Simple alpine hcxpcaptool Dockerfile for conversion of cap/pcap/pcapng WiFi dump files to hashcat formats. The original repository of hcxtools can be found on
You can use the image from DockerHub.
# pull from DockerHub
$ docker pull slorenz/hcxpcaptool
If you don't like to use my Docker image from DockerHub, you can build by your self after clone. Here an example...
# change into directory of Dockerfile
$ cd /path/of/Dockerfile
# run Docker build
$ docker build --pull -t slorenz/hcxpcaptool .
After download/build of image the following way can be used:
# create Project and cap directory
$ mkdir -p ~/Projects/MyCapFiles/cap
# change into project
$ cd ~/Projects/MyCapFiles
# copy pcap files into cap directory
$ cp ~/bettercap-wifi-handshakes.pcap cap/
# run Docker container
$ docker run -ti --rm --mount src="$(pwd)/cap",target=/hcxpcaptool,type=bind slorenz/hcxpcaptool bettercap-wifi-handshakes.pcap
# read converted output file
$ cat cap/pmkid.16800
Note: Inside the container, the directory "/hcxpcaptool" must contain the captured cap/pcap/pcapng WiFi dump to convert.
In the example above I use "bettercap-wifi-handshakes.pcap" which is stored inside local "cap" directory (what I mount into the specific directory). After successful execution the (text) file "pmkid.16800" is generated.