl.of_seq] even in the [At_list] case ensures that if there
is a repeated key we take the last value associated with it. *)
F.line sc "|> Hashtbl.of_seq");
F.line sc "in";
let assoc_exp =
match assoc_type with
| Ot.At_hashtable -> "assoc"
| Ot.At_list -> "assoc |> Hashtbl.to_seq |> List.of_seq"
F.linep sc "v.%s <- %s" rf_label assoc_exp)

(* Generate decode function for a record *)
let gen_record ?and_ { Ot.r_name; r_fields } sc =
let mutable_record_name = Pb_codegen_util.mutable_record_name r_name in

F.line sc
@@ sp "%s decode_pb_options_%s d ="
(Pb_codegen_util.let_decl_of_and and_)

F.sub_scope sc (fun sc ->
F.linep sc "let v = default_%s () in" mutable_record_name;
F.line sc @@ "let assoc = match d with";
F.line sc
@@ " | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> \
F.line sc @@ " | _ -> assert(false)";
(* TODO raise E *)
F.line sc @@ "in";

F.line sc "List.iter (function ";
F.sub_scope sc (fun sc ->
(* Generate pattern match for all the possible message field *)
(fun { Ot.rf_label; rf_field_type; _ } ->
match rf_field_type with
| Ot.Rft_nolabel nolabel_field ->
gen_rft_nolabel sc ~r_name ~rf_label nolabel_field
| Ot.Rft_repeated repeated_field ->
gen_rft_repeated_field sc ~r_name ~rf_label repeated_field
| Ot.Rft_variant variant_field ->
gen_rft_variant_field sc ~r_name ~rf_label variant_field
| Ot.Rft_optional optional_field ->
gen_rft_optional_field sc ~r_name ~rf_label optional_field
| Ot.Rft_required _ ->
"Only proto3 syntax supported in pb_options encoding";
exit 1
| Ot.Rft_associative
(assoc_type, _, (key_type, _), (value_type, _)) ->
gen_rft_assoc_field sc ~r_name ~rf_label ~assoc_type ~key_type

(* Unknown fields are simply ignored *)
F.empty_line sc;
F.line sc "| (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)");
F.line sc ") assoc;";

(* Transform the mutable record in an immutable one *)
F.line sc "({";
F.sub_scope sc (fun sc ->
(fun { Ot.rf_label; _ } ->
F.linep sc "%s = v.%s;" rf_label rf_label)
F.linep sc "} : %s)" r_name)

(* Generate decode function for an empty record *)
let gen_unit ?and_ { Ot.er_name } sc =
F.line sc
@@ sp "%s decode_pb_options_%s d ="
(Pb_codegen_util.let_decl_of_and and_)
F.line sc (sp "Pbrt_pb_options.unit d \"%s\" \"%s\"" er_name "empty record")

(* Generate decode function for a variant type *)
let gen_variant ?and_ { Ot.v_name; v_constructors } sc =
(* helper function for each constructor case *)
let process_v_constructor sc { Ot.vc_constructor; vc_field_type; _ } =
let pb_options_label =
Pb_codegen_util.camel_case_of_constructor vc_constructor

match vc_field_type with
| Ot.Vct_nullary ->
F.linep sc "| (\"%s\", _)::_-> (%s : %s)" pb_options_label vc_constructor
| Ot.Vct_non_nullary_constructor field_type ->
let match_, exp =
let r_name = v_name and rf_label = vc_constructor in
field_pattern_match ~r_name ~rf_label field_type

F.linep sc "| (\"%s\", %s)::_ -> " pb_options_label match_;
F.linep sc " (%s (%s) : %s)" vc_constructor exp v_name

F.linep sc "%s decode_pb_options_%s pb_options ="
(Pb_codegen_util.let_decl_of_and and_)

F.sub_scope sc (fun sc ->
(* even though a variant should be an object with a single field,
* it is possible other fields are present in the pb_options object. Therefore
* we still need a loop to iterate over the key/value, even if in 99.99%
* of the cases it will be a single iteration *)
F.line sc "let assoc = match pb_options with";
F.line sc
" | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc";
F.line sc " | _ -> assert(false)";
(* TODO raise E *)
F.line sc "in";

F.line sc "let rec loop = function";
F.sub_scope sc (fun sc ->
(* termination condition *)
F.linep sc "| [] -> Pbrt_pb_options.E.malformed_variant \"%s\"" v_name;

List.iter (process_v_constructor sc) v_constructors;

F.empty_line sc;
F.line sc "| _ :: tl -> loop tl");
F.line sc "in";
F.line sc "loop assoc")

let gen_const_variant ?and_ { Ot.cv_name; cv_constructors } sc =
F.linep sc "%s decode_pb_options_%s pb_options ="
(Pb_codegen_util.let_decl_of_and and_)

F.sub_scope sc (fun sc ->
F.line sc "match pb_options with";
(fun { Ot.cvc_name; cvc_string_value; _ } ->
F.linep sc
"| Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Scalar_value \
(Constant_literal \"%s\") -> (%s : %s)"
cvc_string_value cvc_name cv_name)
F.linep sc "| _ -> Pbrt_pb_options.E.malformed_variant \"%s\"" cv_name)

let gen_struct ?and_ t sc =
let { Ot.spec; _ } = t in
let has_encoded =
match spec with
| Ot.Record r ->
gen_record ?and_ r sc;
| Ot.Variant v ->
gen_variant ?and_ v sc;
| Ot.Const_variant v ->
gen_const_variant ?and_ v sc;
| Ot.Unit u ->
gen_unit ?and_ u sc;

let gen_sig ?and_ t sc =
let _ = and_ in
let { Ot.spec; _ } = t in

let f type_name =
F.linep sc
"val decode_pb_options_%s : Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.value -> \
type_name type_name;
F.linep sc
("(** [decode_pb_options_%s decoder] decodes a "
^^ "[%s] value from [decoder] *)")
type_name type_name

match spec with
| Ot.Record { Ot.r_name; _ } ->
f r_name;
| Ot.Variant { Ot.v_name; _ } ->
f v_name;
| Ot.Const_variant { Ot.cv_name; _ } ->
f cv_name;
| Ot.Unit { Ot.er_name; _ } ->
f er_name;

let ocamldoc_title = "Pb_option.set Decoding"
let requires_mutable_records = true

let plugin : Pb_codegen_plugin.t =
let module P = struct
let gen_sig = gen_sig
let gen_struct = gen_struct
let ocamldoc_title = ocamldoc_title
let requires_mutable_records = requires_mutable_records
end in
(module P)
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/compilerlib/pb_codegen_decode_pb_options.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(** Code generator to decode messages from protobuf message options *)

include Pb_codegen_plugin.S

val plugin : Pb_codegen_plugin.t
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/ocaml-protoc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ module Cmdline = struct
pp: bool ref; (** whether pretty printing is enabled *)
dump_type_repr: bool ref;
(** whether comments with debug ocaml type representation are added *)
pb_options: bool ref;
(** generate decoding for protobuf options (protobuf text format) *)
services: bool ref; (** whether services code generation is enabled *)
make: bool ref; (** whether to generate "make" functions *)
mutable cmd_line_file_options: File_options.t;
Expand All @@ -134,6 +136,7 @@ module Cmdline = struct
bs = ref false;
pp = ref false;
dump_type_repr = ref false;
pb_options = ref false;
services = ref false;
make = ref false;
cmd_line_file_options = File_options.make ();
Expand All @@ -150,6 +153,9 @@ module Cmdline = struct
Arg.Set t.dump_type_repr,
" generate comments with internal representation on generated OCaml \
types (useful for debugging ocaml-protoc itself)" );
( "--pb_options",
Arg.Set t.pb_options,
" generate decoders for protobuf options (proto text format)" );
( "--services",
" generate code for services (requires json+binary)" );
Expand Down

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